"The way of traditional Chinese medicine is to treat internal and external diseases, body diseases and heart diseases, and human diseases and nature diseases.

This method is applied to the treatment of night crying. Just now, the exchange of ward area is to treat the disease from the outside to the inside.

As I have explained, these children's night crying is caused by the incompatibility between the natural magnetic field and the human body's aura. To change the ward area is to change the surrounding natural magnetic field.

The second method I want to talk about now is to improve the body aura of these children from the inside out.

It's very difficult for infants just born to improve their physical aura. Therefore, it needs the people closest to these children, that is, their parents, to solve this problem.

Let these children's aura, under the care of their parents, get stable, no longer affected by the natural magnetic field.

To put it bluntly, it is to stop the Yin Qi of nature by the Yang Qi of the world.

I have a way to stop it. Listen to it and have a look. "

With these words, Xiao Jun took a piece of paper and wrote down the passage on the spot.

After writing, show it in front of everyone, and then open your mouth.

"Parents of all sick children, please write such a good prescription on red paper and black pen, seven copies for each person.

Holding these seven pieces of red paper, it's OK to start from home, or go out from the hospital, all the way. Paste it in the crowded place, seven pieces of paper can't finish, don't go back.

After three days, wait for the children to take a detour. From then on, there is no need to worry about children crying at night.

Changing the ward and sticking red paper are what I call the radical cure. "

With Xiao Jun's words, all eyes are focused on the paper in his hand.

The words in the above lines are as follows:

"the sky is in a panic, the earth is in a panic,

there is a night crying man in my family,

a passer-by reads it three times,

sleeps until dawn."

Everyone was confused.

Just now, when Xiao Jun said that he was changing the ward area for the children, he was reprimanded for practicing feudal superstition.

Now there's another so-called cure. It's like some kind of mantra.

It's not obvious that we should carry forward superstitious ideas when we use "incantation" to treat diseases!

If so many words can cure the disease, what else do those doctors need to do.

When you get sick, just go to the goddess to help you jump and drive away ghosts.

All the people on the scene looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Xiao Jun's face doesn't change, but his mood is complicated.

He knew what kind of psychological impact he would have on the people present. However, this is what the master of Chinese and Western medicine pills he exchanged from the system provided to his mind.

He could not believe that this method was feasible, but this way of using "incantation" to cure patients and save others was clearly recognized by the exotic doctors.

Seeing that no one was speaking, he could only shake his head helplessly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know that what I'm saying now sounds like a fable to you. However, as a doctor, if you want to cure the disease and save others, you have to do what I have learned and say all the treatment methods.

As for whether to believe me or not, it all depends on how the parents of sick children decide.

I don't say much, and I don't ask for anything. I believe in me, so I'll make preparations as soon as possible.

Don't believe me, also very casual. In any case, these children in the hospital have resisted the new virus, and then even if they will have physical discomfort, with the ability of many medical experts present, they can be cured completely.

The only thing that's not good is that the children may still cry every night. At least three days, at most half a month, they are used to crying.

That's all.

I've been tossing around here for quite a long time. Please excuse me, and I'll have a rest. "

Finally, he finished what he had to say. Xiao Jun threw the paper on the table beside him and walked out of the crowd.

Lin Qingyuan and the old president who sells fake medicine are the only two people who have studied traditional Chinese medicine. Their focus is on Xiao Jun's treatment methods. At the moment, he rushed to the front, picked up Xiao Jun's "mantra" and studied it carefully.

The parents of the children around were silent, waiting for medical experts to give advice. In their opinion, no matter how much Xiao Jun has done, it is not as effective as a real doctor.

These people don't pay attention to Xiao Jun, but those reporters won't just watch him leave.

We have been waiting here all night for the purpose of publishing earth shaking news. Guarding Xiao Jun's important news point, if they can let it go easily, they will see the ghost.In a flash, a group of reporters blocked Xiao Jun's way and asked all kinds of questions.

"Mr. Xiao Jun, don't go away. Are you really a legendary master of traditional Chinese medicine? Where did you learn such superb skills of traditional Chinese medicine?"

