Wenxuan nodded wisely. Qiao Qiao straightened his back and stood up with Wenxuan.

Although Qiao Qiao has various prejudices against Lu Jingchen, she has always recognized his education towards Wenxuan.

Joe Xuan didn't indulge him. He really didn't indulge Wenhua.

When he was almost punished to stand to the limit that Wenxuan could stand, Qiao Qiao held his hand and encouraged him.

However, the lieutenant general had come and said with relief: "Miss Qiao, the general let go and said that you and Wenxuan don't have to be punished anymore."

"Hoo..." Qiao Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand around Wenxuan.

After all, Wenxuan is still small. After standing for so long, he can't stand at all. Hearing this sentence, he suddenly fell soft in Qiao Qiao's arms.

Qiao Qiao pinched his leg, and Wenxuan smiled: "Qiao Qiao, have you done what you want to do?"

Joe knew what he was asking and what he had been worried about.

She smiled, "almost."

She just got the file now, but to really rehabilitate the Qiao family, she still needs to check the details and prove the mistakes and omissions. In the end, Lu Jingchen has to approve it.

But the most difficult point... Is still on Lu Jingchen's side.

Wenxuan was happy: "that would be great."

Joe settled him down and went out.

Lu Jingchen was in his study when someone was reporting to him: "Minister Wan has made a series of mistakes under our guidance in the Ministry of foreign affairs. Many senior officials have been very dissatisfied with Minister Wan. In a few days, he will take the initiative to resign without our pressure. "

"OK, arrange suitable candidates to take over the affairs of the Ministry of foreign affairs as soon as possible." Lu Jingchen arranged.

"Yes, your highness." Someone's out.

Joe was about to go in when he heard their conversation.

She didn't mean to listen. When she heard these words, she couldn't go directly to Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen... Has he been secretly dealing with Wanjia?

But why, on the surface, is his relationship with Wanjia so close?

Qiao Qiao quickly left the study. He wanted to find Lu Jingchen, but now he didn't have a clue for a moment.

Within a few days, the foreign ministry was really replaced.

In addition to Minister Wan's voluntary resignation, all other important positions in the Ministry of foreign affairs were replaced by Lu Jingchen's people.

Although Minister Wan was called by Lu Jingchen for a few words of comfort, the current situation of Wanjia has aroused countless people's speculation and thinking.

In recent years, because of Wan Jiazhi's relationship, Lu Jingchen has indulged many families, and Minister Wan has always held heavy power.

However, the more power he holds, the greater the responsibility will be. Up to now, this huge responsibility has forced Minister Wan to make frequent mistakes and have to resign.

Of course, behind this, Lu Jingchen has done a lot of things, and when he puts pressure on thousands of families, he also has to preserve the whole foreign ministry, otherwise things are really uncontrollable and will endanger the country and the people.

Although there are rumors from the outside world, Lu Jingchen's relationship with Wan Jiazhi does not protect the family, but makes people feel that he has a sense of justice to destroy relatives. In short, no matter who it is, he can't criticize Lu Jingchen himself.