"Back to defense, everyone, back to defense quickly!"

"As for defenders, how can you defenders be so close to each other! Go and stop the other striker

The stadium echoed the hysterical roar of the coach.

The poor head coach of Xucheng team, who had just enjoyed the treatment of top coach for less than one minute, was beaten back to his original form again and was so anxious that he wanted to play football.

Just now, the central defender of Huayang team big foot released, the first reaction was their forward. Almost at the moment when the football was flying, the two offensive players of Huayang team chased in the direction of football.

On the other hand, a group of young players were stunned for several seconds before they remembered to go back to defense.

They really made a big mistake this time.

It's totally with the habitual thinking of playing football with Xiao Jun last time to carry out this game. See Xiao Jun kick-off, Xu Cheng team's four guards, but also ran to the opposite guard's position to join the fun.

They all think it's a good chance to break through, but they forget that the last time they faced TIANLIAN, which is similar to their level, this time they faced Huayang, which is several grades higher than their strength. Also forget that the last time the goalkeeper is Xiao Jun that monster, this time the goalkeeper is their own goalkeeper.

The second half of the whole Xucheng team was empty, and the two forwards of Huayang team really went into a no man's land. After receiving the football, they immediately carried the ball towards the goal.

The guard of Xucheng team chases after him desperately, but the distance between him and other people's forwards is getting farther and farther.

Xu Cheng's goalkeeper shouts loudly with a black face to embolden himself, but in the face of this kind of single shot, he really doesn't have any confidence to defend alone.

Looking at the distance between Huayang forward and Xucheng goal getting shorter and shorter, everyone foresees that the second goal of this game will appear like this.

On the sidelines, many substitutes of Xucheng closed their eyes in despair, while all the substitutes of Huayang stood up and were ready to celebrate.

Just at this time, a scream suddenly burst out, so that everyone's mood immediately became complicated.

"Ah, look, it's Xiao Jun!"

I don't know who yelled. One of them was one. They all saw a figure in the No. 25 shirt of Xucheng. With unimaginable speed, they kept narrowing the distance between him and football.

That man is Xiao Jun!

When Xiao Jun arrived at the front court, he was stunned to see the football leaving him suddenly. But then the coach's roar let him recover from the stupor, and then immediately turned to pursue defense.

As long as he can break the football before Huayang No. 9 forward with the ball attacks, it will be a wonderful defense. It's a textbook defense that deserves to be studied by countless defenders in the world.

Xiao Jun carries the hope of all the members of the Xucheng team and attracts the attention of all the audience.


"This is a few seconds for everyone to worry about, and it is also a few seconds for Xiao Jun to create a miracle!

Ladies and gentlemen, Xiao Jun, in the case of starting behind, went to catch up with the opponent's forward who had been running far away for a long time.

Ah, look, he's catching up, Xiao Jun is catching up!

Xiao Jun flies to tackle. We can almost see the sparks generated by the friction between his body and the lawn. He I'll wipe it. What's going on? "

In the official live broadcast of Xiaolong video network, Tianyou started his passionate explanation when he saw Xiao Jun rushing back to defense. When he saw that Xiao Jun really caught up with the opponent's forward and had already stretched out his foot to tackle the ball, Tianyou was almost shouting with excitement.

But the next moment, his inner excitement suddenly stopped.

Because, Xiao Jun a beautiful tackle was shoveled down the empty space, directly from the Huayang No. 9 forward's body in front of the empty space slide past.

The scene.

Looking at Xiao Jun sliding rapidly from his eyes, Huayang No. 9 showed a banter smile on his face and made a "waste" mouth shape towards Xiao Jun.

As a good striker, how can I not have the ability to see and listen. The simple emergency stop will shake you. What a waste!

At this moment, Huayang No. 9 despised Xiao Jun mercilessly in his heart. Then he raised his foot and gently pushed the football to his No. 10 teammate who just ran and attacked with him.


"Oh, my God, the old man of the audience, after the No. 9 shook away Xiao Jun's defense, he didn't choose to shoot himself, but passed the ball to No. 10!

Pass the ball behind Xiao Jun, which is not offside. The football got rid of Xiao Jun and cheated Xu Cheng's goalkeeper at the same time!

Huayang 10 a perfect stop, he started, he is about to shoot!

No defenders, no goalkeepers, no 10 to open the door, the ball Huh? My God, what happened just now

What happened on the court happened in a few seconds, and in these seconds, God bless could explain the scene with extremely fast speed, and added his own exclamation.It's enough to see how superb this guy's interpretation technique is.

