Xiao Junlian finished a lecture at Beijing University.

On the first day, there was a live network broadcast, and on the second day, all kinds of news media reported wantonly, which instantly made Xiao Juncheng the focus of attention of the whole people.

A lot of people are talking about him, but soon someone found something wrong.

What's wrong is that Xiao Jun's name is not on the list of Huaxia star power.

This rhythm is not right. Xiao Jun has been unsealed. It is reasonable that he will appear on the list of Huaxia star power the next day.

Why haven't they got their names yet?

Without saying a word, Xiao Jun's fans rushed to the microblog comment area of the star power list.

A water to ask: "Xiao Jun?"

That film of questions, directly to the comment data refresh into dozens of nearly a million.

There is still no official response from Huaxing.

What are the star judges doing?

Now it's all because Xiao Jun is in a mess.

Often in the official office building of Huaxia star power list, a group of technicians are as busy as dogs, and the big boss next to them yells with red face and thick neck.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to do it or not? It's just a star rating. How long has it been? Why hasn't it been judged?"

"Boss, we can't help it. Xiao Jun is so abnormal."

"Yes, boss. After Xiao Jun was blocked, we all thought that he would never have a chance to come back. No one paid attention to him. If we want to score him now, we need to find out all the things he has done in this period of time. "

"Boss, there's something even more speechless. Xiao Jun has done so many things all at once, which has attracted a large number of attention. It's more energetic than a dozen stars combined. We have to calculate the score for a long time before."

"It's not just the previous ratings. Xiao Jun's new program premiered on the day when he was unsealed. I don't know how many fans he won all of a sudden. Such a big event is not easy to calculate. "

"Boss, please spare us. We have to work overtime to calculate Xiao Jun's star score. It can't keep up with his own growth. Otherwise, you can find someone to talk to Xiao Jun and tell him not to do anything for the time being. Let's wait until we calculate his score. "

A group of people complained to the boss, who nearly vomited blood on the spot.

He doesn't know that Xiao Jun's score is really hard to calculate.

What's more sad is that Xiao Jun has attracted the attention of the whole people. How much do you rate him.

This guy has never been at the top of any entertainment industry.

It can even be said that Xiao Jun can't rank in any category of traditional entertainment circle.

But the problem is, the number of fans of this guy is bigger than the sky, and he has the posture of surpassing the top stars.

Who are you going to argue with.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

As early as I knew today, I shouldn't have revised the star power list, I shouldn't have listed Xiao Jun as a star.

Now that it's done, it's no use saying anything.

"I'll give you two days to calculate Xiao Jun's score! It seems that the Chinese New Year is coming. There is a selection of Orioles and Spring Festival Gala. At that time, I don't know how many new stars will emerge. I can't make sure of a Xiao Jun. what else can you do? "

As soon as the boss said this, there was another howl in the office area.

When others celebrate the new year, they all go home happily.

But these people have to work hard, every year.

What's sad this year is that Xiao Jun is such a monster, which has increased their workload.

Seeing that some of the people under his hand were in unstable mood, the boss could not bear it and began to comfort him.

"Comrades, don't be so bitter. Difficulties are only temporary. In the Orioles award, Xiao Jun was nominated for the documentary film. It's good to count in this part. If there is no Xiao Jun in the program list of the Spring Festival Gala, this guy will surely be able to stop for a while. So just focus on Xiao Jun these two days. After these days, everything is easy to say! "

As soon as they heard this, they thought to themselves that it was the same truth.

As a result, everyone was full of hope and began to work out Xiao Jun's star score.

They may be able to finish the work in one day, or it may take a while.

But at least there is something to look forward to.

Unfortunately, the following developments made the official members of the star power list almost jump off the building.

Let's not talk about these afterwords, just talk about the present.

On the morning of February 6, Xiao Jun and Li Qian, an old crosstalk artist, sat opposite each other in a backstage lounge at the performance venue of the "Qianhe crosstalk group" in Beijing.With a warm smile on his face, Li Qian gives Xiao Jun a thumbs up.

