Chapter 1105

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
After making the decision to attend the spring meeting of Zhongxia company, Meng Huo told Dong Ding that afternoon and asked him to arrange an invitation for him. As for Alice, she could be his valet at that time.

Xu Jing stayed in Meng's house for only two days and left after dinner on Sunday. Li Qin also went back to Ninghai with Xu Jing. She didn't go home for a long time. She wanted to go back and have a look.

After two busy days, Meng Huo finally finished two new animation scripts, one week later than expected. Meng Huo didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately sent someone to send one of them to Tokyo after work.

He gave Qin Ya another script, but because the animation would be produced before Meng Huo left, Qin Ya gave it back to Meng Huo.

"It's still your job before the teacher leaves." She said that before Meng Huo left, she did not intend to be the director of the animation.

She is more worried about her cartoon than this one. During the holiday, she drew the first words of the new cartoon and kept asking Meng Huo about the cartoon during her break time.

The same is true after work at noon. Qin Ya and Meng Huo go to the restaurant while chatting about comics, but they are interrupted by several people.

"How did they get together..."

Meng Huo saw that Liu Yi and Liu Yun were also in the restaurant, but he didn't see Liu Yun. The combination of these three people aroused his curiosity.

"Well, I haven't spoken to them for a long time." Meng Huo thought so, then said to Qin ya, left her and went to the trio.

"What are you doing?"

The trio didn't find Meng Huo. Meng Huo surprised them when he appeared behind them.

"Meng, Meng Huo..." Han Xuan opened her eyes wide: "how did you come here?"

"I come here a lot to eat." Meng Huo sat down next to the three of them, then called the waiter and ordered: "you seldom come here, do you?"

"Except for Li Yu." Meng Huo takes a look at Li Yu and knows that she often haunts this restaurant. He has seen her several times.

"I usually eat in the office." Han Xuan replied that now the office also has a restaurant. She usually doesn't come to Phoenix building.

Liu Yi's situation is similar to her. Since she moved out of the Phoenix building, the staff of the game Department seldom came here. The reason why Li Yu is a frequent visitor is that the editorial department is so close to here that editors usually eat here.

"How's your work recently?" Meng Huo asked as he watched the waiter serve the drink.

"It went well, just like before." Han Xuan replied, Li Yu nodded, and Liu Yi replied, "very busy.".

"All departments are busy this year." Meng Huo said with a smile, "but you're going to graduate soon. When will you go back to take your graduation photos?"

"Next month!" Han Xuan replied, "we are talking about this. Next month, our thesis defense and graduation photos will be on the same day. What a coincidence!"

"The same day?" Meng Huo was surprised: "is Liu Yun, too?"

The three nodded, and Meng Huo said to himself that they were all in the university town. Maybe the schools in the University Town arranged the graduation time on the same day for convenience.

Last year, he took his graduation photos at a different time from others. Maybe he missed a busy day.

"So you should be ready for graduation?"

I have no problem. The paper has been handed in“ Han Xuan and I went to buy clothes yesterday. Our parents may come over then. "

Liu Yi and Li Yu said that Han Xuan suddenly remembered something and said, "by the way, Shen Jie said that she would come to our graduation ceremony."

"Shen Jie, is she going to see it?" Meng Huo frowned slightly. Shen Jie was much better to these friends than he was. He didn't even consider taking part in their graduation ceremony.

"If I have time, I'll go and support it." Meng Huo said that graduation from university is a major event in his life. Meng Huo didn't visit them very much at ordinary times. It's very lively to celebrate this time.

"No, Meng Huo, you must not come!"

But Meng Huo's words scared three people to wave their hands. It's no good. If Meng Huo attends, their graduation ceremony will be ruined.

They still remember the scene when Meng Huo graduated last year. There were reporters and fans everywhere. They didn't want to see the same scene when they graduated.

"Shen Jie has gone. Aren't there many reporters?" After listening to their explanation, Meng Huo couldn't help laughing and said, "why can't I go if she can go?"

"Shen Jie can make up!""Besides, don't you mean you're leaving comic Island, teacher?"

Li Yu mentions that Meng Huo is going to leave to work in other places. The companies in Yanjing and Tokyo are quarreling over this matter, and the employees in other cities also know about it.

"At that time, I should not have left."

Meng Huo replied that it would take him a month and a half to two months to leave. He would not leave until Alice came back to Ninghai, went through the handover procedures, and took up her post on comic island.

So next month, when Han Xuan answers their questions, he should still be on comic Island, and the university town is nearby. Just take some time to pass.

However, seeing how nervous these people were, Meng Huo didn't insist on his past. We'll see it then. If Shen Jie really goes, he'll probably join us.

"Liu Yi, how is Liu Yun's recent work?"

"She? She is very good... "Liu Yi heard Meng Huo suddenly change the topic, stunned for a moment, and then replied:" it seems that she plans to work in Yanjing after graduation. "

When saying this, Liu Yi's face flashed a sullen.

Meng Huo, a friend of two generations, could naturally see his unhappiness: "why, don't you want Liu Yun to stay in Yanjing? Shall I transfer her here? "

"Is that ok..." Liu Yi was surprised, but soon became dim again. She shook her head and said, "don't adjust. If she knew it was because of me, she would be angry with me."

Meng Huo looks at Liu Yi suspiciously. He feels that Liu Yi's attitude towards Liu Yun is a little different.

"What's the matter?" He asked the two girls with his eyes.

Sensitive Han Xuan understood his eyes and said, "Liu Yi and Liu Yun are engaged. Of course, she doesn't want to leave too far away."

"Engaged?" Meng Huo opened his eyes wide: "when did you order it? Why haven't I heard of it?"