"Mr. Xiao Jun, as a former entertainment all star, after being banned by the State Administration of radio, film and television, you came to the medical field and made such an amazing move. What is your hidden purpose?"

"Mr. Xiao Jun, some people say you are a charlatan. Those children are already on the verge of recovery. You are just pretending to understand traditional Chinese medicine, misleading people that you have cured them. What's your opinion on this

"I would like to ask the audience to call Mr. 302, what do you want to say in private?"

"Xiao Jun, as we all saw just now, those western medicine experts from Europe have greatly criticized traditional Chinese medicine. As a rare master of traditional Chinese medicine, do you want to take this opportunity to correct the name of traditional Chinese medicine

A group of reporters blocked the way for Xiao Jun to leave. Xiao Jun pretended to leave on the surface, but in fact he was waiting for an opportunity to embarrass the inexplicable foreigners.

The foreign devils, who came here to do nothing, began to brag, and even regarded Xiao Jun as a guard.

This tone, Xiao Jun has been suffocating in the stomach did not vent it.

Now when he heard that some reporters had brought the topic to those foreign medical experts, Xiao Jun suddenly came to the spirit, stood still and scanned the whole scene.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since you insist so much, I will say a few more words.

Whether it's traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, as a doctor, the most important thing is the benevolence of doctors. The only purpose of all people in the medical field is to treat those children, not to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

If Western medicine can reduce the pain of these children, it is my wish.

If Western medicine can't solve the problem, it's also my wish that my traditional Chinese medicine can turn the tide.

I have stabilized the condition of those children, and I have also said how to make them recover. The rest is left to the medical staff here, or the dung ball that doesn't know where to come from.

In short, my biggest wish and purpose is to let the world no longer have any pain.

This is my real idea.

I believe that sooner or later, there will no longer be any incurable disease in this world, and all of us can be full of hope for life.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been inherited for thousands of years, and has been working hard for this. It's not like western medicine, which does not stop using the so-called high-tech treatment methods, to prove what disease is a terminal disease and to confirm who should be given a notice of critical illness. "

Xiao Jun kept saying "doctors are kind-hearted", but in the end he didn't mean to satirize the foreigners.

It's as if the role of Western medicine is to determine what a terminal disease is, and it's never really treated or saved.

A group of reporters haven't come back from Xiao Jun's words. They have been standing around for a long time, but the European "Angel Group" medical team is not happy.

Their deputy leader Anji, struggling to squeeze into the crowd, mouth is a sentence.


Countless cameras and microphones quickly turn around and aim at Anji, while the foreigner always focuses on Xiao Jun.

"Sir, I don't know what your purpose is to say what you just said. I just want to say that your words are the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my medical career for so many years. Let this world no longer have incurable disease, ha ha, thank you for saying this. Is Huaxia still using this deceptive trick to cure people? "

God knows how a foreigner can speak Chinese so fluently that everyone can understand the meaning of his words.

Without waiting for Xiao Jun to retort, Anji continued with her big nostril.

"We don't talk about the gap between Chinese and Western medicine, just talk about the current situation.

Just now, all the medical experts of our Angel Group conducted a very detailed physical examination on the children here. The cause of the disease is not conclusive, but the physical condition of those children is worrying.

The child in ward 2, on his chest, clearly had strange spots.

All the children in ward 3 had different degrees of skin contusion.

The children in the fourth ward are even worse. They have bruises and bruises on the back of the body, and the congestion is everywhere. It's really shocking.

I would like to ask Huaxia doctors, are you treating these children or abusing them? Do you know that your behavior is subject to legal sanctions in Europe? "

Angie said it in a loud voice, as if to confirm what he said. Just at this time, a middle-aged woman in a fur coat rushed out of the ward like crying."Who beat my little grandson like this? Come out and get out of here. I'll kill him!"

The middle-aged aunt was very emotional. Looking at the child she was holding in her arms, on her small body and back, there were many scars.

In a flash, everyone's eyes to Xiao Jun became quite unfriendly.