Chapter 1134

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
At 9 a.m. on Monday, Qin Ya came to Alice's office with her plan. Just as she was about to knock, the door of the company suddenly opened.

"Then, vice president, I'll leave first." A figure talks to the office, then comes out and closes the door.

"Hessy." Qin Ya said to her, "are you here to give a report, too?"

"Yes, I just finished the personnel division and gave the list to Vice President Alice." He Xi a smile, and then asked: "Qin ya, two days ago your family no one, heard that you went to Tokyo, have fun?"

"It's ok..." Qin Ya nodded. Although she didn't see teacher He Xi, they were still welcomed and played with all her heart.

"Did you see teacher He Xi?" She asked.

"That's not true. The teacher said he went home." Qin Ya shakes her head.

"That's a pity." He Xi said with a smile: "next time I have a chance, I also want to travel to Tokyo. When you are free, take me with you. We can make an appointment with a few more people."

"No problem, when." Qin Ya answers. She doesn't really like the trip to Tokyo, but it's really an opportunity to meet with teacher He Xi. She's also happy to have someone come up with it.

If she is the only one, Qin Ya is not very happy.

"Well... It's still early. Let's wait until after the carnival." He Xi thought about it. She should not have much time before the carnival.

"That's too early for you to plan." Qin Ya is a little disappointed. The carnival is still two months away. It seems that if you want to see teacher He Xi in these two months, you have to discuss with Ling Shuang.

After He Xi left, Qin Ya knocked on the door.

"Come in, please." Alice, sitting in the office, said. Qinya went in and saw that she was putting a list in place.

"That's the division list of the game department?" Qin Ya asks curiously.

"Yes, it was a success." Alice nodded. Although she was not familiar with the existing staff in the game department, the list indicated which were technical staff and which were art workers... At a glance, we could see the basis of grouping.

From the technical and professional division of the staff, this list does not have any problems. In fact, as long as hessie decides on the list, Alice doesn't have to interfere at all.

She just got Meng Huo's request, and with the help of He Xi's report list, she looked at the group of Meng Huo's junior high school classmates.

Meng Huo didn't know why. He wanted to assign that classmate to the development team of world of Warcraft, but he was afraid that he would offend each other if he stepped in without permission, so he asked Alice to help him secretly.

However, in the list provided by Ho Xi today, that person has been assigned to the development group of world of Warcraft, and Alice doesn't need to do it any more.

Alice was in a good mood when she saved a job at work.

"Come here so early, Qin ya. What's your emergency?"

Qin Ya shook her head: "there's no urgent matter. Here's the plan of the star world's heraldry."

She gave Alice a plan.

"The plan for the new animation? Is it ready so soon? " Alice is surprised to accept the plan. Before, she and Meng Huo did not force Qin ya to take out the detailed plan within what time limit. Qin Ya's action is faster than she expected.

"The time for preparation and release has also come out..."

Alice saw in the plan that the "are you sure you can catch up" at the beginning of next month was confirmed Surprised at the same time, Alice did not forget caution: "you must not act too fast, Meng Huo said, he hopes you can seriously make this animation."

"No problem, I'm serious... I've done it many times in the last two days, and that's enough time." Qin Ya explained that she saw the production process of "we still don't know the name of the flower that day" in Tokyo.

There is no big difference in the start time of the two animations. The herald of the stars has been preparing for more than several weeks. There is plenty of time and there is no need to drag on.

"I see... But when you were on holiday in Tokyo two days ago, you took the time to deduce this. It's amazing." Alice praised.

"Even she knows about the holiday." Qin Ya is surprised that she didn't tell others about her trip to Tokyo. He Xi just knows. After all, they live in the same community and walk around from time to time. She and her assistants can't hide their departure from her.

But Alice and she have no family. How could she know about it?

"Did teacher He Xi tell her?" Somehow, in Qin Ya's head suddenly appeared the words that xiachuanzhen had said to her on Saturday, but he shook his head."It's nothing to be surprised at. It's not surprising that teacher He Xi told Miss Alice." She thought so, but unconsciously quietly looked up Alice who was reading the plan.

Alice didn't find her abnormality, and there seemed to be no problem with the plan: "has the sound quality of the animation been decided?"

"Most of the roles have been selected, and the remaining main players can be determined in the next two days. These are not problems." Qin Yadun, said: "the problem is that the premiere TV station, the time for holding the bidding meeting has to be approved by you."

Every director of Phoenix animation studio has a lot of authority, one of which is to appoint animation voice actors. However, once it comes to the project of animation direct income, it has to be approved by the top of the company.

Alice will decide the time and send out the invitation for the animation auction of "star's coat of arms". Qin Ya can participate and have the right to choose the TV station, but whether the TV station can win the project in the end depends on the company's review.

Alice will send someone to supervise the bidding to make sure that the whole bidding process is fair and just, and the value of animation has not been artificially reduced.

This is a necessary measure, otherwise, if the directors have all the rights, then no one can guarantee that they will not be full of their own pocket, there will be bidding farce.

"The earlier the auction, the better." Alice thought, "is this weekend's weekend OK? Before that, you should do a good job of the propaganda sample film for the TV station, which has a great influence on the price of the auction. "

"I know." Qin Ya nodded. After so many years as He Xi's animation deputy, she knew exactly what an animation should do from the beginning to the end, how it should be done, where it is important and where it is not so important.

Alice is not as clear about animation as Qin ya. Seeing her confident, she naturally doesn't worry about it.

In the next few days, Qin Ya seized the time to make a preview of the sample film, and at the same time, she also took a break at noon and in the evening to perfect her cartoon.

