Chapter 1101

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Was that your phone?" Qin Ya looks at ye FeiMeng angrily.

The first two times she didn't respond, but the third time she heard it. The voice on the phone was very stiff, not like what I said, but more like a synthetic recording.

Ye FeiMeng shrugged: "I changed the name in your address book. The message just now was sent to my mobile phone, and then I called you again... It was a recording."

He Xi's recording, it's not difficult. There are many fans on the Internet who collect his voice and synthesize it. When ye FeiMeng returns to his room, he immediately finds a synthetic voice of "advertisement".

Although we don't know who the original author is, it's not hard to find that kind of synthetic sound. The problem is that it took ye FeiMeng and two assistants a little time to find the word Qin Ya from the recording of the carnival.

Because of time, the synthesis effect was not very good, but Qin Ya obviously didn't hear it at the beginning.

"You can't be wrong in this kind of reaction. I have already told you the answer whether you love teacher He Xi or not." Ye FeiMeng said, but the smile on his face closed up: "I didn't expect that you would have moved the truth to teacher He Xi."

Although have a good time, it's not a happy thing. Ye FeiMeng didn't expect that Qin Ya actually moved the true feelings to He Xi. He Xi's kind of people can be idols. The price of moving the true feelings to him is too high.

Qin Ya moved the sentiment, this is like entering a hell of eternal doom.

In just a few minutes, Qin Ya also enjoyed the transformation from heaven to hell. Her heart still did not recover from the fierce beating just now, but her face turned pale.

She doesn't hate ye FeiMeng, but she is more at a loss than ever after she understands her mood.

"I like teacher He Xi... When..." she felt at a loss, chest pain, she did not know when she began to like He Xi, also did not know why she would like him.

But it shouldn't be like this. Teacher He Xi has Alice, Shen Jie, and maybe other women around him - they are all chasing him, and Qin Ya doesn't want to get involved in it at the bottom of her heart.

With so many excellent choices, He Xi can't be her turn. Qin Ya begins to hate her failure. Who she likes is not good, but she likes He Xi.

This is a wrong object. It is ten times and a hundred times more wrong than that of Mo Ming!

"In fact, when you adopt this dog, you should be sure." Yefei Meng sighed: "with your temper, you have no patience to keep a dog. After a few months, you still love it so much. Isn't it because teacher He Xi gave it to you? "

Qin Ya didn't answer. She felt her head was in a mess.

"Come on, think about it. We won't disturb you."

Ye FeiMeng turns around and waves away. The two female assistants look at each other and dare not say anything, so they quietly pick up the dishes and chopsticks on the table.

"You wait..." just as ye FeiMeng was about to enter the room, Qin Ya suddenly told her to stop. Ye FeiMeng looked back at her. Qin Ya pursed her mouth and looked away: "give me the recording."

Yefei dream mouth a Qiao, opened the door of the room: "come to my room, I give you."

Qin ya got up and went over. The two assistants quietly looked at the open room.

"Did you say the teacher admitted it?"

"Well, if she didn't admit it, she wouldn't ask for the recording in front of us, would she?"

They were surprised that Qin Yagang would ask ye FeiMeng for a recording of "confession", which is obviously an admission of her own mind. But Qin Ya will accept that she likes teacher He Xi so quickly, which really has her style.

"Will the teacher go after teacher He Xi?"

"I think it's possible, but there should be a period of psychological change..."

"No, she's coming out. Come back."

"Wash the dishes, wash the dishes!"

Two assistants hold the chopsticks to the kitchen. Qin ya, who comes out of Yefei's dream room, doesn't care about them. She returns to the room with the recording.

In the evening, Qin Ya listened to the recording again and again. She thought a lot, and then fell asleep with a complicated mood.

The next morning.

"Qin ya." Ye FeiMeng stops Qin ya, who is ready to leave. Qin Ya looks back at her and doesn't understand how she gets up so early today, who likes sleeping in most.

Yefei dream came over: "I'll help you make up today."

"Why?" Qin Ya frowned.

