Since the beginning of the fight, it is obvious that the child who passed out opened his mouth and began to cry after farting.

At this time, Xiao Jun carefully pulled the silver needles out of the child.

While taking the needle, he comforted softly: "brother, don't cry, it's OK, it's OK. These needles don't hurt at all. "

All the silver needles were taken out, and the child was a little tired. A pair of small bracelets held Xiao Jun's neck and fell asleep.

Xiao Jun asked people to dress the children well. Then he turned his head and looked at the medical experts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, who are you specialists in pediatric digestive diseases? This child's stomach needs to be adjusted as soon as possible. Please help. When the traditional Chinese medicine is cooked and fed to him twice, everything will be all right. "

Xiao Jun's words indirectly express a meaning, that is, the child was cured by him.

Instead of immediately responding to Xiao Jun's words, they took out a series of medical devices, such as stethoscope, tester, and so on, and examined the child.

"Well? It's really OK. "

"Yes, the heart rate has returned to normal."

"The temperature is normal, too."

"Why are the symptoms of those viral diseases gone at all? Ah, can we have a more in-depth test? I can't believe that a few needles can expel the virus from the body. It's not scientific! "

A group of people said everything, we really do not understand the principle of each, can only go to Xiao Jun for answers.

Who knows, this turn, Xiao Jun has long gone.

"Ah, where's Xiao Jun?"

"President Qin, Xiao Jun went to ward 1 and called for your help."

The head nurse of 302 Hospital appeared at the door of the ward at the right time, and everyone realized that Xiao Jun was in a hurry to save other children.

A group of people were about to follow the past, but vice president Qiu, who was at the end, suddenly held someone.

"Lao Yang, what are you doing with the past. Xiao Jungang didn't mean to leave a child digestive system disease expert here to recuperate the child's intestines and stomach! "

"Ah? Vice President Qiu, why me? "

"It's not you, it's me. Don't you remember what Xiao Jun said before? The doctor's duty is to treat the sick and save the people. Now your most important task is to take care of the child! "

"Ah, I..."

"What are you? I'll tell you about Xiao Jun's rescue later."

Vice President Qiu left quickly, only Comrade Yang was there, looking depressed.

Didn't it deprive him of the chance to witness the miracle of medicine.


In ward 1 of ward area, when the medical experts came, all the nurses here had stripped all the children they were in charge of.

Ward area a total of such a big place, Xiao Jun's everything is affecting everyone's heart.

Of course, we got the news for the first time that Xiao Jun was using acupuncture and moxibustion therapy of traditional Chinese medicine.

So, when I heard that Xiao Jun came to ward 1, the nurses and sisters immediately prepared in advance and took off their children's clothes to facilitate Xiao Jun's treatment.

But when Xiao Jun saw this scene, he almost laughed.

"I said, what are you doing? You are not afraid of freezing the children when you strip them so thoroughly! Come on, dress the children and wrap them in quilts. "

When Xiao Jun said that, everyone was confused.

"Xiao Jun, how can you do acupuncture without taking off your clothes?"

"Who says acupuncture is about to take off clothes?"

"If you don't take off your clothes, do you want to put a needle through them?"

"I Wipe, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Dress and cover the children quickly

Xiao Jun really doesn't want to pay attention to these ignorant human beings. He angrily scolds all the nurses.

Taking advantage of the white angel sisters to repack the children, he stepped over, pulled up the first child's small hand, and gently pricked the child's wrist with a sterilized silver needle.

After the injection, the child, who was still crying, miraculously stopped crying. However, the little guy cocked up on the spot, Dingding, and sent out a stream of water towards the sky.

"Well, how can I forget this? Forget it. Don't put on your clothes. If they pee in bed later, you'll have to worry."

"Damn it

The crowd broke down again.

What does Xiao Jun want to do?

Put aside those who don't wear clothes, you can see Xiao Jun holding a silver needle, disinfecting the needle with an alcohol cotton stick, and walking toward the next hospital bed.

The same is to pull up the child's hand, the same is in the child's hand in the same position of the needle.

Then, it's the same result.

Stop crying children, wet the bed.Xiao Jun's Footwork keeps going back and forth in this ward. In just a few minutes, he alone and a needle made all the twenty or thirty children in the ward quiet.

"Well, when the medicine is ready and fed to the children, they only need one dose. By the way, leave a few pediatric urology medical experts to take care of them and prevent the recurrence of the disease. "

Xiao Jun finished this sentence, picked up his acupuncture bag, and went to the next ward.

