the second day.

The first thing that makes everyone pay attention to Xiao Jun's TV play is the morning news of major news media. Hitherto unknown

shocking plot make complaints about the national Tucao boom. Xiao has indeed created an unprecedented precedent for the TV industry. 》

if there is a God in the Anti Japanese drama, you can tear the devil and eat the land mines. 》

"fantasy giant" is well deserved. There is no fantasy breaking through the sky. There is no such story to make up. 》

in our exclusive interview with Xiao's writing process, Xiao only had one sentence: "after writing these scripts, I feel that my IQ has decreased, and my head and heart are empty and at a loss." 》

the overwhelming push of news newspapers and media has made the broad masses of Chinese people feel uneasy in the early morning.

Young men and women working together in a subway.

"Well, what's all the news about? Who is Xiao? What is the Anti Japanese drama? "

"Ah, you don't know Xiao? That's Xiao Jun. now his full name is not written in the news. "

"Er, I don't know, but I think it's interesting for this hand tearing devil to eat land mines. What's that?"

"It's Anti Japanese drama. I'll go. You haven't seen such a hot TV series. Don't talk to me. Only when you watch the Anti Japanese drama can we communicate happily like friends. "

In a company.

"Ah, Xiao Liu, why do you look so bad? Didn't you have a good rest last night? "

" well, I watched a TV play yesterday that made me doubt my life. I didn't sleep well all night

"What are you looking at?"

"Anti Japanese drama. Ah, I don't want to mention the name. I swear I won't watch it tonight. "

"Well, tell me what happened to you."

"OK, I'll tell you something. That damned Xiao Jun hurt me. If I can't find him for revenge, I'll hurt others. Come on, let me tell you, this is a very good TV series. After seeing it, you will feel that your soul has been sublimated. "


There are many places in China, but where people have seen the Anti Japanese drama, the discussion about it has never stopped.

At the center of the incident, in the office building of Jiangnan TV station, the discussion about this divine drama became more heated.

"I've been in charge of our new satellite TV channel, and I've also been in charge of Xiao Jun, who was called by the director. At the beginning, I heard that Xiao Jun was the screenwriter of jiawuji. I thought his TV series would be very good. As a result, what I saw yesterday was a pile of shit. "

"Yes, it's just a pile of shit. But the problem is, I actually put such a pile of shit, from the beginning to the end of an episode of all read! God, what the hell did I do? "

"To be fair, we are at least the employees of Taiwan Province. It's a kind of work to help Taiwan increase its ratings occasionally."

"What a job, I'm revenge. Xiao Jun and I got married. Tonight I will make complaints about it. If he can't find one, he can't find out the point of Tucao. Who's with me? Let's work together

"No, I'm determined not to. It's really tiring to watch Xiao Jun's TV series. My eyes are sour now. I've widened my eyes all the way

"That's right. I can't stand it any more. Watching a TV play is just for relaxation. As a result, I have to stare at Xiao Jun's TV play. I can't miss any details. It's more tiring than going to work. "

"Ah, come and see, some experts in the film and television industry have commented on Xiao Jun's TV series!"

The staff of Jiangnan province and Taiwan are definitely the most miserable people who were trapped by Xiao Jun's Anti Japanese drama.

We all think that it's a TV play on our own station. Just help to increase the audience rating.

Who knows that once you enter the pit, you can't climb out at all.

The only thing they're happy about is watching more people jump into the pit.

Entering the pit is just a kind of forced helplessness. Watching others enter the pit is to seek psychological comfort, but what we all hope more is that someone can pull them out of the sea of misery.

As a result, we have a very strong desire for the opinions of experts in the film and television industry.

As long as the experts say that this TV series is not good, we immediately abandon the pit.

However, after reading the so-called expert comments, people are more suspicious of life.

A well-known TV drama director: "there is no doubt about Xiao Jun's talent. When he was promoting his TV drama yesterday, the poem he wrote was enough to prove this. I also watched the Anti Japanese drama yesterday. I don't want to comment on the others. I just want to say that the music of the opening song is all original music, which is beyond the reach of all film and television producers. "

A well-known screenwriter: "Xiao Jun's works have always come out of a special way. I've seen the Anti Japanese drama, but I won't say much about its content. I just want to point out that Xiao Jun's ability to write so many plays in a very short time is also a powerful ability of "unprecedented and future generations."Director of a TV station: "someone asked me to predict the audience rating of Anti Japanese drama. I want to say that this kind of thing is really hard to predict, especially when it comes to Xiao Jun's works, it's not something that ordinary people can predict. Maybe this TV play, to some extent, has a special appeal to the audience, and the audience rating will not be too low. "

I don't know. I'm scared to see that so many experts are dragged out by media reporters to evaluate Xiao Jun's Anti Japanese drama. As a result, no one has put forward any criticism.