After traveling in Tokyo, her thinking has indeed expanded a little, and the degree of comic modification has also broken through the bottleneck of last week.

On Thursday, after the latest manuscript came out, ye FeiMeng couldn't put it down: "it's done! Qin ya, that's all right. This manuscript is up to the standard. This is the highest level of our cooperation! "

"But I feel almost..." Qin Ya turns over the manuscript, still a little unable to release.

"I think it's very good. There's really nothing to change." Ye FeiMeng said: "you should be satisfied, too. Do you have to make your manuscript more than the mirror month?"

Qin Ya nodded: "if you can do it, it is naturally the best."

She is not dissatisfied with the original, but the quality of the original can not be said to exceed the "Kitchen God", at most close to each other.

"Come on, Qin ya, don't continue to dig into the corner. It's meaningless for you and Jing Yue to compare the early plot of the cartoon." Ye FeiMeng sighed: "the comic is to see the whole, even if the beginning can't compare with her, but I see the two comic's level is almost the same, after the plot progress, you still have a chance to surpass it."

She felt that Qin Ya was good at everything, but she was too sharp. What Qin Ya is fighting against Kitchen God is not the main plot of the cartoon, but the beginning of the cartoon - because both cartoons are just the beginning.

However, a good cartoon at the beginning may not always be good. Qin Ya's manuscript is close to the kitchen god. At least if you take it out, others will not say that it is far from the kitchen god.

That's OK. Even if there is a gap, we can take it back slowly. After all, the more the comic of Kitchen God, the smaller the potential of its development in the later stage.

"Yes, teacher, that's good." After ye FeiMeng persuades Qin ya, her two assistants also cut in: "it may be worse to change it."

"I don't think there is any other cartoonist except Mr. He Xi who wants to win at the beginning of Jingyue."

These two assistants are already tired. They have changed this comic book dozens of times. If they continue to do so, they will be tired of aesthetics. Besides, the opening plot of Jingyue's Kitchen God is also at the extreme level after careful revision. No one can guarantee the beginning of a cartoon of that level except He Xi's self-confidence.

"Teacher, this comic book of yours is sure to have a lot of people who think it's wonderful at the beginning, and the kitchen god of Jingyue teacher can't compare with you!"

"Yes, at least I prefer the beginning of the teacher's cartoon."

The persuasion of the two assistants made Qin Ya compromise, and they were right. This manuscript is Qin Ya's full strength, and she can't continue to revise it.

Although there are some subtle places that seem to be able to change, once they change, they may lose another aesthetic feeling and become worse. The best way is not to modify it."Well, this manuscript is the final one!"

Qin Ya finally made a decision, and then put the manuscript into a file bag, and wrote the name of the cartoon "distant time and space" on the outside of the bag.

After receiving the original cartoon manuscript from Qin Ya on Friday morning, the girls' editorial department began to bustle.

"Is distant time and space finally finished? It's been delayed for nearly a month... "

"Chief editor, can you copy it for us? The original manuscript is very good. I'd like to see what Qin Ya has changed it into! "

"She's too demanding. I'm afraid she's not as good-looking as before."

"Just don't repeat the mistakes of Phoenix."

The editors are very interested in Qin Ya's new work. They are not optimistic about it, but most of them are full of expectations.

The editor in chief made five copies of the cartoon and handed them to the leaders of the five groups for approval. Qin Ya is the most popular girl cartoonist in their editorial department. Every cartoon has to pass the eyes of all the leaders.

Sitting in the office, Li Yu stares at the group leaders curiously. She is also very interested in Qin Ya's new cartoon.

"Ha ha, interesting. This manuscript is really interesting!" The first one who finished reading was the leader of the second group. She stood up and said, "this is the most interesting girl cartoon I've seen recently. Mr. Qin Ya's recent revision has not been in vain!"

"I didn't expect..." the group leader of the first group also finished reading the manuscript and got excited: "I didn't expect that she could revise it so well. If I didn't say that it was her work, I might think that I saw teacher He Xi's new work!"

"With the same feeling, the quality of this beginning is really out of line."

"This cartoon can create a new record for teacher Qin ya. We should discuss it with another editorial team and ask if we can use their resources to promote it together!"

"Good idea, I'll inform the editor in chief right away!"

The group leaders praised Qin Ya's manuscript, and the editor in chief even immediately picked up the phone to contact the editor in chief.

Li Yu and other editors were very curious. Seeing that the group leaders had finished reading the cartoon, they all ran over.

"Team leader, show me... How do you evaluate so well?"

"I want to see it, too. I can see teacher He Xi's feeling in the cartoon. Distant time and space must be a great work."

"Can we surpass the kitchen god?"

The enthusiastic editors immediately snatched away the copied comics, but Li Yu failed to get them. However, she and other editors gathered behind the group leader and could barely see the contents of the comics.

The first page of "distant time and space" is the cosmic scenery dotted with stars. The story begins to tell in the beautiful Narration: it is far away, far away, the other side of time and space

This is a story full of fantasy, breaking through the limitations of the idol type in the legend of the galaxy singer, Remote time and space is Qin Ya's first story with a huge cosmology.

"What a beautiful painting..."

Li Yu was first attracted by the pictures in distant time and space. Qin Ya's girl cartoons have always been very good, but this time they are better than before.

In recent years, there have been many talented and powerful cartoonists, such as Zhao Mei and Ling Shuang, who were originally regarded by Li Yu as people who could challenge Qin Ya on the screen.

Now, however, the most powerful female cartoonist is Qin ya. No one can surpass her in a short time