But at this time, the old man Lin Qingyuan suddenly stood up and blocked Xiao Jun's way.

"Xiao Jun, you can't be so irresponsible!"

"Ha? What do you say, old man Lin? Why am I irresponsible? "

"Don't you favor one over the other? That child just used hundreds of needles to get it done. There are so many children here. How can you get one. We can't be perfunctory in treating and saving people! "

Lin Qingyuan's words immediately won the approval of countless people around him. Xiao Jun once again felt the deep malice of the world and the hospital.

"I Your sister! Is there a saying that TM treats patients favorably? You'd like to see me turn these children into hedgehogs? "

"Isn't acupuncture like this?"

"I I spit on you! These children are the mildest among all the sick children. I'm neurotic, so I'm going to tie them into hedgehogs. Get out of the way, get out of the way

Xiao Jun really doesn't want to deal with these people. He leaves the crowd and goes outside.

People in the ward looked at each other, and many medical experts rushed to the bedside with all kinds of simple instruments.

After the examination, these people were convinced again.

Is it the same as Xiao Jun's saying that these children are the mildest ones? Just now, the one who took one shot really stabilized the situation.

What else can the medical experts on the scene say? They can't do anything to scratch their scalp. Let Xiao Jun solve it with a needle. It's too hard.

However, the more such attacks, the better.

A group of people swarmed out with jubilation and went to follow Xiao Jun's steps again.

However, the people in front ran fast, and the experts who stayed behind from Tongren Hospital were forced to do so.

Their leaders forced these people down.

"Why do you still join in the fun? Didn't you hear what Xiao Jungang said. You are all experts in pediatric urology. You must take good care of these children! "

"Ah? Leaders, we also want to see the progress of Xiao Jun's treatment. "

"What are you looking at? I'll go there alone. I'll tell you about it when I'm done. I don't remember what Xiao Jun said before. As doctors, it's your bounden duty to treat patients and save people. Your most important task now is to take care of these children. "

"No, lead Ah, how do you say to leave, leader? "

Many members of the expert group of Tongren Hospital have been forced to witness the medical miracle, which is a lifelong regret.


The affairs of ward 1 have been settled temporarily. Xiao Jun has gone to ward 2.

When he walked into the ward, he saw a group of sister nurses dressing the sick children.

"Well, what are you doing?"

"Well? Xiao Jun is here. We dress our children. Don't worry. We only dress them in coats. After you finish acupuncture and they pee in bed, we'll deal with the rest. "

The elder sister, the leading nurse, responded to Xiao Jun's words with confidence.

Just now, an assistant doctor secretly went to ward 1 and saw the whole process of Xiao Jun's treatment there. When he came back, many nurses made preparations in advance.

They thought they were doing well, but Xiao Jun wanted to swear at that time.

"Wipe, these children are almost spoiled by you! Take off, take off your clothes, just cover the quilt. Who said I'm going to acupuncture them. You are so angry with me. "

Xiao Jun swears. The group of medical experts who just came here, when they heard what he said, would collapse even more than Xiao Jun.

Those children have not been spoiled by the nurses. We medical staff will be spoiled by you Xiao Jun!

A group of people are in a hurry to take off their clothes and cover the quilt for the children. Xiao Jun doesn't know who to rush back to, but he orders them recklessly.

"Get me at least three liters of medical alcohol, and a burning stick or a match. The more the better."


Burning rod?

The combination of these two things makes me feel curious.

What does Xiao Jun want to do? Is he going to burn the hospital?

President Qin only felt flustered in his heart, but he immediately ordered people to send Xiao Jun what he needed.

All the props are complete. The hand behind Xiao Jun's back comes to the front, and suddenly there is a simple wooden box in his hand.Lin Qingyuan is silly. At that time, he put his face behind Xiao Jun's buttocks.

"Xiao Jun, where did you get this? Do you do magic

"Don't care about the details."

"But, how about the acupuncture bag?"

"I said, don't care about the details!"

Leaving aside Lin Qingyuan, who attaches great importance to details, Xiao Jun puts the simple box on the table.

When the lid of the box was opened, everyone could see many strange shaped bottles and cans inside.

After a while, Xiao Jun applied alcohol to a small jar and heated it on the chest of a child.

"Ah, Xiao Jun is burning the child!"