"He Chao, the fashion magazine's follow-up reporter, micro blog: big news, big news! Three days after Xiao Jun's disappearance, he made a shocking debut and hosted a banquet for the top leader of a national department. There may be a turn for the better in the event of participating in the aircraft carrier performance. Please look forward to the news at 0 o'clock tonight. "

Just as Xiao Jun was thinking about how to perform well at tonight's star gathering, a blog post on his microblog caused quite a stir.

The debate about whether Xiao Jun is qualified to participate in the aircraft carrier performance has actually calmed down. Everyone is convinced that it is impossible to see Xiao Jun in the performance on September 2.

But who would have thought that he Chao's disclosure would stir up thousands of waves with one stone.

Only one photo is attached to this blog post. It is a scene of Xiao Jun shaking hands with someone to say goodbye in front of a high-end western restaurant in TIANLIAN city.

Xiao Jun is a close-up, but the person shaking hands is covered with mosaic.

I can't help it. This kind of thing is too sensitive. No matter how bold he Chao is, he dare not release the picture of the Minister of culture.

Such a tight mosaic naturally attracted many netizens' indignation.

However, few people doubt the authenticity of the news, because in the photo, Xiao Jun is still surrounded by two soldiers with straight waists.

It was the appearance of these two elder soldiers that convinced everyone that it was a big man who shook hands with Xiao Jun.

Those who like Xiao Jun are overjoyed at the news.

"I'm still worried that I won't hear Xiao Jun's song. Now, Xiao Jun will definitely be able to perform on the stage. In other words, in society, my brother Jun is not called for nothing. There are people in every aspect. No wonder people can board the aircraft carrier. "

"Wow, Xiao Jun is so handsome. It's nice to stand with those soldiers. I love you so much, Xiao Jun!"

Those who question Xiao Jun are somewhat resentful.

"Is it enough to invite leaders to dinner? Can this kind of national performance be decided by eating and drinking? I don't believe it

"I think it's deliberate hype. Maybe the two men in military uniform were also invited actors, which was deliberately shown to the planning group. @Bohai report performance planning group, don't let this kind of false news affect your decision, we want a satisfactory reply

And those who don't like Xiao Jun, as well as some small fans of foreign stars, are even more impolite.

"Don't be fooled by the false news. Xiao Jun, a hooligan, beat up our family song Zhongcheng, and was arrested the same day. I haven't heard from him these days. I must have been locked up. The two elder soldiers are actually in custody of him. "

"The upstairs analysis is reasonable. How could a leader contact Xiao Jun, who is fighting and of poor quality. This kind of person should be put in prison. He's not qualified to perform. "

"Boycott Xiao Jun, Xiao Jun is not qualified to participate in the aircraft carrier performance!"

Netizens all kinds of saliva, on the contrary, those who once denounced Xiao Jun celebrities, collective no voice.

They are thinking about whether Xiao Jun has the ability to contact the big leaders and what level of leadership he can contact.

If the news is false, it's good to make a show. When the result comes out, they have another reason to scold Xiao Jun.

But if the news is true, and no matter what the leaders' attitude towards Xiao Jun is, they will rashly participate in it, which will also leave a bad impression on the leaders.

So, everyone didn't say anything, but they were all holding their breath, waiting to see what he Chao would come up with at 0 o'clock in the evening.

In a hurry, Xiao Jun changed into a white suit and came out of his room.

There is a saying, "if you want to be pretty, you have to be filial.".

This is what Xiao Jun once used to satirize others, but today he must dress up a little better.

Up to now, he didn't think about how to express himself in the evening, and even he didn't know whether he had the chance to express himself. Therefore, he had to first add some points to his clothes in front of the big leaders.

As soon as he went out, he met director Feng, who had been waiting outside. When he saw Xiao Jun dressed up, director Feng could not help staring.

"Oh, Xiao Jun, I have the impression that you are all such a rascal. I didn't expect you to be a little bit of a human when you dress up today. Let's go to the banquet hall together, and give the people in the planning group some psychological pressure first. "

Director Feng is really crafty, even this disguised method of pretending to be powerful.

Xiao Jun is also happy to see its success, with Feng on the top floor.

The deluxe suite here is reserved by the hotel for the leader. As soon as they come up, they see Ning Xiaolan waiting in the corridor, holding Xiaoyu's hand.

At the moment, Ning Xiaolan changed into a suit of clothes. Her pure white long dress and evening dress are just like Xiao Jun's dress.

As soon as Feng Dao's eyes narrowed, he immediately took Xiao Jun forward.

