When many people can't sit still and want to get up and see what's going on.

All of a sudden, there was a loud bang on the stage, and then the sound effect of the ambulance siren came out, and finally the noise disappeared.

The stage lights finally came on.

At this time, Xiao Jun was still standing in the middle of the stage, but when everyone saw the headgear on his head, they couldn't help laughing again.

It was covered with all kinds of tape and cloth strips on the top of the headgear. It was obviously a simple bandage.

What's more ridiculous is that Xiao Jun used a big bandage to hang his arm.

"Roar, let's continue with the previous program."

Xiao Jun's feeble voice really set off this funny atmosphere to the extreme.

It's also a broadcast program, but no matter what you say, it makes people feel ridiculous.

"You're right. I'm such a dedicated person. I can't get off the line with minor injuries. Let's continue to see what's hot news recently.

A while ago, someone posted a group of PK maps of air meals around the world on the Internet. Among them, the top ten most delicious airline meals were selected. Among them, the Netherlands, France, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Russia and other countries are on the list one after another.

That's what their airline meals look like. "

With Xiao Jun's words, all kinds of exquisite boxed lunch are displayed on the big screen of the stage, which only makes people salivate.

"Dear audience, do you know what my first reaction was when I saw this news? Indifferent is to find our Chinese food from it.

I'm just looking for it. I really want to have a look at the number of China Airlines.

It turned out that there was none.

At the bottom of the news, there is only a small line that says, "all Chinese airlines have failed to make it into the top 10.".

Pay attention to the wording.

I like this saying very much. They all failed to make it into the top ten. How many are they?

Hehe, it's like you told me that your monthly salary is less than 30000, so how much is it?

Two thousand three. That's less than thirty thousand. "

Xiao Jun's voice has fallen, and in an instant, it has attracted countless laughter. How could the news, which was originally quite normal, become so abnormal in Xiao Jun's mouth.

"In fact, as for this kind of result, I think it is expected.

Do you remember what you ate on the plane?

Our stewardess, even dare not openly distribute air meals.

She went up to a passenger, like a secret underground worker, and asked in a low voice, is this gentleman chicken rice or beef noodles? Oh, well, take this box lunch for you. Don't be seen.

As a result, you can have a look at it. I can't tell if it's chicken noodle or beef rice.

What a thing!

Fortunately, I won't be in such a dilemma because I don't have the money to ride a bike every day. I can't afford to fly. "

When Xiao Jun said here, many people couldn't smile.

flight meal, he can use such a superb interpretation to make complaints about himself. This guy is really talented.

"Well, with the airline meal, let's talk about another incident.

Tattoo artists pour their artistic ideas on customers' bodies.

I have to say that this is really a very poetic thing.

German media reported that a Vietnamese tattoo artist was arrested in Sao Paulo recently.

The reason is that he has scratched Chinese characters on customers who don't understand Chinese.

The meaning of the words tattooed is totally inconsistent with the requirements of customers.

On the back of a French man, he tattooed "life and death depend on fate, wealth depends on heaven.". But the man wanted to tattoo his mother's name.

Another customer of this Vietnamese tattoo artist, until he was arrested, still believed that the tattoo on his arm was "God is love". But in fact, those words are clearly "loughy bitches.".

Another female tourist wanted to engrave on her shoulder, "you are responsible for everything you have tamed.".

However, the tattooer engraved the Chinese character "chicken soup noodles" on her.

In addition, he also has many works, such as another bottle and a tour here.

Today, he finally fell asleep.

I would like to say that this is really a happy thing!

Therefore, Chinese culture is broad and profound. It's not a Vietnamese monkey that can be easily manipulated. "

Xiao Jun's daily news can't make everyone pay attention to the world's daily news.And Xiao Jun here, with a program, to let everyone and joy in understanding the world, it is a great surprise to countless people.

Unconsciously, everyone was attracted by what Xiao Jun said, as if they had forgotten what they were very concerned about at first.

But what Xiao Jun said next was to let people's thinking rhythm return to today's theme with him.

"Dear audience, the news above tells us that if you want to tattoo yourself with Chinese characters, you'd better find a teacher in China to be more reliable. After all, we Chinese people really understand Chinese culture.

