On December 3, Xiao Jun took his entire studio to Jiangdong TV station.

As soon as I came up, I didn't do anything. I just assigned people to the major news media to seek advertising space and publicize Xiao Jun's first documentary, which will be officially broadcast in prime time on the entertainment channel of Jiangdong provincial TV station on December 10.

As soon as the news came out, Xiao Jun and the Comics Association stopped working, and the network world that had subsided suddenly became a frying pan again.

Although Xiao Jun has been removed from the general list of Huaxia star power list, he is still at the top of the "network star list" of Huaxia star power list.

It has to be mentioned that the evaluation standard of Huaxia star power list.

The appearance of every star is the result of the careful evaluation and deep analysis of countless professionals in the entertainment industry, and finally ascends the altar.

All kinds of traditional ways for stars to become famous come step by step.

For example, one of the people standing at the top is Hong Kong Island star Hua Ge.

First, Hua Ge ran in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and gradually became famous in the film and television industry. Later, he was discovered by the star scout, packaged and made into a singer, and produced a single and an album, which made him famous. Next, he will move to the film and television industry and play in various films and TV plays as the protagonist. After the fire broke out on Hong Kong Island, he set foot in the mainland market and participated in commercial performances, public welfare performances and national official performances like the Spring Festival Gala. Finally established its unshakable position in the entertainment industry.

Such a way of becoming famous has an unbreakable foundation. As long as it does not make any mistakes in principle, there will be no decline in popularity.

But internet stars like Xiao Jun are different.

With the development of the times, microblog is a popular media. Xiaolong live network provides a platform for many civilians to show themselves.

The development rhythm of star business is speeding up. Many people seize all kinds of opportunities for hype. Those who take off their clothes can become famous, and those who ask for food can also be concerned by countless people.

Every guy with a little money can make himself a hot person on the Internet by investing tens of millions.

What kind of stars are these people? They are far from the traditional public figures.

But they still have a big appeal on the Internet, and they can form a force that can't be underestimated.

Huaxia star power official, this just keep pace with the times, set up a network star list.

Internet stars become famous very fast, many even overnight. But their popularity fades quickly, and many of them disappear overnight.

Therefore, the official power of Huaxia star is cautious about whether the network stars can enter the general list.

Xiao Jun's ability to do things is not small. He can arouse the attention and disgust of countless people.

God knows, one day he will make himself despised by everyone.

Based on the above reasons, Xiao Jun's overall score has been at a very low level.

But the key problem is that the low score does not mean that his influence is low.

Since his rebirth, Xiao Jun has won more than 200000 public honors.

The data of rebirth selection system can't be wrong, that is to say, hundreds of thousands of people are full of interest in Xiao Jun.

Now that he's going to make a big event again, can he cause a little stir on the Internet.

As soon as the news of Xiao Jun's documentary was released, the Internet exploded.

All kinds of news web pages, post bar forums, micro blog space comments, really every minute can brush out more than a dozen.

[mycelium] three legged cat: "Xiao Jun, you are shameless, don't you mean you want to make a song album? I've been waiting for more than a month, so you'll make a documentary? "

[netizen] fuduoduo: "brother Xiao Jun doesn't make cartoons anymore. We want to watch cartoons, but we don't understand documentaries."

"Xiao Jun, even if you make a poem, it's better than making a documentary."

"I want to say that Xiao Jun's choice is right. At least in the field of documentary, no one fights with him. Because no one knows anyone who makes documentaries. "

"Xiao Jun's choice is right. What about Jiangdong TV station's choice? Isn't this TM noisy. On December 10, a new TV play was said to be good. It was broadcast on the entertainment channel of that provincial TV station. We had been waiting for a long time. You've changed it into a documentary, not to mention the documentary made by Xiao Jun, even if it was made by the president of the United States, we are not willing to watch it! "

"Brother Jun, although the people of our mycelial corps have said that they will always support you, you are a documentary Forget it. "

So many people on the Internet, whether they are Xiao Jun's fans or not, don't like a documentary.

But in reality, in the big office on the fifth floor of the office building of Jiangdong provincial TV station, thirty or forty young men and women sat in the conference room, watching the opening sample of the documentary presented by Xiao Jun, and they were all surprised.

"My God, is there anything else like that?"

"God, we've learned these things in history textbooks, but they're not as detailed as those in the movies. Is that the charm of documentary? It's like being in the long river of history and being on the scene. ""Hey, brother Jun, why is it only six minutes, the one in the back. Let's have a look. "

Xiao Jun is very satisfied with the reaction of these people.