"Xiaolan, if it wasn't for you, uncle Feng, I would have thought you were a fairy from heaven. Well, the older you grow up, the more mature and intelligent you are. Xiao Jun, come here and stand here. "Director Feng claims to be a student of Minister Ning, which is not to deceive Xiao Jun. this great director has a close relationship with the Ning family. Therefore, there are not too many taboos in speaking.

He pulled Xiao Jun over and directly pressed him on Ning Xiaolan's side. With a smile that he didn't know what was on his face, he looked at Xiao Jun and said with a smile: "yes, yes, it's a bit of a golden girl. Xiaoyu, come and see if your brother Jun is worthy of your mother. "

While speaking, director Feng pulls the child out of the two.

He asked this just in line with Xiaoyu's mind, and the child spoke without any scruples.

"Brother Jun, you are more like my father than my father. I'm optimistic about you."

Xiao Jun is a little embarrassed, but he doesn't know what to say. He turns to Ning Xiaolan with a strange mood.

That mature beautiful woman is still that pair of quiet smile, hand in Xiaoyu's small head gently patted.

"Don't be big or small, call uncle Xiao later."

The words were said for Xiao Jun, but they didn't look him in the eye at all.

Xiao Jun did not know how to express his feelings.

He silently endured Feng Dao's teasing, and finally waited for master Ning to come out.

They walk towards the banquet hall of the hotel. On the way, Xiao Juncai learns from Mr. Ning what he is going to show tonight.

"Xiao Jun, have you ever heard that sentence. China is "big but weak, strong but weak."

"Leader, I've heard it, and I've heard it more than once."

"Well, do you know how it came about?"

"Leader, you give instructions."

"Five years ago, when I was a deputy of the Ministry of culture, the Ministry responded to the country's cultural export policy. We will send a number of key stars abroad for further study, participate in international performances and make international movies. This was a good thing, but not long after, half of the people we sent out came back.

The reason is that our domestic actors do not understand foreign languages and are not familiar with the Performing Culture of other countries. Do you know how sad we were when we heard the news. The talents we have worked so hard to cultivate have been returned as defective products because of cultural differences and the limitation of the pattern! "

When he said that, master Ning's face was a little angry. Xiao Jun was a little tongue tied. He didn't know how to answer the question, but he didn't dare to be so silly. His mind suddenly changed.

"Er, leaders, half of them are left in the world. Ah, yes, I haven't heard of any famous international stars of Chinese nationality up to now. "

"Well, I'm even more angry when it comes to those people. The country has worked hard to cultivate them. Who knows that these people have failed to fulfill the state's mandate. On the contrary, he was attracted by the foreign performing atmosphere and joined the nationality of other countries! "


Xiao Jun some understand, the original Chinese performing culture has not been very developed, roots appear here.

Literary and artistic works in China will encounter barriers everywhere when they go abroad.

China's domestic star artists, go abroad will be out of nationality.

I don't know how many times this kind of thing happened in the ten years after China's reform and opening up.

It's no wonder that song Zhongcheng didn't hesitate to take Xiao Jun to Korea as soon as he met in junior high school.

This kind of thing on some of Xiao Jun's star artists is absolutely as valuable as getting the kiss of God.

Therefore, in the international arena, Chinese stars have left such an impression on everyone.

Or do not understand foreign languages, do not understand foreign culture, poor level.

Or they worship foreign countries and have no national integrity, and change their nationality when they go out.

It's a sad, rather sad thing.

As they spoke, they had already come to the front door of the banquet hall. Two waiters waiting in front of the door quickly stretched out their hands to open the double doors of the hall.

Ning reaches out to pat Xiao Jun on the shoulder and says the last word.

"I was the one who made this performance. The purpose is to let the world see a prosperous China with cultural development. Our stars are not defective products. Our performances are also of international standards. In addition, it is also necessary for those who have left China to see for themselves that China is not the burial ground of their talents, but the fertile land for them to grow up forever. "

While speaking, a group of staff of the performance planning group of Bohai ship report ran out of the banquet hall with a shocked expression.

These people naturally came into the meeting with Mr. Ning, but all of them glanced at Xiao Jun with a strange look.

"No, the news on Weibo is true. How can Xiao Jun be related to Minister Ning? "

Xiao Jun didn't know what those people thought, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it. Instead, he bowed his head and pondered over the last words of master Ning.

Just when he realized something, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind him and jerked him aside."Get out of the way, Chinese dog in the way!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jun suddenly raised his head.

And the man who pushed away Xiao Jun also saw who he was pushing.

Suddenly, a cold sweat came out of the man's forehead.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you, please forgive me!"

Hehe, who else can have such a quick attitude change? Of course, it's the bodyguard of song Zhongcheng, the Korean star who pushed Xiao Jun a few days ago at TIANLIAN Grand Theater.