Powers have existed in this world for a long time. The historical records are hundreds of years, but maybe even earlier.

Because in earlier times, science and technology were still underdeveloped, and no one knew what was going on when there were powers. They would only treat them as supernatural events.

Among the first powers recorded in that book, there was a very special group called the snake tribe.

The earliest appearance of this strange snake tribe was in the late Qing Dynasty.

It's said that this clan feeds on snakes and is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. They live in the deepest part of the mountains and forests. I don't know why their whole clan has changed, and their bodies gradually show the characteristics of snakes.

For example, snake Lin and snake pupil are typical characteristics of snakes.

They also gradually began to have some talents of snakes and their living habits.

But at the same time, the strange snake clan also seems to have suffered some terrible curse, their body changes at the same time, they also have pathological changes.

At ordinary times, there is no difference between the snakes and normal people. They can control whether their appearance shows the symbol of snakes.

But every once in a while, they get out of control.

Out of control means that they can no longer freely control the energy in their bodies and can no longer maintain the appearance of normal people. It's like being poisoned, and the power in their bodies will become violent.

The power of fury can bring the pain that life is not as good as death. Many strange snakes can't bear this kind of pain and end themselves.

With the passage of time, the alien snake clan gradually disappeared. According to historical records, the last alien snake clan appeared in the period of the Republic of China.

After the period of the Republic of China, there was no trace of the alien snake tribe.

Many people speculate that the alien snake tribe is extinct.

Chi Jiao plays with the snake Lin in her hands. Her black eyes are as dark as night.

If only by virtue of the scale in her hand, she can conclude that she is a strange snake, which seems a little hasty.

The best way is to send this scale to Lishan, and let her dry grandfather decide for himself.

The old man has been studying the strange snake tribe for a long time. She remembers that her dry grandfather also collected a scale of the strange snake tribe.

If Sheqi is really a strange snake, it can also explain why she can't see his past and future through the blood of Sheqi.

Because the alien snakes are no longer human.

Like Shen Xing, he belongs to the complete change.

Think of snake Qi that snake general eyes, Chi Jiao slowly clenched the small hand.

She must take out the snake Qi and scrape the scales off his body!

Hearing the sound of the bathroom door opening, Chi Jiao's murderous face is gone. She raises her clear eyes and looks at Quan Jue who is coming towards her.

"The water is ready, you go to take a bath first. I'll cook you a bowl of noodles, and you'll have a good sleep after eating. " Quan Jue walks up to Chi Jiao, squats down and looks up at her.

Chi Jiao nodded her head cleverly.

"Don't think too much." Quan Jue was not at ease.

"I see." Chi Jiao is still a clever nod.

Quan Jue reached out and pinched Chi Jiao's little face: "go."


chi Jiao slept until noon the next day, but she was woken up by a phone call.

The customer service of Xianyu platform called her and told her that she had been accepted by the program team. She was asked to report to the headquarters of Shangjing Xianyu platform on time next Saturday, and the live program officially began on Saturday evening.