"Xiao Jun, why did you give the gun away so easily. It's over, it's over, it's more trouble! "

"I'm sorry, Professor Xiao. We're slow. We missed the best time to subdue the bandit leader."

"Ah, there are not enough bandages. Who has handkerchief or something? Help the passenger stop bleeding for the time being!"

After Cao Hui fled, there was chaos in the first class.

Liu Xixi, Hu Fei and others blame Xiao Jun for throwing the gun out, while Du Ge and his two elder soldiers bow their heads and admit their mistakes to Xiao Jun.

What happened just now?

Just as the robber leader was about to count, Xiao Jun winked at brother Du.

The two soldiers understood, and just as Xiao Jun threw the pistol out to attract the robbers' attention, they burst into action.

I planned to save the hostage and subdue the robber leader by the way.

Who thought, the other side reaction is not slow, even throw the knife to stop dugo their pursuit.

With such a little delay, when dugo and dugo chase after each other again, they are forced back by the robbers with other hostages.

It's very good. An opportunity is so wasted. Xiao Jun is also a little disappointed. However, you can't be a stranger, big brother. The plane space is so small that it can't be used.

"It doesn't matter. After getting off the plane, there are plenty of opportunities to deal with them. It's important for the robbers to land safely now. "

A word to appease DuGe DuGe them, Xiao Jun is pulled over the safety belt to tie himself.

Now he has no idea of any joke. What he starts to think is how to solve the robbery crisis.

At the beginning, he didn't understand the situation when he molested the robber leader. Just now, he was looking for opportunities to subdue the robber, and his thinking got on the right track step by step. Xiao Jun also found that this time it was not so simple.

There are at least 100 people in the whole plane. So many people are going to be taken to an isolated island by the robbers and spend money to redeem themselves.

Let's not say how many people can really give enough money, just look at the wounded already on the plane, it is not enough for the plane to land on the island.

Those robbers are so cruel. God knows how many of them are still on the so-called isolated island.

If the plane lands and all the hostages are dispersed, there will only be more casualties.

Xiao Jun didn't regard himself as Superman and didn't want to save the world. However, as a reborn person with systematic assistance and far more ability than ordinary people, if you watch so many people die miserably in the hands of vicious gangsters, you only care about your own life.

This is not the right choice for a good young Chinese.

How can I say that? Yes, if you are poor, you will be able to help yourself. If you are successful, you will help the whole world.

Xiao Jun is now a "Da". What he should think about is how to save the whole plane in danger.

We can't wait for the plane to arrive at the destination of the bandits. We must seize the time to regain the control of the plane now, and then look for the airport nearby to land and treat the wounded on the plane.

To get back control of the plane, the first thing is to catch the head of the robber.

The robber leader can take so many people on the plane, use special weapons to avoid security, and try to disguise himself as a seriously ill man.

From these things alone, we can conclude that the robber leader is a very clever man.

But this smart man's psychological quality seems not very good, a few jokes before him to the whole collapse.

So, can we continue to stimulate the other party in this way, and then capture him at one stroke?

Xiao Jun thought about the countermeasures, and gradually calmed down in the first class.

The atmosphere was a little oppressive. At this moment, a smirk broke the peace that lasted for less than three minutes.

"Hahaha, everyone, I'm back!"

When they went along, they saw the robber leader running back with a gun in his hand, not to mention how speechless he was.

Can you make people quiet for a while? Are you so interesting?

You're not, we're not.

If you want money, I'll give it to you when you get off the plane.

If you want to die, you can have a good time.

It's boring to run around and brush the sense of existence!

All the passengers were taken by Xiao Jun, and their attitude towards the robbers changed dramatically. This time, no one was afraid.

Everyone threw a look of disdain at the robber's head. Then they sat upright like Xiao Jun, fastened their seat belts, and never talked to each other again.

Cao Hui excitedly ran back, but encountered such a cold reception, the whole person is not good.

As a robber, he has seen enough money. He runs to the plane to do things, just to seek stimulation and sense of achievement.

In the face of a group of hostages who despise him, NIMA has no sense of achievement."Well, you are not afraid to die, are you! I have a gun in my hand now. I have a gun! "


"You, can you give me a response, even a scream. I'm robbing. Can you respect my profession? "


"What's wrong with the world? I wipe, that little girl, I now use a gun to kill you numb, ask you to be afraid

The head of the robber showed his ferocious face and walked up to a four or five-year-old girl with a gun dangling on her young head.

In the past, this kind of action was definitely a little girl's cry.

But today

"Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba chants scriptures!"

The little girl covers her ears and plunges into Ma Ma's arms. Young Ma Ma looks at Cao Hui angrily and lowers her head to comfort her child.