"Xiao Jun, you can do it. I didn't get it wrong. How did you come up with such a comic book, one after another

"Hey, Mr. Li Qian, don't praise me. To tell you the truth, since I was six years old, I have been dreaming that I could be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala one day. So from then on, I wrote songs, crosstalk and sketches to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala. This is not nearly 20 years. I can use all my skills. "

"You've been preparing since you were six? Xiao Jun, I believe you. It's only when I see a ghost! "

Li Qian's teacher stares at Xiao Jun, who is just scratching his head and giggling.

After a class in Beijing University, Xiao Jun ran away.

In the educational field, it is still up to the lovely people's teachers to solve the problems.

As a common man, he can frighten people for a while, but not for a lifetime.

In his heart, it's still the work of the entertainment industry.

After leaving Jingcheng University, Xiao Jun went straight to "Qianhe crosstalk group" and found teacher Li Qian.

As mentioned before, Mr. Li Qian specially called Xiao Jun for the Spring Festival Gala.

This year, the leader of the five judges of the Spring Festival Gala, Mr. Zhongtian, the leader of CCTV, gave a dead order to increase the number of language art programs of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, this order has been passed down for more than a month, and no one's work can be seen by the jury.

As an old crosstalk artist, Mr. Li Qian has profound knowledge, but his understanding of some new things is not as thorough as that of young people.

After seeing Xiao Jun's variety show, Li Qian felt that he could discuss a work with Xiao Jun.

As soon as they met, Xiao Jun brought him a big surprise.

Xiao Jun is with several mature crosstalk works.

After reading those books, Mr. Li Qian is very happy. This is a compliment to Xiao Jun.

Who knows that Xiao Jun is shameless. He even said that he wanted to exchange something from the system when he was six years old.

Fortunately, Mr. Li Qian is easy-going and he has to scold Xiao Jun to death.

Anyway, this is it.

Li Qian selected two of Xiao Jun's works.

"Well, just these two. Let's go to CCTV and see which jury you choose. "

"All right."

Xiao Jun agreed, then put on his big hat, sunglasses, mask and scarf, and wrapped himself up.

Li Qian was stunned at that time.

"Xiao Jun, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Li Qian, now many people don't believe that I can go to the Spring Festival Gala. I'll give them a surprise."

"Hey, I know you're not holding any good fart in your stomach every day."

"Thank you, Mr. Li Qian, for your praise. When you get to the place, you will declare that I am your new apprentice."

Li Qian didn't speak any more. He acquiesced to Xiao Jun's practice. They went straight to CCTV office building.

Near the end of the new year, there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

And this period of time is also the happiest time for countless entertainment journalists.

Because the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala is about to start, and the Spring Festival Gala is the best stage for stars to come out.

Every year, there are many new people, because of the Spring Festival Gala and become a big star in the entertainment industry.

This morning, a car drove into the door of CCTV.

Seeing the license plate of CCTV's official car, many entertainment reporters who have been waiting here for a long time are excited.

It's really different. It's about to be photographed. Who came to CCTV at this time.

When I saw from a distance that teacher Li Qian came down from the car, the excitement of these reporters suddenly cooled down.

I have long heard that Mr. Li Qian is not going to attend this year's Spring Festival Gala because he is old.

However, the Spring Festival Gala review group invited again and again, which gradually came into being, the wind that teacher Li Qian will appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

This kind of thing has been known and reported for a long time. It's not really exciting.

The reporters were disappointed.

I thought I would take a picture of Li Qian and report it as a story.

But the next moment, another man came down from the car.

The man wrapped himself up so tightly that he could not see who he was or even his age.

At this moment, the excitement of the reporters was once again stirred up.

Li Qian came to CCTV to attend the Spring Festival Gala. He must be talking about cross talk.Crosstalk is said by two people, so this other person must be Li Qian's partner.

Wait a minute. It seems that Li Qian's previous partners are not here. Is this a joint effort with a new partner?

In the face of this situation, those reporters are not rushing to take photos.

With the action of these reporters, a new news was soon broadcast.

Mr. Li Qian joined hands with his new partner and appeared on CCTV. He won the prize and participated in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala. 》

the identity of Teacher Li Qian's new partner is a mystery. 》

as the Spring Festival is approaching, the live broadcast of the Spring Festival gala will start in two weeks. Will there really be on-the-spot change of programs? 》

all kinds of news broke out and attracted countless people's attention.