Why does this happen? Everyone is afraid of Xiao Jun.

At the beginning, when someone criticized Xiao Jun's Micro film "tuner", Xiao Jun evaluated all kinds of films and TV plays from beginning to end according to the golden list of Chinese films and TV.

At that time, the worst was all the filmmakers.

Because of Xiao Jun's comments, I don't know how much the box office of those films has been reduced.

Now Xiao Jun comes to the TV drama circle to engage in wind and rain. Who dares to say "no" to annoy Xiao Jun? If that guy comes out to criticize, ordinary people can't stand this kind of stimulation.

didn't make complaints about the broadcast yesterday.

This is really Xiao Jun's shortsightedness. He even bites himself. A group of experts in the TV drama circle want to live two more years.

There are all kinds of reasons for the experts' collective bias towards Xiao Jun. anyway, no one is willing to make a fuss for such a small matter.

But their performance did not annoy Xiao Jun, on the contrary, it annoyed the majority of netizens.

What did Netizens feel when they saw the expert's comments? They had a feeling: "we let Xiao Jun be shameless. You people even said that he was right!"

For a moment, the network Crusade army organized and attacked those experts everywhere, asking them to say something truthful.

Experts are suffering. How can Xiao Jun be attacked no matter what he does.

Even the official microblog has set up a special microblog page to solicit pertinent comments on the Anti Japanese drama.

Finally, a hero appeared.

"TV plays do not have to be textbooks, but they must not be negative textbooks that ignore public rationality.

There is no doubt that in popular culture, love, martial arts, police and bandits are in fact the "alternative satisfaction" of people's instinctive desires such as sex, attack and destruction.

The role of film and television drama is to guide the audience to ease this desire. Therefore, the themes of "justice conquers evil" and "good people repay well" have become the standard configuration of almost all popular stories.

A good story weaves desire and morality together so harmoniously that it not only relieves people's inner desire, but also reinforces morality, values and public rationality, making people in a state of mental balance.

However, "Anti Japanese God drama" misinterprets the reasonable needs of the audience in another way.

There is an inherent commonality between love, martial arts, police and bandits, pornography, violence and homicide, which is magnified infinitely by Xiao Jun's film and TV play.

The story is too outrageous and lacks the intervention of basic public rationality and values, so the literary works are closer to hongguoguo's desire itself.

For example, when people's dependence on violence is over reinforced by literary and artistic works, the targets of violence are the Japanese devils who committed all kinds of crimes in those years, the Japanese people who eat in Huaxia restaurants today, or the Chinese cars made by the Japanese brand.

For the broad masses of the people, there is not much difference.

Anti Japanese drama is exaggerating and magnifying the literature and art of violence, which is likely to produce immeasurable social influence.

What fascinates us is not the work of art, but the violence itself.

therefore, I think that we must observe carefully in the Anti Japanese drama, and we must guide the masses to make complaints about their inner feelings in the process of tucking them out.

"Anti Japanese God drama" is not a good work, but Xiao Jun's "movie guide" is very correct. "

After the broad masses of the people saw such a long paragraph, they were filled with tears.

What is the most pertinent evaluation.

A bad work is a bad one. Just because the audience rating is high and it meets the market demand, it can't be said that it has no problem.

On the contrary, if a work is not sold, it is not necessarily the problem of the work itself, but the fault of the creator himself.

Just like Xiao Jun's Anti Japanese drama, we can see that there is something wrong with it. It's rubbish and there can't be a market at all.

but Xiao Jun used the way of tucking up the crowd to make complaints about the bad things.

This evaluation can be regarded as making everyone understand that it's not wrong to watch the Anti Japanese drama. Just look critically and prudently and not be affected by it.For a moment, the masses were in a good mood and were full of gratitude to this great God who gave a fair evaluation.

However, when someone went to carefully observe the source of this evaluation, he was dumbfounded for a moment.

This is clearly a sentence transferred from Xiao Jun's microblog, that is to say, this is Xiao Jun's own evaluation.

What's your uncle's? Xiao Jun did everything.

is this guy addicted? Make complaints about TV play when he sows.

What does he want to do?

Does he really bite himself when he is impatient?