When Peng Xuecheng left, Quan Jue immediately looked at Chi Jiao and asked, "Jiao Jiao, what's in the cave?"

"Black ice and golden flower." Chi Jiao's eyebrows and eyes are curved, and her eyes are full of smile. "I just passed by and smelled the unique fragrance of this kind of words, so I can be sure that there is such a rare thing here. It's a blessing in disguise. The efficacy of this kind of xuanbingjinhua is better than that of ordinary xuanbinghua. As long as I can get this kind of medicine, I have 100% confidence to work out an antidote. "

Chi Jiao's voice fell, and Yan Yong's face couldn't hide his smile: "that's great! I was worried that I couldn't go up the mountain to find xuanbinghua after the avalanche! "

"It looks like a blessing in disguise. It's just that snake Qi tried his best to make trouble for us this time, and almost made our plan fail. We can't help taking revenge. " Quan Jue dangerously narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Because of snake Qi, Quan Jue's life was in danger this time. It's their good luck that they can find xuanbinghua, but it can't offset what Sheqi did.

"Quan Jingzhou can testify that the blood belongs to Sheng Qian. When we go back and develop an antidote, we can immediately arrest Sheng Qian. When the time comes, we will continue to pursue it. Maybe we can catch the snake. " Mentioning snake Qi, Chi Jiao clenches her fist angrily.

If it had not been for snake Qi, the tragedy of Chen Li and others would not have happened. He used drugs to manipulate innocent patients, which can only be described as heartless. Chi Jiao can't tolerate what she does, let alone that she has been threatening them with the lives of Xu ye and Lu Xian.

When they go back this time, she will fight against snake Qi. Even if she can't kill him, she will at least tell them the truth about the heart of time. In any case, she won't give snake Qi a chance to continue to be rampant.

After listening to Chi Jiao's words, all the people on the scene, without exception, show a firm face. Obviously, they all agree with Chi Jiao.

They waited quietly. About 50 minutes later, Peng Xuecheng came back with the flowers he had collected.

After putting away the flowers, the group went back to the icebreaker along the waterway.

The whole journey took more than three hours. When the people on the boat saw Chi Jiao and rescued Quan Jue, everyone's face was full of excitement.

All of them work together to drag Chi Jiao in the water onto the boat and quickly send them back to the warm cabin.

Before entering the cabin, Chi Jiao specially told her men to take good care of the black ice flowers. These flowers are not afraid of cold, but they are extremely afraid of heat. They will wither in less than ten minutes in the environment above zero degrees, and once they wither, the efficacy will be greatly reduced.

After hearing Chi Jiao say that this is the most important medicine for making antidote, everyone is very careful, for fear that there will be any mistakes.

Fortunately, there is also an ice psionic in Xuanmen. He specially made a box made of ice for the flowers with ice, and put the box in the freezer to make sure it was safe.

After all this, they set out and returned to Baicheng.

arrived in haste and hurried back. She picked up the cream of the mysterious ice flower on the way. The first thing she did when she sat on the helicopter back to the 117 building was to immediately prepare the antidote for her study room.