However, in the past two days, a group of guys have jumped out, shouting that the Chinese people, who are more than our native people, also understand the Chinese culture, and even say that many of our Chinese cultural traditions are spread from them.

Speaking of this, I believe you already know who I'm talking about.

Yes, these people are Korean clubs!

I will not repeat too much about the news that is well known in Zhou Dynasty. There is historical research on the ownership of festivals. It is useless to say more.

I'm here to talk with you about my understanding of Korea and its people.

Many people say that I, Xiao NIMA, have only been to Japan, but not to Korea. I'm sure I can't understand Korea.

Hey, hey, I want to say, you are wrong.

I have really had contact with the Korean people, and also in Japan.

I don't know if you remember the Japanese earthquake a few months ago

Xiao Jun threw out such a question, and all the audience immediately remembered the great earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Who can't remember such things that shake the world.

By the way, it seems that in the great earthquake, Xiao Jun also rescued thousands of survivors, shocking the whole world.

When you think of the past in your heart, Xiao Jun is talking again.

"My friends who know the story of Xiao NIMA's life must know that I personally experienced the Japanese earthquake. At that time, I was really grateful to our Chinese rescue team for being able to arrive in time to save my life.

our Chinese rescue team has been awesome, but I would like to say that the rescue teams in Korea are more awesome than our Chinese, or even more, than any other country in the world.

In the Japanese earthquake, Korea sent a rescue team of only five people and a dog to Japan.

When they arrived in Kyoto, they lost the dog without waiting for them to start rescue work.

So, five Korean rescue team members went all out to look for dogs in Kyoto.

In order to help the rescue workers from afar, the Japanese side also provided them with an interpreter.

A day later, the Japanese translator found the lost dog.

But then came the question. The dog came back, but five members of the Korean rescue team were missing.

There was no way. Japan excluded 10 people from the self defense force, added two search and rescue dogs, and added a translator. With the establishment of a whole class, it began to search and rescue Korean rescue workers.

When I was rescued in Miyagi Prefecture, I heard that the Korean rescue team had just been found. One of them was also injured and has been sent to hospital.

In this way, the Korean stick left an indelible impression in my heart. "

Xiao Jun's story of personal experience was told. Everyone listened to it seriously. At last, everyone was laughing and was about to vomit blood.

"I'll go. Is it true or not?"

"Ah, ha, ha, no, I'm really laughing. Is it the rescue team or the Toby that Korea sent out? If there's nothing to do, the Japanese have to save them."

"The rescue team tried their best to find the dog, but the dog didn't find it. They lost it. The Korean people have proved it with facts. What is humiliation

"Ha ha ha, I laugh to death, I really laugh to death."

Xiao Jun's program really tells the truth of the story, the tragedy of the accident and the joy of the joke.

The atmosphere was so lively that it was impossible.

When the whole audience calmed down a little, Xiao Jun opened his mouth again.

"Well, I believe you've got an intuitive feeling about the Korean people. So let's go into the second lesson of violent walk class. Let's talk about why Korean stick is called Korean stick.

It is said that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese, who had been coveting the land of Northeast China, began to infiltrate and colonize the northeast on a large scale. After the 918 incident, the Northeast was completely occupied, and the Japanese realized the occupation of Huaxia Dongbei area.

But it needs to be made clear that the main purpose of imperialist colonization is immigration.

During the period just before the beginning of Japanese immigration, most of the Japanese people in China were soldiers, unable to take care of their daily rule and management, so they were very short of manpower.However, limited to the natural conditions of the Japanese nation, it is also due to the long distance and financial problems, so it is impossible to transfer enough manpower from the Japanese nation.

As a result, the Japanese thought of a way to recruit a large number of Korean people to China from the Korean Peninsula, which had been "merged" with the Japanese at that time.

after receiving the so-called "Japanese and Korean ancestors" education, these Korean people began to work for the tiger in China.

But the Japanese don't trust the Koreans at all, so the Koreans who are made managers don't have any weapons in their hands. This kind of treatment is not as good as that of the Chinese puppet police. At that time, the puppet police also issued a baton.

In desperation, these two devils came up with a special method.

Guess what? "