"How do you do, sir?"

"Where are you, sir? Can I have a word? "

"Sir, this is your first time. Don't be shy. I really can't see anything."

In a room with a bright red light, the leader of the justice group sat by the bed, looking at the girl who had just been sent into the door. His mood was extremely complicated.

The girl in front of me is not much different from the girl I just saw in the corridor. The only difference is that the girl's eyes are empty, but her eyes, which should have been bright, seem to be covered with a layer of cold fog, white and fuzzy.

At this time, the girl straightened her hands and fumbled back and forth in the air, obviously invisible.

For half a day, the girl didn't touch anything. Her face became a little anxious. She turned around and wanted to open the door and leave.

Seeing this, the group leader knows that he can't stop talking.

"Cough, what are you going to do?"

"Ah?" The girl who heard the voice suddenly turned around and said, "ah, there's someone. Sir, you didn't speak just now. I thought there was no one. Where are you? "

The girl groped forward with her hands. The group leader hesitated and finally decided to get up and pull the other side to the bed.

"Girl, you sit here first."

"Yes, sir. What do you want me to do next, or what do you want me to do? "

The group leader wanted the other party to sit down and not move. Unexpectedly, the girl grabbed his hand and didn't let it go.

This made the group leader more confused.

"Girl, you really can't see?"

"Well, when I was a child, I was naughty and hurt my eyes. As a result, I couldn't see anything."

"Oh? Have you been blind since childhood? So, you should have a guardian. If you do this kind of work outside, will your guardian agree? "

"Ah? This Well, my family is poor. I owe a lot of debts in order to cure me. I don't want to drag my family down. Let's not talk about that, sir. I'll give you a massage. "

Then the girl grabbed the group leader's arm and began to grope on the group leader's body.

Different people, with different mood, to treat the same thing, the feeling is different.

If it's just those other guests, I'm afraid they're already happy.

But the group leader only felt a chill all over, suddenly pulled out his arm and stepped back two steps.

"Wait a minute. I ask you, are you blind? Are you voluntary or forced to do this kind of work?"

"Of course I did. Sir, if you have anything to ask, you can lie down and let's have a chat. Where have you been? Don't you want to play hide and seek with me just like a previous guest? Cluck, cluck... "

The girl was smiling, but the group leader couldn't stand it.

It's almost time. It's time to withdraw.

With this in mind, the group leader stepped back two steps again.

"Girl, when you say that, I'm interested. Let's play hide and seek and see how long you can find me. "

Speaking, the group leader has retreated to the door.

The girl stood up and waved her hands around.

"Sir, I'll start looking. Don't run around. "

"OK, I won't run. I'll wait for you."

With these words, the group leader suddenly turned back and was about to seize the door. But when he put his hand on the door handle, his mind suddenly flashed, and then turned back.

While turning around, the group leader took out his mobile phone and pointed the camera at the girl.

"Where have you been, sir Why The girl is still looking around, suddenly looked up to the team leader side, a word did not finish, immediately Leng in place.

The next moment.

"Hey, what are you taking? You are not allowed to take pictures here!"

In a word, like a heavy hammer on the group leader's heart, the righteous man could not suppress his anger.

"Ma Dan, I'm lucky I've seen the tuner. Or I'll be cheated by you! Liar, wait for the police to catch you

Drop this sentence, the group leader opened the door and rushed out.

The girl who can't see without any blind posture rushed out of the door with one lunge.

"Brother long, it's not good. Brother long, someone's taking a picture. Catch the boy quickly!"

A howl resounded through the corridor, and the whole club was completely fried.

Meanwhile, on the street outside the blind massage club, an off-road vehicle with a police sign suddenly burst its tire and stopped at the door of the club.

Three plainclothes police uncles came down from the car. Looking at the flat tire, they were all speechless.

"Well, it's time to change this old car. It can break down on the road. I'm really convinced."

"Come on, Xiao Liu, don't scold. Call for a trailer.""Well, I'll wait here for the trailer. Captain, what do you do? "

"I'll take a taxi. Anyway, the anti pornography team works at night. It doesn't matter if I go a little late."

