"There are so many cultural workers in China that before me, no one has ever produced even one excellent cultural work to challenge the Japanese.

We all resisted in our mouths, but we never saw anyone prove their position with practical actions.

I didn't ask you to take up arms and fight on the battlefield. What I want is a book, a comic book, a TV play, or even a movie.

I didn't ask anyone to forgive Japan or encourage anyone to hate it. I just want you to really remember that period of history.

Don't, decades later, when our children look up and ask us, we can't give them any valuable things to preach.

It is the duty of Chinese cultural workers to bring the most excellent cultural works and spiritual food to the broad masses of Chinese people with a kind of professional spirit of daring to inherit history and culture and daring to expose history!

A person's ability is great or small, but as long as he has this spirit, he is a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person divorced from the vulgar taste, and a person beneficial to the people.

I hope that all literary and artistic workers can devote their efforts to selfless dedication rather than to their own people.

OK, that's all for me. This issue of "the rampage" ends here! "

With these words, Xiao Jun bowed cautiously to the audience.

The light on the stage went down slowly. At this time, someone stood up and clapped his hands silently. Then the whole audience stood up and gave Xiao Jun the warmest applause.


The first episode of the "rampage" ended in this way. Countless people on the Internet have been following Xiao Junxin's program. Almost since the scheduled recording time, they have been clamoring on the Internet to watch the videos revealed by the audience in advance.

However, after more than an hour, no one responded.

Some people are beginning to wonder.

"I'll go. Is it recorded or not. It's been a long time, isn't that program broken? "

"I think it's possible that everyone went to the scene, otherwise it's impossible to have no news. Even if the audience is forbidden to record videos, at least someone has to come out and say something."

"Don't wait, don't wait. I think Xiao Jun is completely broken this time. It's a news program. What can I expect? "

"Let's go, let's go. It's almost two hours since the time passed. Two episodes of recording and broadcasting are enough. Depending on the situation, there may be no recording at all. "

People who didn't get to the scene have different opinions. Everyone thinks that Xiao Jun's new program has come to an end.

Seeing everyone give up completely, suddenly, someone comes out.

"I went to the scene to see it!"

"Well, how's it going?"

"Ha ha, I can't say more. I can only tell you that after nearly an hour's recording, I laughed half-time and excited half-time."

"It's true or not. It can't be Tuo upstairs."

"I'm also a live audience. In other words, Xiao Jun's products must be high-quality products. I've taken it. I've really taken it. If there's another recording, I'm going to watch it! "

"I'm also a live audience. I don't have to say much about it. Since then, I've turned to Xiao Jun and supported him unconditionally. Such a cultural worker deserves my respect!"

"What the hell is going on? You should make it clear."

Those who didn't get to the scene thought that after the audience appeared, they could bring back some valuable news. Who knows this group of people a head, directly to their curiosity to improve several levels.

What's more, at six o'clock that night, Xiaolong entertainment company released it on the Internet, after the live tickets for the second phase of the program. Five hundred tickets were robbed in five minutes.

Seeing such influence, many people can't calm down.

Wang Tao, a famous musician, said: "what can a variety show work made by one person look like? Xiao Jun is using a special method to start a new round of self hype."

To tell you the truth, Wang Tao and Xiao Jun don't have a good relationship. It's not a day or two. It's common to satirize Xiao Jun when there's something wrong.

Wang Tao sent out this micro blog, it can be said that everyone expected, many people have long been less concerned.

Who knows, this time it was quite different. Almost the first time Wang Tao's microblog appeared, hundreds of netizens with the name of "Xiao NIMA die loyal fan" in front of their net names killed them and scolded them at the bottom.

"Wang Tao, with your quality, it's a good thing to say that you are a famous musician."

"Mr. Wang Tao, I used to think that you are worthy of respect, but now I just think you are a vulgar person."

"I remember when Xiao Juntao said that he was vulgar. OK, continue your own elegance, our Xiao Jun is noble, infinite noble"Wang Tao, go away!"

A series of curses appeared in the comment area. The name of "Xiao NIMA die loyal fan" was shocking.

Wang Tao is silly.

At the same time, Tang Jingwen, Fang Dezhong and Li Zongliang, who did not find this situation, also sent microblogs to lash Xiao Jun, and without exception, they were tortured by the "Xiao NIMA army".

Xiao Jun's group of opponents in the entertainment industry are stupid. They are only a few hundred people. How can they unite so suddenly?

They can't understand it, and Xiao Jun's former fans can't understand it.

