Chapter 1055

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
That night, Meng Huo was not caught. But he knew it was Ling Shuang, and the girl was really a trouble.

But on Sunday, when tomato left, he was much more cheerful. He didn't let Meng Huo send him. He waved and went back to Ninghai with the cartoon. Because he lived near, Meng Huo didn't have the feelings of Bai Han when he left.

A new week, a new year.

"Bai Han has gone. Why didn't you inform me?" On Monday, after going to work, Qin Ya angrily said to Meng Huo, "I'm so close to her that I don't even want to see her off?"

"I called you that day. Don't you have no time?"

Meng huobai takes a look at Qin ya. In fact, when Bai Han decides to leave on Saturday, he calls to ask Qin ya to see her off, but she takes her dog out to play. When Bai Han hears that she's not on comic Island, he says it's OK. There's no need to tell Qin Ya about it.

"She didn't want to disturb you, so she went back secretly. If you look at her mobile phone, there must be her SMS behind."

Qin Ya quickly takes out her mobile phone. Sure enough, there is a text message that Bai Han told her to go home. However, she was too busy that day and didn't read it because she thought it was spam.

"... I didn't expect her to leave so simply..."

Qin Ya is powerless on the table and seems to be hit. But within ten minutes, she perks up again and takes out her mobile phone to share with Meng Huo the photos of her taking her dog out to play during the holiday.

"You see, this is the day before yesterday when I took the squid to get vaccinated. Ha ha, he was shaking all over with fright... This is a picture of him sleeping at night. He sleeps with me, but I dare not sleep like this next time. When I turn over, I almost press him..."

She told the story of the dog with great interest, just like a dog mother.

"It can also steal food, you see it's cute... It can't bite. I've been lying there biting. You see, I've made a video."

After sharing the photos, Qin Ya shows Meng Huo the video. Meng Huo sees little white dog lying on the table licking the things in the bowl, which is like some dog food.

"What did you give it to eat?"

"Congee, with some sweet potatoes." Qin Ya said, "it likes to eat."

Meng Huo nodded, porridge should not be what can not eat, Qin Ya is not stupid enough to feed the wrong thing.

However, compared with watching the video, direct contact with the dog may be more interesting. Qin Ya was not willing to leave the dog at home, but brought it to the island studio. She didn't know how excited she was when she saw a kennel in the rest room.

"Teacher He Xi, you are so amazing that you can guess that I will bring it here!" As Qin Ya said this, she put the little white dog in. She also brought some food for the young dog, so that the little white dog would not be hungry.

Xiaobaigou settled down in the studio. Besides going to have a look every other hour, Qin Ya didn't affect her work as much as she did last Friday.

After work in the afternoon, Qin Ya takes the pirate home, while Meng Huo has dinner in the restaurant. He hasn't finished work yet. Because the old assistants have left, from today on, he is going to paint with the new assistants in the evening.

Before he went to paint, he also watched the animation of "fool test Summoner" on his mobile phone in the restaurant. Before the animation broadcast, a large number of bullet screens appeared on the mobile phone screen.

"It's coming, it's coming!"

"It's so slow. It's just one day a week!"

"Once a week is so hard, why can't we update it quickly..."

The barrage almost occupied the whole screen. Meng Huo blocked the barrage after seeing a few of them. In recent weeks, every time "Idiot Test Summoner" was on the air, he always had a mobile phone to watch, and the barrage was always full of laughing discussions.

In fact, not only the barrage, but also the forum and microblog are very lively. Every episode of animation can set off a wave of upsurge. He Xizhi's forum even launched the forum expression pack of "fool test Summoner", which can only be bought with money, and the number of people who buy it is very large.

This animation has a great influence after it is broadcast, because it has no gender restrictions, and it is a funny subject that most people like, and the audience rating is quite high.

In Zhou Qian's place, the surrounding area of "fool test Summoner" has been unexpectedly welcomed. Because of this animation, the number of tourists in Phoenix Square is also steadily increasing, and this is no longer a one-time increase in the past, increasing a lot of repeat customers.

CCTV has also ordered some peripheral products of "fool test Summoner" as gifts, which are randomly given to the audience who call to answer questions every week. It is said that they have achieved very good results.

Although the two TV stations, Suhua and Tokyo, are not premieres, their weekly ratings are also very high because of their fixed audience groups. Meng Huo's work, which was launched after his return, has been a great success, which has also silenced many media who doubt that he will not be able to make a good animation if he leaves for too long.After watching the animation, Meng Huo got up and went to the assistants' studio.

There was no accident in the evening's work. This group of new comic assistants have been taught by their predecessors, and Meng Huo is easy to use. The only thing that bothers Meng Huo is Ling Shuang. Her enthusiasm makes him irresistible. He not only occupies the painting table nearest to Meng Huo, but also brings desserts from he Xizhi's home.

