Chapter 1099

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Do you need tea? Young master

"No, I'm done with the papers. I have to go to work."

In the office, Meng Huo hands Xia Ying a stack of documents and gets up to leave.

"Young master." Before he left, Xia Ying suddenly asked, "has the time for the young lady to come back been decided?"

"Well, it's decided." Meng Huo called Xu Jing in the morning and formally decided the future arrangement: "I'm sorry, you've only been here for two months, and then you'll have to follow me to other places."

"No, I'd love to."

Xia Ying said with a smile.

Meng Huo came to the island studio. Qin Ya was happy when she saw him: "Mr. He Xi, did you read the script yesterday? How about my new subject? "

"Very good." "This cartoon suits you better than the one before," Meng Huo praised

He took the time to read part of Qin Ya's play last night. Although he hasn't finished reading it yet, the theme and the beginning are all well written. The plot is more interesting than Phoenix.

"Did you buy today's Zhongxia daily magazine?"

After sitting down, Meng Huo asked.

"Yes, teacher, did you forget to buy it?" Qin Ya takes out the comic magazine from the bag and hands it to Meng Huo.

"I'm too busy to buy this morning."

Meng Huo took over the magazine and saw that "Legend of swordsman" appeared on the cover again. Beside it, there was an advertisement: a new work with high popularity - No.1 for three weeks in a row!

"It's worthy of being the cartoonist you like. Zhao Mei is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Qin Ya praised: "this is the third week in a row that she ranked first. In this magazine, the legend of swordsmen is simply an invincible work."

Meng Huo nodded, but he was not very happy《 The sales frequency of Zhongxia daily magazine is very high. The cover says that it is the first in three consecutive weeks. In fact, it should refer to the ranking of Xianjian Qixia on the day of serialization. It does not mean that it is the first in all the serialization comics of Zhongxia company.

Now Zhongxia's top cartoon is Jingyue's works, followed by angels, and Xianjian Qixia has just reached the fifth place.

The fifth place was won by Zhao Mei's painting skills. During this period, the newspapers and news, and even the readers' discussion about the legend of the swordsman, basically focused on Zhao Mei, but few people paid attention to the original writer "Qilin".

There's no way. As a beautiful girl cartoonist, Zhao Mei is very eye-catching. In addition to her painting skills and her original popularity, she is now receiving more attention.

In contrast, Qilin is a mysterious writer with no inside information and even shows little "talent". Naturally, people don't like him and don't scold him too badly.

"What a worry about the future of this comic book... When can we surpass angels if we go on like this?" Meng Huo couldn't help shaking his head after reading the cartoon.

The quality of this issue is still the same, but the progress is still too slow.

"The teacher said that the legend of swordsman can surpass the works of angels?" Qin ya, who is painting, hears Meng Huo's words and looks over in surprise.

"Yes." Meng Huo said strangely, "what's the problem?"

"What's the problem..." Qin Ya was quite speechless: "does the teacher really think that the legend of swordsmen can surpass angels? Although it is a good work, right, but the teacher's expectations will not be too high

Because of Meng Huo, she has been following the legend of swordsmen for several weeks. Although the cartoon is good, it's exaggerating to surpass the angel. Doesn't it mean that Zhao Mei is more powerful than her?

"There should be no problem surpassing angels." Meng Huo did not change his mind.

It's not that he looks down on angels, but that angels are less and less attentive to comics in recent years. They put their energy on animation and animated movies. Now they are busy with "pirate king". Comics are no longer the focus, and there is no sign of new comics.

Under such circumstances, it is a matter of course that the legend of swordsman should surpass angels. If even a careless opponent can't be defeated, Meng Huo won't have to bother to arrange vest in Zhongxia company and give up.

"What about mirror moon?" Qin Ya laughed: "teacher, you are so optimistic about the comic combination of" Legend of swordsman "and Qilin. Don't you think Jingyue will be surpassed by them?"

