"God, really God. This is a tongue twister in many languages. I feel that it's not easy to say that poem in Chinese. How did Xiao Jun do it

"Wow, my Bryan really improvised. What does Xiao Jun do? Why doesn't he let my idol's works be promoted all over the world. He's old enough to talk on stage! "

"Something must have happened in the middle. The blogger deleted it. Although Xiao Jun's words are not pleasant to listen to, there is something wrong with Brian's rap song. They don't understand China. Why should they say that China is incomprehensible. After really understanding, I won't say those words! "

"God like Xiao Jun's first play" is to keep many netizens. No one doubts whether he Chao's information is true or false. Instead, everyone is curious about what happened at the banquet.

Ordinary netizens just join in the fun, who would like to, a moment later a micro blog big V made a speech.

"Wang Tao, music director of popular entertainment company, Weibo: I'm glad that Weibo officials can invite international celebrities to register their accounts, which proves that Huaxia's influence is growing in the world. Give me a deep compliment.

However, I never expected that Xiao Jun, a low-quality person, would even attend such an important international occasion as the world star gathering dinner. I don't know what happened at the banquet. All I saw was Xiao Jun talking in front of countless foreign friends, showing off his language ability and belittling the hard work of translators.

This kind of person should not appear on the sacred stage of the aircraft carrier report performance! "

At this time, it was the moment when microblog got much attention. As soon as Wang Tao spoke, many people immediately forwarded his microblog.

Suddenly, just two days ago, the dispute over the cancellation of Xiao Jun's performance qualification has become a hot topic again.

He Chao's microblog comment area is full of abuse. He chaocai doesn't care whether those people scold or praise him. As long as the stars he follows can attract enough public attention, it's a good thing for him.

He Chao calculated the time and knew that he had to publish all the things he photographed tonight before 9 o'clock, so he went to think about the next content.

He doesn't care what the comment area says, but as the protagonist of the event, Xiao Jun can't help but care.

The star party dinner is still going on. After seeing off wave after wave of stars who came to toast and chat with him, Xiao Jun did it honestly.

But now he is sitting beside Ning Xiaolan. This beautiful woman always keeps her clothes not like fireworks in the world. The beautiful woman ignores Xiao Jun, and Xiao Jun doesn't know what to talk with others. Finally, she can only take out her mobile phone and search for some interesting news, so that she won't be embarrassed.

As a result, as soon as he took out his mobile phone, he first saw the official push message of microblog, and then saw the "God like Xiao Jun's first bullet" which was almost drowned in saliva.

I have a wipe, invite international stars to open micro blog, how can I not know this?

Well, I think it's Li Qiang's new trick.

Xiao Jun's first reaction is to be happy. After all, the more influential microblog is, the more money he can make. Making money is certainly worth having fun.

Just, can there be paparazzi sneaking into TIANLIAN's designated Hospitality Hotel to take pictures? He Chao is just a bull!

Xiao Jun's second reaction was surprise. After a long time, he found that no matter where he went or what he did, there was always a shadow of he Chao.

I can't help but have a deep curiosity about this paparazzi.

Subconsciously looked around, but also did not find a guy like a reporter.

Forget it. Let's talk about it when we have a chance. This kind of talent must meet.

However, in this boy's Micro blog comments, why are they all abusive words.

Xiao Jun looks over with doubts, and finally finds the culprit.

Ma Dan, it's Wang Tao again.

When I was singing in Yuanshi bar, it was this guy who said I was vulgar. How come it's been such a long time, and he still can't help it!

Xiao Jun frowned. Without thinking about it, he sent out a microblog.

"Xiao Jun micro blog: @ Wang Tao, what do I say? It's none of your business? Brother here to participate in the party, you say something on the Internet is useless. I tell you, the poem "talking about people" is just right for you

Xiao Jun had already made a move, and suddenly a large number of onlookers came out, some with tops and some with curses.

Xiao Jun looks at so many comments that pop up suddenly, a burst of exasperation in his heart. He simply turns off his mobile phone and no longer takes care of things on the Internet.

However, he can ignore those who don't like him, or ignore the comments on the Internet, but he can't ignore the attitude of Mr. Ning sitting not far away from the scene.

On the Internet, more and more people are calling for the disqualification of his performance. If we can't make a decision today, what's the matter!

The more he thought about it, the more confused he was. Suddenly, Xiao Jun thought of the song "the whole world speaks Chinese.".At that time, I didn't think much about it on stage. In retrospect, even if Mr. Ning didn't like this song, he should have commented on it. Why didn't I mention this song later, so I turned it over?

