He Chao is a star photographer of Beijing fashion magazine.

One day ago, he was left in Xucheng by his boss, who was specially responsible for the follow-up work of a new singer "Xiao Jun".

Ever since he received this order, he Chao has taken shooting Xiao Jun as his lifelong career. He firmly believes that Xiao Jun's talent can definitely become a top star. And he can become a top paparazzi by following Xiao Jun.

The reality seems to develop as he expected. Not long ago, Xiao Jun's prison song shocked countless policemen. He Chaozhen reported his work to the editor in chief with great expectation.

But who would have thought that a sudden emergence of the virus would smash his dream of a red photo.

When his broken laptop was turned on again, he Chao found that all the things he had uploaded before had been eaten completely, which scared him not to touch the computer any more.

"Hello, editor in chief, it's not me who cheated you, it's the virus in my computer Ah? Prison song? It's impossible. No one else has photographed it except me By the way, it must be the hacker! Editor in chief, don't worry. I can definitely get something more fresh. Is Xiao Jun's current situation very easy? "

After calling the editor in chief, he Chao carefully poked his head out of the bathroom.

Just now, the editor in chief said that at present, everyone is most concerned about Xiao Jun's current situation. As long as Xiao Jun's prison life is photographed, the bonus of this month will be doubled directly.

For money, he Chao went out. Under the cover of the night, he sneaks into the cell area of the detention room. When he comes to the cell where Xiao Jun is held, it is the moment when Xiao Jun takes the plate from huanlaosan.

"I'll wipe it. What the hell is this? You'll eat it?"

"Brother Xiao, this is prison food. We used to eat it."

"You Alas

Xiao Jun is speechless. He once thought that he was the most miserable person in the world. Now he finds out that there is no bitterness in the world, only more bitterness.

How can he eat the prison food in front of him.

"Forget it, forget it. Some people eat better than hungry. "

With this in mind, he opened his mouth and took a bite of Wowotou. Without waiting to savor the fragrance of Wotou, he sneaked his head over the prison door.

"Hello, is Xiao Jun there?"

"Well, who?"

"Mr. Xiao Jun, I'm the chief entertainment reporter of Beijing fashion magazine's office in Xucheng. My name is he Chao. I'm here today to give you an exclusive interview. "

Then he Chao said this sentence, while saying it, he kept taking pictures of Xiao Jun.

The slightly dark cell area is illuminated by a flash of light, and Xiao Jun's resume adds a picture full of astonishment, with his head in his arms, his mouth wide open and his eyes wide open.

"I wipe, you say you are a reporter?"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao Jun. Now the situation is quite special. You should get ready quickly. After I turn on the VCR later, you can express what you want to convey to the outside world most

"Well, what do I say?"

"You can say anything, even singing, as long as you can make everyone understand your situation. Here it is. Time is running out. I'm going to turn it on. "

No wonder he Chao is so anxious. He sneaked in. After the flash just now, the police will find him. If we don't hurry up, I'm afraid the police will come and take him without waiting to take pictures of what they want.

Xiao Jun's heart is full of doubts and confusion. Suddenly a reporter came out and said he wanted to interview himself, but he felt like a thief.

Well, no matter whether he is a thief or not, at least the equipment he brings out is very professional.

Such a good chance to be famous can't be wasted.

You know, although the task of fans has been completed, the subsequent rebirth selection system honor function has not wasted Xiao Jun's popularity. Everyone who pays attention to Xiao Jun will increase his public honor value by 1 point, and the most direct thing is that he can change it into 100 yuan.

The last news, an interview, at least can also get hundreds of thousands of public honor value. It's nearly 100000 yuan in money.

But the question is, what should we say in this situation, and how can we express our situation most clearly?

Ah, by the way, just now this guy said, you can sing.

Xiao Jun lowered his head and kept silent, but he Chaoxin was worried. His equipment is all set up, how can Xiao Jun not say a word.

This is the only chance for him to interview Xiao Jun head-on. Once he is found out, he has no chance to sneak in.

I don't know if he is too nervous. He Chao seems to hear footsteps coming from behind. He doesn't dare to turn his head back. He opens his mouth to urge Xiao Jun to say a few words quickly.Just before his mouth opened and his voice was heard, Xiao Jun in the prison suddenly raised his head and began to sing.

