Every time he has such a small temper, he looks very childish.

Yun Wei plunged into his arms and said, "of course, it's still a little jealous... I really don't love what kind of women love you. I don't like the perfume on my body either."

Lu zhanting nodded and immediately took off his coat: "well, I won't wear this in the future."

Yunwei knew that if he said it again, he would take it off more thoroughly.

She was already very satisfied. Although the man was a little childish and possessive in this emotional matter, he always took care of her feelings and cared about all her emotions.

With such a husband and such feelings, Yunwei is not satisfied.

She lay contentedly in the arms of Lu zhanting.

Lu zhanting hugged her with his chin against her head, knowing that she didn't care about him so much.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to sleep and get up because he wasn't there.

He said fondly, "haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

"Well, I can't sleep well without you and no one holding me." Yun Wei murmured.

Lu zhanting laughed softly and happily, "so I'll come back as soon as possible and want to accompany you."

Yunwei was warm in her heart, but then she said, "Zhan Ting, what is the origin of the Elijah king shaheng?"

"Elia is a small country around our country. It is a dual monarchy, with equal emphasis on the power of the king and the army. Shaheng was respected in their Elijah country and once controlled the military power. But after he was seriously ill, his military power was greatly reduced. Fortunately, his prestige and fame are still there, and people in the army dare not make any trouble, so in fact, he is a very wonderful person. " Lu zhanting explained softly.

Yunwei nodded: "but do you feel like you've seen him somewhere?"

"Do you think so?" Lu zhanting asked.

"You say 'yes', that is, you think so?" Yun Wei asked immediately.

Lu zhanting nodded: "yes, but I don't remember where it is. However, it's probably because I have face blindness and have visited Elia before, so it should be common to be familiar with it. "

Yunwei suddenly realized: "I see. I've forgotten your face blindness. But how can I feel that he is familiar? "

"Don't think so much. You should go to school tomorrow and have an early rest. " Lu zhanting whispered, "shaheng will come to us in the evening. You can see him then."

"Well." Yunwei nodded heavily and said, "let's have a rest early."

"Well," Lu zhanting kissed, "I'll help you exercise and rest. Helps sleep. "

"Hey... Didn't you say to rest early?" Yunwei wants to resist, but she is weak.

Lu zhanting had restrained her, raised her hands and bullied her.

He had to please her, and Yunwei couldn't resist.

She soon fell into it. She was sleepy and wanted to resist. When she really tasted the sweetness, she was reluctant to let him stop.

She is a kind of girl who is super shy when she is shy, but when she lets go, she has a special taste. Lu zhanting can't stop like this.