"Mirror moon..." Meng Huo pondered for a moment: "there may be a chance in the future, but this comic book is not possible."

He dare not underestimate Lisa. Lisa's painting skills are by no means inferior to Zhao Mei's. In addition, she has gathered a lot of popularity through many excellent short comics, with a solid foundation and a high degree of reader trust, almost second only to He Xi.Now in China, if the name of a cartoonist can make readers believe that this cartoon is a good work, besides He Xi, there is only mirror moon.

Even after the end of "Legend of the swordsman", its plot shock can be more profound than that of Jing Yue's works. However, relying on this work, Meng Huo is not confident that Qilin can catch up with Jing Yue.

The foundation of Jingyue is solid. Qilin needs time to cultivate readers and fans. It is unlikely to fight Jingyue in a short time.

"Of course not." Qin Ya is relieved to see Meng Huo answer like this. She thought Meng Huo had blind trust in Qilin. Now it seems that he is reasonable.

"How can Kirin surpass mirror moon?" Qin Ya raised her eyebrows: "the enemy of Jingyue is not such a new combination, but you, teacher. Don't be too leisurely - that's a terrible opponent."

"Why do you say that?"

Meng Huo was surprised that Qin Ya would say this.

"Because she is a beautiful woman." Qin Ya said solemnly, "once her true identity is revealed, her popularity will soar, and her popularity will be several times as high. Then she will be able to challenge you at the same level."

Meng Huo was stunned, and immediately frowned. Qin Ya's words sounded exaggerated, but when she thought about it carefully, it was not too much.

Revealing the true identity of cartoonists is not only to let the original fans know you, but also has a strong publicity effect. Especially for cartoonists with characteristics, once their identity is revealed, all major media will pay close attention to it, and it is very common for their popularity to increase several times.

Taking Meng Huo's identity as an example, he became famous almost overnight. Because of his amazing youth, appearance and story background, all the media were reporting on him. As a result, not only comic book readers, but also many ordinary people began to pursue him.

In his hometown Qingcheng, there were not many people who knew him, and people didn't read comics. But after his identity was revealed, no one knew him. It can be said that he was no longer a cartoonist, but a star.

Meng Huo's popularity has increased by more than several times through the "identity disclosure" link. The number of people who know the name "He Xi" has also increased by ten times.

Now Lisa is facing the same situation as Meng Huo, and her condition is no worse than Meng Huo.

Cartoonists who have no face, no stories or special topics may reveal their identities, but they will soon fade away after a while. But Lisa obviously won't. her appearance, country and stories are all full of topics and attractions. Moreover, she has never said that she is a woman. If this gender is exposed, it will be more hot than Meng Huo's topic at that time.

Now in the cartoon industry, Lisa is second only to He Xi in popularity. How terrible will her popularity increase after her identity is revealed? In a short time, her popularity will catch up with He Xi.

"I see... I see..."

Meng Huo suddenly knows the reason why Lisa chose to cook her new cartoon. She may want to catch up with him with this opportunity, and then beat him with this cartoon which is more suitable for "Chinese taste"!

After her identity is revealed, Lisa will usher in the most precious golden time. If she uses this period to launch cartoons that surpass her previous works, she will become more popular, her popularity will leap several steps, and her readers will not be lost.

But it's also a risk. If she fails at this time, the publicity effect will soon be over. Let Lisa return to her current popularity level. If she wants to catch up with Meng Huo in the future, she will have to wait a long time.

The suspense of Jingyue's real identity has now become Lisa's biggest weapon. If it is used well, it can catch up with Meng Huo's weapon.

"... my sister-in-law is ambitious..."

Meng Huo thought, but he didn't hate it. He appreciated Lisa's ambition.

He thought that he had to help Jingyue to become more and more popular after she came out. The story of the swordsman is a little bit slow. It will take several years for Qilin to cultivate. Now Jingyue can turn around the decline of midsummer ahead of time.