"Well, Captain, I won't see you off. By the way, if you are transferred to the anti pornography group to lead the team, don't forget to send some good things to our old brothers. It's all men, you know. "

"I don't know. If I send you the work video, it's called spreading Seqing information. If you let me know, I'll catch you too! "

When they heard this, the other two laughed, just as the captain wanted to stop the taxi.

Suddenly, the glass door of massage club not far away was smashed.

In the loud noise, a guy directly rolled down the steps, and then he could see five or six little gangsters with sticks rushing out of the club.

The little gangsters were shouting, and they were going to keep chasing the people who were rolling down the steps.

But the next moment, without waiting for them to catch up, there was a voice that frightened these little gangsters.

"Stop it! I'm a policeman. Don't move! "

In the blink of an eye, the three plainclothes policemen rushed to the front, and the team leader reached out and fished out the guy who fell on the ground.

This man is the justice group leader who escaped from the club with all his life.

The group leader is sore all over now, but he can't care about the pain any more. He grabs the people around him excitedly and asks, "are you police?"

"Yes, comrade, what happened?"

"I want to report this massage club for the blind. They sell money tickets! Their blind masseuses are all fake, just like the one in "tuner", pretending to be blind to cheat money and break the law

The group leader yelled this sentence at the top of his voice, while countless people around him watched, and they didn't know how many mobile phones had photographed what happened here.


At the same time, Chunming City, a distant sea of clouds province.

The people's Park Square in Shizhong District is full of people coming and going.

Chunming is a famous tourist city. Now it's summer, and it's the peak season of tourism. Tourists with excited and joyful expression can be seen everywhere, looking for their favorite scenery to take photos.

However, on the edge of the square, a man and a woman sat on a rest chair, but they were cold faced and did not look like tourists. Instead, they were staring at a young beggar not far away who was wearing sunglasses, leaning on crutches and holding a small lunch box.

"Captain, it's almost three o'clock. It's time for these people to get together."

"Well, I know. Tell the others to be steady and wait until these guys get together."

"I understand. Ah, Captain, do you think we can catch the leader of this organization this time? "

"Certainly. Over the past few days, many people have provided clues to basically determine their hiding place. Otherwise, the Secretary will not send all the police forces out. "

"Well. Captain, how can I feel so frustrated. Before, when we searched around for the masses to investigate, there was no news at all. Why do so many people take the initiative to report these two days. Is it really because of that micro movie? "

"Yes. You have to admire the influence of some cultural works on the public. The tuner reveals a social phenomenon and arouses the psychological resonance of the masses. Of course, the masses will take the initiative to think about some strange phenomena. To be honest, the impact of such a micro film saves us a lot of tedious work. "

"But, Captain, I..."

"Shh, stop talking. The guy's gone. Keep up!"

The Captain stood up as he spoke, while on the other side the little blind beggar, whom they had just been staring at, beat his crutch and walked slowly.

One before two after, three people along Chunming street do not know how far out, a small beggar suddenly turned into a residential area.

The two people behind didn't follow immediately, but lurked in the hiding place.

As time goes on, more and more blind teenagers of different ages appear nearby and enter the community. There are also more and more plainclothes policemen gathering around, keeping distance from each other and making eye contact.

Time flies. At four o'clock sharp, the captain nodded slightly and raised his arm to make a fist.

Then, countless plainclothes police rushed out from all directions and rushed into the community.

These people went in, and a moment later, a news car with the logo of "Chunming TV station" engraved on the door stopped at the gate of the community.

An old man pulled reporters and cameramen out of the car.

"Sir, are you talking about here?"

"Yes, that's it. Reporter comrades, let me tell you, these days I have written many reports to the government, but they are ignored. I had no choice but to find you. You report quickly, or those children will be completely destroyed. ""Sir, we're here with you. We're definitely going to take pictures. But what's the matter? It's as terrible as you said

"Absolutely. Have you seen the micro movie "tuner"? The guy in there is a normal guy pretending to be blind. Here are the people who make normal children really blind. It's frightening. By the way, they have knives in their hands. Be careful. "

Even if the reporter was psychologically prepared, he could not help shivering.