He was surprised that it was natural for Liu Yi and Liu Yun to get together. They were husband and wife in their last life, but they were engaged several years earlier than Meng Huo remembered. He was surprised at the change of this time.

Perhaps because of his rebirth, the story of Liu Yi and Liu Yun has changed.

"For the Spring Festival." Han Xuan said enviously, "these two traitors were ordered earlier than Meng Huo."

"Yes, Shen Jie doesn't know when it can be ordered."

Li Yu continued.

Meng Huo looked at her in surprise. It's rare that Li Yu would do such a clever answer. The two girls are obviously taking the opportunity to explore the situation of Meng Huo and Shen Jie.

"I'm not in a hurry, Shen Jie's business... You ask Shen Jie..." Meng Huo said with a smile, his progress is much faster than Liu Yi's, of course he can't say.

"I heard Shen Jie say, Han Xuan, you work in the office because of her advice?" Meng Huo changed the subject.

Although Han Xuan knew he was changing the subject, she had to answer, "yes."

"At the beginning, I didn't know what department I was going to go to. Shen Jie recommended me to come to the office and said that I might need help in the future." Han Xuan said helplessly: "as a result, she abandoned me now."

She chose the firm because of Shen Jie's suggestion. Han Xuan thought she could help Shen Jie in the firm and do some work under her.

Unexpectedly, Shen Jie, who was trained in the firm and was determined to be the new director of the firm, has now confirmed that she will not take over in the firm, and Han Xuan's expectation has been dashed.

"..." Meng Huo is silent. Shen Jie is too arbitrary in this point, but it's no wonder that she planned to let Shen Jie control the office at the beginning.

"Do you want to work for her now?" Meng Huo drank a drink and asked, "she seems to be short of people now."

"This..." Han Xuan hesitated a little, but still shook her head and refused: "no, I'm used to the work of the office, so I still won't go."

In fact, she is full of heart, but does not want to owe too much favor, and she is not dissatisfied with her present job.

"What about Li Yu and Liu Yi? If you like, I can also transfer to help Shen Jie... "Meng Huo then said to the other two.

"No more."

Li Yu and Liu Yi naturally shake their heads. They both like their present work. Although Shen Jie may have more development prospects, their work may not be as pleasant as they are now.

"I still like to be an editor..." Li Yu said.

"I never wanted to leave the game department." Liu Yi also said: "besides, world of Warcraft is about to be tested. I will not leave anyway.""World of Warcraft test?"

Han Xuan was surprised, and Li Yu was also surprised: "is it true? When will the test start? Why haven't we heard of it? "

"Internal testing."

When Meng Huo's lunch arrived, he picked up his chopsticks and said, "starting next month."

He knows that although it is a test, this test is different from the general test. It should be called "staff test", which is conducted by the staff of the game department and the screened staff players of other departments.

"Because it's a small-scale, closed test, it's nothing if the news is not released." Meng Huo said.

"But since it's an internal test, doesn't it mean that the game is basically done?" Han Xuan's surprise is still not reduced, "world of Warcraft" this game is the existence of last year's news, now so soon has been done.

This is faster than everyone expected!

"I've also heard that it's difficult to launch the game this year." Li Yu also knows some news: "it's only March now. I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"In fact, it's not fast at all. The full-scale content of world of Warcraft has not been completed yet. What we tested is only the upgraded version!" Liu Yi said.

World of Warcraft is going well, but time is tight. The upgrade content of this game has been completed, but the content after the full level is just beginning to develop.

Unlike many other games, "world of Warcraft" full level is the beginning, full level content is quite a lot. If the whole game is ready before testing, their time is far from enough, and the upgraded system has not been tested.

So the game department decided to develop full-scale content while conducting character upgrade test. The test can help them find problems and fix loopholes, and the large amount of data fed back in the test process can also help them better maintain the balance of character data when developing full-scale content.

"This game is so complicated..." Han Xuan understood, but also felt that making such a game is much more complicated than writing adventure game.

Phoenix company's appetite is too big, in fact, she felt that as long as the word adventure game is good, there is no need to intervene in online games.

"Can we apply for a game test?" Han Xuan asked.

"Yes." Liu Yi nodded: "in this test, the number of male players and female players is half. We will select more than 200 people from the whole company. Except the employees in our department, there are about 150 places. If you like playing games, you should have a great chance of winning."

"But I don't usually play games..." Li Yu said. She has never played large-scale games except word adventure games and leisure games: "do you have a chance to win in this way?"

"This..." Liu Yi hesitated: "that's impossible."

He would like to say that it is possible, but it is obviously impossible. Internal testing requires more advanced and experienced players to give accurate feedback, so people who don't play games have no chance at all.

Moreover, the popularity of this game in Phoenix company is also very high. By that time, the number of people applying for the test may exceed thousands, and the game fans may not be able to win.

"It seems that I don't have a chance to play first..." Han Xuan is also a little disappointed. Like Li Yu, she doesn't play online games.

"If you want to play, you can wait until the carnival." "At the carnival, world of Warcraft has a live experience, and people in our company still have priority," Meng Huo said

The annual carnival is the biggest festival of Phoenix company. Naturally, world of Warcraft will not miss such a big promotion opportunity. The data of internal test is still too little, in fact, it can only find out some of the most obvious errors, and can not be perfect.

However, during the carnival, a large number of tourists come to manga Island, and He Xi plans to ask them to provide more data.

Of course, what these tourists experience is only the upgraded version of world of Warcraft. Although it is not a complete picture, it is the first time that world of Warcraft unfolds its mysterious veil to the world, which will certainly attract attention.

After the carnival, there will be many small-scale closed tests for world of Warcraft in the second half of the year, and finally the internal test will be launched before the end of the yea