"Your present state is not suitable for going to work like this..." ye FeiMeng rubbed Qin Ya's face and said: "look at your tired face, make-up can make you hide your expression better."She had a mysterious smile.

Qin Ya doesn't understand what this smile means, but soon she knows how important ye FeiMeng's make-up is.

"Good morning, Qin ya."

"Good morning, teacher."

In the island studio, when Meng Huo came in from the outside, Qin Ya unconsciously looked away at his face.

She felt her face was a little hot. Fortunately, the makeup ye FeiMeng put on her face was stronger than before, which allowed her to hide her expression.

"How could that be?"

Qin Ya's heart beat like a deer. She was fine yesterday. However, knowing that she liked Meng Huo, she was a little nervous when she saw him.

This feeling is similar to that when she looked at Mo Ming in the past. It seems that her love for Meng Huo is not as calm as she imagined. Maybe the former calm is just because of self hypnosis and unconsciousness.

Now that she has consciousness, Qin Ya suddenly gets scared.

Meng Huo's seat was beside her. When he sat down, Qin Ya almost stood up nervously. She smelled the familiar smell from Meng Huo, which she would feel every day. Today, she is particularly concerned.

Qin ya, like a primary school student, began to fidget. Sitting beside Meng Huo, she did not dare to look directly at the past. However, for every move Meng Huo made, she became more sensitive than before.

In half an hour, Qin Ya made four wrong paintings, which made Meng Huo feel strange.

"You're not in good shape today?"

"No, I'll have a drink..."

Qin Ya took the cup to the water dispenser and took a long breath.

"Princess, are you sick?"

Another painter who came to draw water could not help asking. Qin Ya's mistake also attracted the attention of other painters. They were very worried.

"No Qin Ya shakes her head. She calms down next to the water dispenser for five minutes. When she feels calm, she goes back to her drawing table again.

After going back this time, she put her mind on her work and performed normally. However, after Meng Huo got up and left and came back again, Qin Ya's mind unconsciously turned to him.

She began to make mistakes again. Three times later, Meng Huo's attention completely shifted.

He put down his pen and looked back at Qin ya: "what's the matter with you today?"


Qin Ya lowered her head.

"Did you catch a cold?" Meng Huo frowned and suddenly put out his hand. In Qin Ya's astonished eyes, he put it on her forehead: "let me have a look."

"..." Qin Ya's face flushed violently. She felt that it was over, and her makeup couldn't cover it up.

"Well, the temperature seems to be normal." But Meng Huo didn't seem to notice. His hand left Qin Ya's head and grabbed her wrist: "let me see your pulse."


Qin Ya takes back her hand in fright. Just now Meng Huo touched her head, which made her at a loss. If Meng Huo felt her pulse again, she would find her heart beating fiercely, wouldn't her mind be exposed?

With such a fright, Qin Ya's face returned to normal.

"... sorry..."

Meng Huo pulled away a little embarrassed. Qin Ya had no problem with this contact with him at ordinary times. Today's reaction was a little big.

He doesn't think Qin Ya is ill. He doubts whether she is still worried about yesterday. If so, he'd better not mention this topic.

Meng Huo calmed down. Qin Ya was a little disappointed, but also relieved.

After this episode, Qin Ya became much more careful and made no mistakes in her work.

On this day, the news of Alice's coming back spread among the management of Phoenix company, and everyone was happy for the return of this "virtual female president".

After Alice comes back, many businesses of Phoenix company will become more convenient. But in the meantime, the news that Meng Huo is going to leave manga island has caused an uproar.

The management of Yanjing, Tokyo and Ninghai are boiling.

"If teacher He Xi wants to leave manga Island, he must come to us!"

No one objected to Meng Huo's leaving manga island. However, in order to decide where Meng Huo would go, fierce quarrels took place all over the country.

Meng Huo and Xu Jing both chose Ninghai as their location at the beginning. For Meng Huo, Ninghai is a familiar city, which is convenient to work and have good contacts. It is also convenient to deal with some secret contacts with Zhongxia company and the animation production of the pirate king.For Xu Jing, Meng Huo's return can also greatly reduce his work and regain his position as the "first brother of cartoon" in Ninghai.

