"Mr. Lu, sister Junya!" They shouted eagerly at the door.

Lu Yiyang frowned and changed his home clothes with Junya before he went out to open the door.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!" Huanhuan looked happy. "I'm here to report yesterday's data! The managers of several parts wanted to have a meeting with you, but they didn't get through to you, so I came in person! "

"Yesterday's box office, 350 million! Set the highest box office on the day of release! " Zheng Mi said happily, "it's the best day at the box office on the first day over the years."

Lu Yiyang was also slightly surprised, but on second thought, it seemed reasonable.

After all, from top to bottom, everyone took the film seriously and paid the greatest effort for it.

"So what more meeting?" He asked.

"Follow up publicity, and apply for more publicity funds." Zheng Mi said.

Lu Yiyang nodded, "OK, I'll go to the company this afternoon. As for this report, please give it to me as soon as possible. "

Although the surface is calm, there is joy in my heart.

Because the box office is a great affirmation of his and Junya's efforts, as well as countless front and behind the scenes staff.

"We're already sorting it out. We'll send it to you in a minute." Zheng Mi said.

When they left, Lu Yiyang strode towards Junya and said with a smile, "we succeeded. I said, "there must be no problem."

Jun Yabi was also excited: "I'll turn it on and see the comments on the Internet. Did Tianrui ask you about the box office? "

"No, I don't care about him."

After Junya started up, he clicked the news and found that the son of mankind was already on the hot search topic list.

Most of the comments were positive and friendly.

There is no need to say more about the praise of Lu Yiyang and Zhang Qiming.

Many people also affirmed her and Su Ling.

"When I didn't read the subtitles, I didn't know it was played by Su Ling. I always thought she was a vase. "

"Junya took on the part of this play. At least I didn't feel like a play at all."

"I've bought a ticket and plan to brush it again. The film still has a deep discussion on human nature. I'm going to aftertaste some details."

All kinds of film reviews have also started to go online. Some film critics famous for their poisonous tongue have also given good comments this time. The recommendation score of a very total score is 9 points.

This is a great reward. You know, 7 points on general domestic films are already a good number.

Most of the films that can score 9 points can only be made by major foreign directors.

After reading it, Junya looked at the real-time box office and found that it was constantly increasing, and left the second place far behind.

Many of these newcomers bought tickets by word of mouth. They bought tickets after listening to friends, relatives and colleagues who said they were good.

Junya quickly watched the movie over there by Gu Tianrui.

On that day, his score of "son of man" was 50 million, which was good for domestic films.

After all, his film also gathered a well-known actor.

But... It's a little different from the son of mankind.

As for the comments, they are one-sided and don't look good.

Although it is almost consistent with the plot of the son of mankind, it is not original after all, but a blunt imitation. After all, the plot can not be compared with the original, which makes the whole rhythm very fragmented.