However, this does not prevent the "mycelium corps" from identifying friendly forces and providing support.

After seeing this, the head of the mycelial legion, Li Yandao Dao, was very happy. He immediately called friends and started to fight back against those who denounced Xiao Jun.

In the blink of an eye, those guys' microblogs were completely drowned by the continuous curse and support for Xiao Jun.

In the end, these public figures have to delete their microblogs in a hurry to calm down the time.

Now Xiao Jun is still in the state of being removed from the Huaxia star power list, but who can imagine that even if he is not on the list, his fans on the Internet are still so powerful.

Wang Tao and others, who were scolded for being impatient, thought bitterly.

Xiao Jun is arrogant for a while at most. Tomorrow, his new program will be sent to audit, and his mother will reject it. Let's see what else he has to be arrogant.

Unfortunately, these people's ideas are doomed not to come true.

On Monday morning, the edited video of the first episode of "rampage" was sent to sister Ning.

After seeing a series of Xiao Jun's names on the program production list, sister Ning frowned slightly and wanted to reject them directly at that time.

However, the ghost, she put down the pen ready to write rejection opinions, gently open the video Click.

This opens, Ning elder sister's eye has never left the computer screen again.

Forty minutes of finished works, not long or short, Ning sister after watching, unexpectedly is no reason to show meaning smile.

Black down the computer screen, printed to Ning sister's smiling face, she saw his smile, also can't help but Leng on the spot.

How long did not smile, did not expect that it was because of that guy, just issued a smile from the bottom of my heart.

Xiao Jun is really able to do things that people don't want to do.

Thoughts flutter at the moment, a knock on the door to pull Ning sister back to reality.

"Come in, please."

The office door opened and vice Bureau Lin stepped in.

Looking at Ning Xiaolan, who has returned to the cold face of non cannibal fireworks, vice Bureau Lin, from the perspective of the elders, can't help but smile and shake his head in secret.

"Xiao Lan, the order has come down. Mr. Ning, I agree you to work in the national development and Reform Commission. For the time being, I will be in charge of the work of the review department. "


Ning Xiaolan did not have any superfluous words, just looked down at the documents on the table, slowly stood up and walked out.

Her temperament is the same. Even if her job changes, she can't see whether she is happy or sad. She doesn't even care about picking up her personal belongings.

Looking at such Ning Xiaolan, deputy bureau Lin felt a burst of heartache for no reason, and couldn't help opening his mouth again.



"Minister Ning is my teacher. We are the same generation in terms of generations, but in terms of age, I can be your uncle. I'll take advantage of this age. Let me give you some advice. Let him go of the past. As a girl, you still need to find a good home. Even if it's not for yourself, it's for the sake of Xiaoyu's child. It's more reassuring for Minister Ning. "

"I see."

"You Alas

Lin said so much, in exchange for Ning Xiaolan's three words, he himself is helpless, in addition to sigh, what can he do.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Lan. Do you want to stick to your own decision about Xiao Jun? In recent days, many veteran comrades have put pressure on me. In addition, Minister Ning and I are also very optimistic about Xiao Jun. Only you... "

"Xiao Jun is very good."

Lin deputy bureau's garrulous words are not finished. Sister Ning, with a cool character, just interrupts her with four words.

With these words, Ning Xiaolan walks away.

Deputy bureau Lin was a little stunned, then shook his head and grinned bitterly.

This girl is the flesh and blood of Minister Ning, and she is loved by people like their elders.

It's a pity that no one can help the child to buy the past.

Until Ning Xiaolan completely disappeared in the elevator at the end of the corridor, deputy bureau Lin went to the desk.

Ning sister's personnel transfer is temporary, the director of the film and television drama review department has not determined a good candidate, only he, the deputy bureau, is in charge of the relevant work.When I came to my desk to see what urgent documents there were, I lowered my head to see the program with Xiao Jun's name on it.

Sit down slowly and click on the video that just finished playing on the computer.

Forty minutes later, deputy bureau Lin clapped and laughed.

"Well, you Xiao Jun, you are indeed worthy of being valued by Minister Ning. It's also worthy of being a good young man who can let my elder brother Lin Qingyuan grind my ears out of cocoons to speak to you. OK, just a few days. Let me see what you can do better. "

After talking to himself, vice Bureau Lin waved a red pen and the program was over examined. Then he picked up the phone and called the office of the radio and television propaganda department.

"Draft a notice for me to lift Xiao Jun's ban and send it out before 5 pm."