However, in addition to the two of them, the others are surprisingly unanimous against this choice.

Zhou Qian of Yanjing is the first to object. She thinks that the expansion of offline business model is the most important work of Phoenix in the future. Meng Huo's work in Yanjing can make her work more smooth and influential. DreamWorks also strongly supports Meng Huo's going to Yanjing.

Takashima and his wife in Tokyo, however, did not give in to this incident. They thought that the development speed of Sakura company in recent years was the slowest in all regions, and now they can't keep up with the pace of Phoenix company.

Tokyo's geographical location is far away. If we make a further step, we may make a further step in the future. Takashima and his wife hope that Meng Huo can work in Tokyo for one year as he did in the past. They believe that as long as he spends one year in Tokyo, the cherry blossom company will undergo earth shaking changes.

In the same way, this opinion is strongly supported by Bai Yan and Shengyou, which also faces a key situation in the Far East region and needs Meng Huo's help.

As a result, the management of Yanjing, Tokyo and Ninghai held a collective meeting in the evening, resulting in an unprecedented fierce quarrel.

This meeting did not come to a conclusion, but Meng Huo also wavered when they quarreled - is it really appropriate for him to return to Ninghai?

Back to Ninghai, it's really good for Phoenix to strengthen its influence in Ninghai. However, on the other hand, it will also cause damage to Zhongxia company. Ninghai is the world of the two companies, and Phoenix company will become stronger in Ninghai, which means that Zhongxia's status will decline.

However, now Zhongxia and Menghuo have intertwined interests, and it may not be a good thing for Menghuo if they are in trouble. Menghuo doesn't want Zhongxia to continue to fall, and his return is likely to result in the effect of cutting off the other hand with one hand.

One of the problems is that Phoenix company has surpassed Zhongxia company in most of its businesses, and he still has to find ways to support its growth and increase competition. That's why Kirin exists. Isn't his hard work wasted when he goes back now?

Ninghai is a very saturated cartoon market. This city is monopolized by Zhongxia and Fenghuang, and there is basically no room for development. It seems that Menghuo's choice of other cities will produce better results.

"You're right to think so."

Meng Huo told Alice about his consideration. Alice agreed with Meng Huo's idea: "from your point of view, it's not as necessary to go back to Ninghai as to go to Yanjing and Tokyo."

Alice has learned to think for Meng Huo, not just for Phoenix.

But from a personal point of view, she doesn't want Meng Huo to leave too far, and if he goes to Yanjing or Tokyo, it's not easy for Shen Jie to explain.

Alice didn't talk about her selfishness in front of Meng Huo, but she had to make it clear to Shen Jie: "have you considered Shen Jie's mind?"

"No Meng Huo shakes his head. He knows very well that Alice wants Shen Jie to be with him, so it's best to choose Ninghai as the location.

"There should be no problem. I'll transfer her away from Ninghai then."

"No, it's too obvious."

Alice shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if I don't do it. The nature of her work is different from before. Wherever I go, she has to run to cooperate with me."

Meng Huo said that even if he doesn't transfer Shen Jie to her side, it should be a way to make up for her that she can often run to her side.

It's not very difficult to achieve this goal, it's just a technical problem. For example, if Meng Huo is in Yanjing, he will naturally have a lot of new projects in Yanjing. As the director of Phoenix's marketing, advertising, public relations and other businesses, Shen Jie will go to Meng Huo every two days, which will not make people suspicious.

"I think Shen Jie will promise to come down."

Meng Huo said.

"According to her character, she should agree." Alice said, but she looked worried. "But I doubt that Shen Jie can really do those jobs well?"

In fact, she doubts whether Shen Jiehe is suitable for those jobs. She has always been responsible for these jobs, many of which require strong emotional intelligence and communication skills.

Let Shen Jie act as the company's image ambassador, speak according to the script, or let her do specific work, specific investigation - these Alice trusts Shen Jie very much.

However, the cooperators Meng Huo needed were actually those who were good at foreign exchange and communication