"How to do it?"

Meng Huo thought so, and then did not continue to talk about this topic with Qin ya. At noon, he continued to work during his rest time.

Just like yesterday, Qin Ya packed and brought him lunch.

"Miss Hexi, I heard Miss Alice is coming back?"

After putting lunch on the table, Qin Ya is particularly happy.

"Yes." Meng Huo nodded: "where did you know that?"

"I met Miss He Xi at dinner just now. She told me..." Qin Ya suddenly looked at Meng Huo suspiciously: "what a coincidence. The woman before is not miss alice?""Of course not..." Meng Huo shook his head.

"But they look so much alike, just like sisters... Eh? What did I just say? " Qin Ya's eloquence reveals what she has said. Her eyes brighten and she thinks she is too smart: "are they really sisters?"

Meng Huo was stunned.

"Absolutely right... When Miss Alice left, she also said that she would visit her relatives. That woman must have something to do with her. They are not sisters, they are cousins too!" The more she thought about it, the more right she was. She clapped her hands and said, "otherwise, teacher, how can you know that she is Jingyue? Miss Alice must have told you that, right

Qin Ya stares at Meng Huo passionately. She always thinks that Meng Huo is strange to know the identity of Jing Yue. However, if Lisa and Alice are sisters, then all this makes sense.

"... you're smart." Meng Huo nodded. Now that he had been guessed, he had to admit, "that woman is Alice's sister, and she is also a cartoonist."

Qin Ya's eyes were more and more shining: "it's amazing that Miss Alice's sister is Jingyue!"

"Don't tell anyone." Meng Huo reminded that this matter will not be a secret for some time, but it can not be disclosed now.

"I keep my mouth shut."

Qin Ya is satisfied with the answer.

"But teacher, since Jingyue is Miss Alice's sister, why don't you bring her to our company?" She continued.

If Jingyue is Alice's sister, Phoenix will definitely use this reason to woo her.

"She won't come here. Zhongxia has cultivated Jingyue." Meng Huo shook his head and said, "and she can play a bigger role in Zhongxia than in our company."

Qin Ya thinks that Phoenix company is stronger than Zhongxia company now. When Jingyue comes, she will not only be regarded as ungrateful, but also have to give up her position as "No.1" in a company.

Although she has never seen Jingyue, Qin Ya has seen her comics for several years and knows that she is a person who does not admit defeat. Unlike herself, she would not like to be a "second" cartoonist in Phoenix company.

"What a pity... But forget it, Miss Alice is coming back. I have to celebrate!" Qin Ya looked happy and said, "she's gone long enough this time. When she comes back, you can be relaxed."


"Yes, when Miss Alice was here, she was the boss of the company... Now her work is all on you and Mr. Xu. When she comes back, your work will be less."

Qin Ya is very happy. At that time, Meng Huo will have more time to work with her.

"Meng Huo hesitated for a moment, stopped his chopsticks and said," Qin ya, I have something to tell you. "

"What?" Qin Ya happily poured tea for Meng Huo.

"When Alice comes back, I won't be working here..."

Sooner or later, Meng Huo decided to give Qin ya a wake-up call: "I'm going to leave for one or two years. At that time, you will be the director of the island studio."


Qin Ya's teapot fell on the ground, spilling a table of water and splashing Meng Huo's clothes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Qin Ya hurriedly took out a tissue and wiped Meng Huo's clothes: "but it's all the teacher's fault. Don't laugh at this time..."

"I'm not kidding." Meng Huo thought that Qin Ya was surprised by the sudden appointment.

He said with a smile: "you have no problem. In recent years, I have been watching you. Every time I have something to do, you are leading us to make animation. Now you can guide the island studio independently."

"I don't mean this..." Qin Ya stopped her hand. She lowered her head and held Meng Huo's clothes. Her voice was a little cold: "teacher, are you going to leave again?"