No matter how high his interpretation skills are, he just keeps the normal thinking. When faced with things that normal people can't understand, all he can do is to open his mouth wide and shut up completely.


The scene of the game.

When Xiao Jun catches up with No. 9 of the other team, the people of Xucheng team are excited to shout out, but the next moment, they see Xiao Jun shaken away by an emergency stop of the other team, and their mood falls to the bottom.

Especially when the No. 9 pass gently, let the football slip from behind Xiao Jun and in front of the goalkeeper to the foot of No. 10, making No. 10 face the empty goal, everyone was completely desperate.

The mood of the ups and downs, almost all people can't breathe, but the next scene, is directly let people forget to breathe.

The Huayang No. 10, facing the empty goal, made great efforts and vowed to kick the football into the goal. But the result is that he didn't kick anything, he directly pumped his foot into the air, and the whole person was driven by inertia. After half a circle, he somersaulted and fell dizzy.

At the moment when he fell to the ground, the only idea of No. 10 was to ask where the football had gone.

Where's the football?

Ha ha, of course, Xiao Jun, who arrived at superhuman speed, was kicked away!

No one thought that after Xiao Jun was shaken away by the other side's No. 9, he got up quickly, ran to the position of No. 10, and came to a flying tackle again.

At the time of starting on the 10th, Xiao Jun had already knocked the football with his calf stomach to let the football leave its original position.

Waiting for No. 10's feet to fall, Xiao Jun has slipped past the other side by inertia.

Football is gone, people are gone, No. 10 of course is kicking in a ball of air, shaking to the ground.

There are only two people in the world who can observe the scene at close range.

One is Huayang No.9 forward. This guy just walked past Xiao Jun in a handsome way. He was laughing at Xiao Jun in his heart, but he never thought that he could stop Xiao Jun from making miraculous defense.

The other is Xu Cheng's goalkeeper. This guy just watched the football roll past the place he couldn't reach. He had already given up the resistance, but he watched Xiao Jun slip past his eyes and defend the ball he must have scored. The whole person was completely stupid.

The whole football field, silent down, everyone can't believe what happened in front of us.

Xiao Jun is Shi Shi ran stood up, looked back at the Huayang 9, raised his hand.

"Boy, just now I said who is rubbish. I tell you, as long as I'm here, you don't want to enter... "


"The goal of Huayang team is valid!"

Xiao Jun domineering to the other side forward put cruel words, but he did not finish this cruel words, was the referee a whistle to mercilessly interrupt.

OK, man, I'll let you interrupt. I'll take it!

But you this Huayang team goal is what meaning, did not see elder brother just supernatural courage incomparable rescue.

The guy who wanted to shoot didn't touch the ball at all. How could they score!


Xiao Jun looked around and found that no one gave him a look of infinite admiration, and no one even looked at him. Everyone is open mouth, with the state that is about to stare out the eyeballs, looking at the goal behind him.

Xiao Jun swallowed hard, turned his head silently, and saw the football lying in the goal line, moving with the wind.


"I wipe, the cow broke off my brother, NIMA. For the first time, I saw that I could score the Oolong ball with such enthusiasm."

"Where is the science dog? Come out and calculate Xiao Jungang's running speed. It's unscientific to run so fast! "

"It's not in vain. It's definitely not in vain! Just now, the defense was more exciting than one world cup

"Well, don't you find that Junge has set another record in the history of football? The record of scoring two own goals in a game

"Ma Dan, what do the Chinese football association do? Xiao Jun is such a good football player. Why didn't he dig it out and cultivate it. If there had been Xiao Jun, I think Chinese football would have been out of Asia long ago! "

"I take back the words I used to scold Xiao Jun, how can a person who can defend so hard be passive in the game. It's just hopelessly positive. Xiao Jun's performance at the beginning must have a reason. From now on, I support Xiao Jun unconditionally

A person who works hard can show it in a lot of small things,

just like Xiao Jun, the defense like that just now is absolutely unheard of rhythm in the eyes of normal people. Only those who believe in football and regard the game as a war of life and death will never give up when everyone gives up.

This kind of person is the most respectable.

Although there are not many people speaking in the comment area, there are countless Chinese fans who have raised their respect for Xiao Jun.Why do you say that? Because the system gives the most convincing data.

Ding, the progress of the "popular" task indicates that the number of Chinese fans' attention to the host has increased to 0.2%. I hope we can continue our efforts. "

Well, this sound system prompt can be regarded as the only thing that can make Xiao Jun feel a little relieved in the whole game.

God is unfair. Why do you work so hard and finally make it so hard.

I don't want to be humiliated, but I'm still more and more humiliated. No, I have to fight for my face!