When Xiao Jun was confused, he Chao's "God like Xiao Jun's second play" on his micro blog sent out the song.

As soon as the vast number of Chinese netizens listened to it, they immediately became interested.

"Well, this song is a little interesting. If the whole world can speak Chinese, then I will be able to walk horizontally when I go abroad! "

"Rap is called tongue twister in China. My God, it's killing me. But I still feel very happy. I really hope people all over the world can speak Chinese. "

"No wonder Xiao Jun denounces Blaine's" the incomprehensible China ". Now when this song is compared, I feel that Blaine really means to discredit China."

"Upstairs, don't smear my idol!"

"Upstairs, you are not allowed to let us discredit your idol."

"Upstairs, don't you, don't we, don't you smear our idols!"


The influence of Xiao Jun's morning performance can be said to be subtle. In his last microblog, his sentence "don't let you, don't let me" didn't cause much discussion.

However, in this micro blog, netizens unconsciously play the word game.

In the blink of an eye, the comment area became a happy Solitaire paradise of "no you, no me".

Ordinary netizens are having a good time. Who would think that some people just can't see Xiao Jun without being scolded.

"Huang Jingwen, vice president of Jiangdong poetry and Painting Association, micro blog: the aircraft carrier report performance is a grand literary and artistic event in China. I'm very glad to have such an activity, which can promote the exchanges between Chinese people and the people of the world. However, some people have played a counterproductive role in this kind of communication.

"The whole world speaks Chinese" seems to be promoting the international influence of China. It can be considered carefully. This song obviously has a sense of self-respect. Foreign friends are not stupid, they can understand the meaning of the lyrics, if such a song is publicized.

What will the international community think of Huaxia? Foreign friends will only think that we Huaxia are bandits and want to invade the whole world. It really leads to such an argument that who else will have a good face for the Chinese people at that time. This is to hinder the normal communication between China and the world!

As an actor of this important performance, Xiao Jun has created such a work which is easy to be misunderstood. I really doubt his artistic level! This kind of person is not qualified to go on the international stage and strongly demands to make fun of his performance qualification! "

Huang Jingwen used to be a nobody and didn't pay much attention to fans, but now "disqualification of Xiao Jun's performance" has once again become a hot topic. As soon as you search for relevant keywords, you can see this blog immediately.

Immediately there are all kinds of forwarding, Huang Jingwen's argument to spread out.

Wang Tao, who always pays close attention to microblog, soon saw Huang Jingwen's words. Just like finding a close comrade in arms when he was building a house, he immediately ordered to forward it, saying that "what Mr. Huang said is very reasonable.".

Xiao Jun in the banquet hall is upset at the moment. He really doesn't know what he should thank. He can't help but turn on his mobile phone and look at the microblog.

As a result, my nose was almost crooked.

"Xiao Jun micro blog: @ Huang Jingwen, why are you everywhere? Can singing a song hinder the international exchange of Chinese? If I had that ability, I would be the first to hinder you! What are you talking about? Those who say I'm not qualified to participate in the aircraft carrier show will shut up. I'll be angry with you guys on the stage when the performance starts tomorrow

Well, Xiao Jun has made an old mistake again. When he gets angry, he speaks freely.

Microblog is a public media. He makes rude remarks on it, and still hits all the people who question him. Can this have a good result.

In a flash, the curse became one after another.

At the same time, those who supported Xiao Jun also emerged.

The comments on Weibo have gradually divided into two factions, one saying that the song "the whole world speaks Chinese" is good, the other saying that it is not good.

In just a few minutes, there was a trend of a large-scale curse war.

Looking at more and more people criticizing him, Xiao Jun is angry.

It's about this song again. Is it really wrong to choose this song?

When he began to struggle again, he suddenly heard the voice of the host on the stage of the banquet hall.

"Leaders, distinguished guests and international friends from more than ten places. I'm here to announce a very happy thing. The leader of the performance planning group of Bohai aircraft carrier report invited Mr. Li Qiang, general manager of Xiaolong video network, founder of Huaxia mass media microblog, as well as the working team of Xiaolong video network and microblog.

Next time, I will give the stage to Mr. Li Qiang. Let him explain Huaxia Weibo to all international friends and start the live broadcast of this banquet. "

As the host's voice fell, Xiao Jun saw Li Qiang walk onto the stage, pick up the microphone and scan the whole audience. Finally, his eyes stopped slightly on Xiao Jun and gave him a rather obscene look.Ma Dan, Li Qiang, is here to fight for the limelight with my brother!