Countless passengers who heard the little girl's words burst out laughing.

Cao Hui, the leader of the robber who was completely ignored, was in a mess in the wind.

"No laughing, no laughing! I'm robbing. I'm not afraid to die, sir. I'm going to kill someone to show you. I'll see who can laugh! "

Cao Hui was angry. It seemed that he really wanted to shoot.

Just then, a roar broke out, interrupting all his movements.

"Enough! Bullying women and children is nothing. If you have the ability, come to me! "

Xiao Jun unties his seat belt and stands up fiercely. He turns around and makes a direct confrontation with Cao Hui.

Not far from the side of DuGe two people also want to get up together, but Xiao Jun is the hand behind, repeatedly shaking stopped their action.

What's terrible about a robber with a water pistol? Let's see that he is arrogant for the moment. We can't let him run any more when we find the right time to catch him.

DuGe and Xiaojun understand each other's movements and are ready to attack at any time.

Cao Hui saw all these little moves in his eyes, but with a gun in his hand, he didn't worry about anyone making small moves.

No matter how fast you can shoot, ha ha!

Without paying attention to the two men with high military value, Cao Hui focuses all his attention on Xiao Jun.

"Yes, boy. I admire you more and more now. I've been robbing for more than ten years. It's the first time I've seen such a kind man as you. I... "

"Shut up and don't insult the word robbery!"


Cao Hui tried to put his mind in order to communicate with Xiao Jun, but every time he was upset by Xiao Jun's words.

"I insult and rob two words?"

"Yes! Just now you said that we do not respect your profession. In fact, the person who does not respect your profession most is yourself! "

"Why don't I respect you?"

"Do you understand the real meaning of robbery? Do you understand the ultimate connotation of robbery? You don't know anything and dare to say that you are a robber. That's an insult to robbery! "


Cao Hui didn't know how many times he was confused.

Robbery is not robbery, where the real meaning, talk about the ultimate connotation.

No, who is the robber?

Cao Hui couldn't figure out what Xiao Jun wanted to express, but Xiao Jun didn't allow him to think about it. He continued: "robbery can be regarded as a high-risk industry in China. I don't know how many people want to invest in it, so they are scared away by its danger.

A high degree of risk, decided to join the industry must have super professional skills of the people, can have the ability to survive.

In a dream of Red Mansions, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu compete for men by "golden and jade marriage.".

In journey to the west, the monkey king snatches flat peaches from heaven by "seventy-two changes.".

In Outlaws of the marsh, Chao Gai's seven brothers robbed Yang Zhi of his birthday by "seizing wisdom.".

In the romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang snatched 100000 arrows from Cao Cao by "grass boat".

The robbers of other people since ancient times are all wise and powerful, but what about you? Tell me what you have? "

It's not only Cao Hui who said that, but also other people in the first class.

It's all about where and where, robbery. You've been connected with four famous works. Do you want to order Bilian?

"You see, if you don't speak, it proves that you have nothing. This dare to come out to rob, say you are insulting robbery, this industry is light.

I'll tell you what the ultimate connotation of robbery is. The connotation is to look at other people's work and get their wages.

To sum up, there are only three words: "idle waiting for money.".

So all the robbers are idle and painful.

You look at you, a little idle egg pain look, this time Kung Fu to run back and forth three or four times, you are not boring.

It's great to have a broken gun. You can kill me if you have the ability. If you kill me, you will lose my life money.This is what happens when you don't have time. The robbers have money when they are free. You will only lose money if you come back and go.

Who is insulting and robbing and who doesn't respect the industry? Don't you have any pressure in your heart! "

Xiao Jun talks a lot, Cao Hui Alas, I don't know how to describe the psychological state of the robber leader.

In fact, he didn't understand what Xiao Jun was saying at all. From the beginning to the end, he remembered the sentence "idle egg Hurts".

Is this a curse?

Is this kid scolding me?

Without waiting for Cao Hui to understand the problem, another robber's voice came out of the radio in the cabin.

"Boss, we've got in touch with the police. Can we start the second step?"


This sentence, let all passengers in the heart of doubt, but also disrupted Xiao Jun ready to use language to stimulate the rhythm of the robber leader.

What's the matter with these robbers? They have to plan a robbery in one or two steps?

Just when he was stunned, Cao Hui laughed and put the gun on Xiao Jun's head.

"Boy, I don't care what you say so much nonsense for. Now the gun is in my hand. Whether you can survive depends on whether you are willing to cooperate with me."

"With what?"

"Go and talk to the police for me!"

Cao Hui pushed Xiao Jun hard and walked to the rest area of the crew.