If you run by yourself, although you are in a panic, there is at least a glimmer of vitality and will not become a fish at your mercy.

Wearing high heels, she didn't run fast and her ankle was very uncomfortable.

And she is not used to taking such a mountain road, let alone such a mountain road without five fingers.

She ran for a long time, and finally she couldn't hear yuan extraordinary's voice behind her.

However, suddenly, a figure came out behind her and hugged her.

"Ah!" Angie screamed.

The female secretary quickly threw her to the ground and said, "miss an, where are you going?"

Angie was speechless.

Yuan Feifan also followed closely and said, "angel, what's the matter with you? Did you sleepwalk?"

The female secretary let go of Angie's hand.

Angie quickly thought of ways in her mind. For today's plan, she could only make a false promise to them for the time being: "extraordinary, how is it you? I'm scared to death

"Why did you run out alone?" Yuan Feifan's voice restored that serious concern.

"I just wanted to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The subordinates there were all men, so I lost my way. It's good to meet you. " Angel's voice trembled, "let's go back."

Yuan Feifan didn't know whether what she said was true or false, but he pulled her up and motioned to the female secretary to be careful with angel and don't let her run away.

Yuan Feifan holds angel. Angel trembles all over her and doesn't want to be touched by her at all.

Yuan Feifan asked, "didn't you hear anything when you came out just now?"

"What? I didn't. " Angel said that she knew that if it was daytime, Yuan Fanfan knew he was lying through his hard to see face.

But now it's late at night, no one will see his face at all, and he can barely cope with lying.

Yuan Feifan said in a distressed tone: "fool, that's good. I'm afraid you'll be frightened by the strange things of rich in the forest. Although there are no beasts here, I heard that many people have died and there are corpses everywhere in the woods. What do you do if you are scared? "

Angie trembled and knew that he was scaring herself so that she wouldn't leave again.

But no matter how terrible it is, where can it be compared with the horror of the people's heart?

Where is better than knowing people, knowing faces but not hearts, facing a set of terrible things behind a set?

Angel's trembling is more because of Yuan's extraordinary horror.

Yuan Feifan and the female secretary helped Angela to the tent. They didn't hold her so much as put her on a shelf.

Angie knows that once she goes back, the consequences will be more terrible.

I have to find a way to leave this man's side. I can't stay more for a second.

Thinking of this, she softened her feet and sat on the ground with a cry.

Yuan Feifan bent down and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I can't walk anymore. I sprained my foot." Angie said with a cry.

"I carry you." Yuan Feifan immediately bent down.

Angel tightly clutched a stone in her hand and smashed it on the back of Yuan Feifan's head when Yuan Feifan bent down and the female secretary didn't pay attention.

Yuan Feifan fell down in response.

"Angie, you!" The female secretary became angry and wanted to come and wrestle with Angie.

Angie had thought about it for a long time. She tripped her hard and the female secretary was pulled to the ground.

Angel suddenly ran out and ran away in a panic.