"Holding wowowotou in your hand,

there is not a drop of oil in the dish.

Life in prison is so painful,

step by step.

Holding Wowotou in his hand,

tears could not stop flowing down.

I lost my freedom without my relatives,

tears turned into bitter water.


A few minutes later, he Chao was very impolitely driven out of the provincial hall building by two police comrades. But he Chao's mood at the moment is extremely excited. He even doesn't want the broken laptop he left in the bathroom. He runs into an Internet bar nearby.

Soon, in the entertainment news program of 9 p.m. on many domestic TV stations, there appeared a singer named "Xiao Jun" that many people had never heard of, as well as a song written by Xiao Jun in prison.

Few people know Xiao Jun, we just feel a singer singing in the cell, holding a wowowotou in his hand, tearful look, it is a bit funny. Some even asked when the song MV would be recorded in prison.

Compared with people in other places, the feelings of the citizens of Xucheng for this video are different.

Some people feel funny, some feel sad, some gloat, some indignation. Many people went to the official website of the provincial department to leave a message for Xiao Jun.

At the beginning, network technicians didn't take this seriously, but with more and more people leaving messages, the online government affairs hall of the Public Security Department of Jiangdong Province, which doesn't necessarily have several visitors throughout the year, was suddenly crowded out.

Only half an hour has passed, and if anyone wants to leave a message again, all they can see is "the web page can't be opened".

Well, the web page can't be opened. It's time to stop. But I don't know who led the way. Many netizens who couldn't get a response on the Internet began to call the provincial department's hotline, government affairs hotline, and even the mayor's hotline and the governor's hotline to ask about Xiao Jun.

Soon countless hotlines were smashed again. I don't know who started it, so I suggested that all the people who supported Xiao Jun should go to the front of the provincial hall to gather people to demonstrate.

Of course, let's vent on the Internet and make a phone call to join in the fun. Few people are willing to go out and make a public appearance.

But even so, from the website to the hotline, and then to the assembly, this set of seemingly secretly guided actions still had a great impact on Xiao Jun's side.

At the same time, for the first time, the "power of public opinion" has shown its power in Xucheng, Jiangdong Province, and even in China.

Xiao Jun is locked up in the detention room at the moment. Naturally, he doesn't know that the outside world is about to turn upside down because of him.

Sitting on the concrete floor of the detention room, he seems to be keeping his eyes closed. In fact, he is studying the new "honor function" of the rebirth selection system.

The honor function lists many different types of honor values.

It is needless to say that the honor value of the public is similar to that of other elites and stars, but if you want to get the corresponding honor points, you must get the attention and recognition of stars or some industry elites.

In terms of money that can be exchanged, the public honor value is at least 100, while the amount of money that can be exchanged for other honor values varies according to the degree of difficulty.

In a word, the new honor function is just in line with Xiao Jun's original intention, that is, the system should send money, not ask for money.

Among all the honor points, the most special one is "rebirth honor value", which is not obtained by winning the attention of others, but by changing historical events.

For example, on the first day of Xiao Jun's rebirth, he saved Liu Xixi, who should have died in his last life, which is a historical event. Another example is the bank robbery. Because of Xiao Jun, the last bomb didn't explode. The three thieves who could have escaped to Brazil were killed. It's a change of history, an event.

At present, Xiao Jun has only two rebirth honor values, which can not be exchanged for money. What he can exchange is ability. According to the system, the rebirth honor value can be exchanged for some special ability he has all his life.

For example, see through the eye, predict the future and so on. However, these capabilities can only be exchanged after the advanced exchange function is turned on. So now Xiao Jun is like a small landlord with money in his hand but no place to spend it.

After a day, all kinds of events, such as bar singing, robbery, poetry writing in prison and so on, make Xiao Jun almost a household name in Xucheng.

As a prefecture level city in a coastal province, Xucheng has a population of at least 34 million. Even if only one tenth of them remember Xiao Jun, it is also a public honor point of more than 300000.

In exchange for money, that's an astronomical number that Xiao Jun didn't dare to think of in his last life.

"It's worth it. So much money, even if it makes me spend more days in prison, it's worth it."The whole person curled up on the ground, Xiao Jun almost laughed and trembled to sleep.

He was asleep, but many people stayed up all night because of him.