This is a documentary that is going to shock China. If he can't even attract these people in front of him, why shock China.

"Cough, everyone, be quiet. This documentary has only been produced so much, the rest depends on your joint efforts. I'll ask Feijie to distribute all the video materials to you, and then Well

Xiao Jun can't help but pause.

In this kind of situation, the whole audience was wide eyed, looking at him, longing for work assignment, and even silent. A burst of hands quickly hit the keyboard sound, it is so clear.

It's not that Xiao Jun can't stand being ignored by others. The main reason is that the guy who ignores him is too wonderful.

It was the morning when there was no gesture of welcome for his arrival.

I don't know why.

As soon as Xiao Jun saw the guy, he remembered the picture of Lola in the alien world.

When I think of Lola, I think of the mysterious woman who appeared in the award ceremony of the animation competition.

At the thought of that woman, there was a brief void in his brain.

Others don't know Xiao Jun's psychological activities. They only see him stop talking and look straight at the back of the conference room.

With his eyes, we also saw the alien yuan classmate.

The people sitting next to Yuan couldn't stand so much gaze, so they pushed him gently and pointed in front of him.

Working hard, yuan was suddenly interrupted. He frowned and raised his eyes to meet everyone's eyes.

When he finally looked at Xiao Jun's eyes together, he just turned his mouth slightly, then lowered his head and continued to work on his own affairs.

The clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack cla.

"Mr. Yuan, do you have any opinions on me?"

Xiao Jun asked.

Then I saw the classmate yuan sigh, as if his work was interrupted, that kind of angry but helpless appearance.

Gently buttoned up his laptop, Yuan stood up.

"Report to the leader, I have no opinion on you!"

"You don't have a problem with me. Why do you care that everyone is in a meeting? What were you doing? "

"I'm working."

"Work? I haven't assigned any tasks. What do you do? "

Xiao Jun was patient and asked these questions in a very mild tone. For this program ape who doesn't hear outside the window, he still has a certain favor.

Because, Xiao Jun himself once was such a prick, see each other, inexplicably arrived at a kind.

But the next conversation with the program ape, Xiao Jun's heart of cordiality disappeared, some just full of collapse.

"Report leader, I was just doing the ratings statistics of the existing Chinese documentaries, relying on the data to calculate how much energy we need to put into the current work."

"Oh? What's the result of your statistics? "

"Based on the best documentary of the Orioles award in China in the past three years. The highest audience rating of "the most beautiful Shangri La" is 0.083%. The national audience rating of "spy in Northern Xinjiang" is 0.072%. The highest audience rating of "visiting tribal nationalities" is 0.066%. The audience rating data shows a downward trend year by year. "

"And then?"

"The audience's attention to the documentary can be fully reflected by the ratings, that is, they don't watch it at all. The above data are collected through the national platform. I will import it into the data system of Jiangdong TV station and analyze the current situation of the entertainment channel of Jiangdong TV station. The audience rating of your documentary will fluctuate between 0.05 and 0.1. "


"I haven't finished yet. Your documentary has great attraction and is hopeful to surpass the historical ratings of documentary. But there is a premise, that is, someone will watch the documentary. The prime time peak ratings of entertainment channels can reach more than 1, which makes us have a very good audience base. "

"I know, but..."

"Hear me out. Such a good audience base has been broken by your wrong decision. When the audience doesn't know about the documentary, they will naturally turn on the TV and watch the entertainment channel. But after your publicity, let everyone know that there will be a documentary on that night. As soon as the audience hears that it's a documentary, it's enough to automatically switch to another channel. Other people's propaganda is to create a good viewing effect, while your propaganda is to put everyone on the opposite side. Propaganda is better than propaganda. "“……”

"Based on this situation, your documentary audience rating will be less than 0.1%. As mentioned in your oral agreement with the provincial TV station, you should push down the maximum audience rating of the entertainment channel by more than 2%. There is a gap of 20 times before and after, which means that what you do will become a typical failure. Since we know we're going to fail, let's go

The program ape stewed here for a while and scanned the whole audience in a twinkling of an eye.

"There's no need for us to waste our energy on such things. Let's give up. That's my conclusion. "

After finishing the last sentence, Shi ran sat down on the seat, leaving only the stunned face of the whole audience.