Ling Shuang said that she would bring some desserts every day, and would not even give Meng Huo the chance to refuse. But in addition to being too enthusiastic, Ling Shuang didn't cause any other trouble. She worked very hard and Meng Huo recognized her.

Since this week, the production of "pirate king" has started. Mach and Wang yanmeng have entered the pirate king's studio and started to help angels. Meng Huo is not in a hurry to return to Ninghai. That's because the animation won't be broadcast until a year later.

This is not to say that the production speed of "pirate king" is not fast enough. In fact, according to the normal time, it could be on TV a year ago, but after discussing with the angel, we all think that it is better to broadcast it in the future.

Broadcast after the new year can be regarded as the animation of the new year, but the audience rating will not be bad after the new year. The most important thing is that if broadcast before the new year, the annual leave that will soon be ushered in may interrupt the broadcast of "pirate king" - it is not good that the newly launched animation is interrupted.

Annual leave can't be saved. Considering this, we all decided to put the premiere time of the animation after the Spring Festival. Before the holiday, what they did was to do the animation as well as possible. The reservation was to do two episodes, so that the holiday could be a little longer.

Meng Huo doesn't worry that the angels will make the pirate king bad. After all, they also have shares and will try their best to do it well, so he doesn't have to rush to help now. He just needs to take out a week before the holiday to Ninghai and make some corrections to the animation. Such a good team, with script and assistant, has no reason to be bad at it.

The Spring Festival of this year came earlier than usual, and the new year's Eve was in the last ten days of January. Affected by it, Phoenix company did not launch new business in recent weeks, but put its work on the year-end summary.

During the Spring Festival, "Chong Wu elves" and "Detective Conan" and "burning eyes of Shana" will be suspended for at least a week, with the exception of "gifted mahjong girl" by Huiyue studio, which starts in mid January and will not stop during the holidays.

Meng Huo also asked Qin Ming if this would affect their vacation, but Qin Ming said that Huiyue studio had been off for a long time. He and other painters felt that their hands were getting rusty without new animation for several months. In addition to the competition of the pirate king, they didn't want to delay the animation until the new year.

Huiyue studio has less than four days' holiday during the Spring Festival, but the painters there are all from or near Yangzhou, and we don't complain much. When most of the Chinese animation stops broadcasting, "gifted mahjong girl" can just walk out of an alternative way.

Meng Huo heard what Qin Ming said, but he didn't object.

Time goes by so slowly, and the situation of the island studio remains unchanged. Qin Ya brings the pirates every day, which makes the painters happy during the rest time. The little dog grew up slowly. Qin Ya revolved around it every day, but it didn't affect her work.

Qin Ya's "phoenix" and "flower season" are still entangled. When the plot of "flower season" is high, there are more than ten votes short of "phoenix", but Qin Ya soon draws hundreds of votes. Meng Huo thinks their victory will be known next year.

He started to travel back and forth between manga island and Meng's home. At first, he was not used to it, especially when he had to go back to Meng's home after painting at night. But after a while, he gradually got used to it.

Every day, no matter how late he went back, Liz would wait for him in the living room. Sometimes she was reading a book, sometimes she would knit clothes with Li Qin, but every time she would wait until Meng Huo came back and watched him finish supper, she would go to bed.

Every day, every day is like this. Meng Huo seems to get back a kind of feeling. It's like returning to the warmth of childhood when Li Qin was waiting at home at night, but it seems to be different.

At first he found it troublesome and persuaded Alice to sleep first several times, but after getting used to it, he stopped. I feel warm when I come back every night, and I feel energetic when I leave every morning.

He feels that his life has become full. Maybe this is the sense of security that someone is waiting for him to go back, that is, the so-called sense of security - men also need a sense of security. A place that someone is waiting for is Meng Huo's sense of security.

Because he comes back almost every day, and Li Qin doesn't always stay at Meng's house as she used to. She goes back to Ninghai every week to take care of her yard. She is a nostalgic person, and the yard in Ninghai has obviously become a place she can't give up.

The old lady was somewhat dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything. Li Qin's character was good as well as bad. After a long stay in the Meng family, I'm afraid she couldn't leave here.Every time Li Qin goes back to Ninghai, she always asks Shen Jie to live there and ask about her work.

Shen Jie is the same as before. Her busy work towards the end of the year has not baffled her, but has increased her experience. Now that she has slowly begun to accept substantive work, Xu Jing is still full of praise for her.

Shen Jie didn't stop dubbing. She put all the work of voice actor in her vacation. The two-day vacation every week also kept her popularity steady. She organized her two jobs in good order.

The only problem is that she seems to be jealous of the relationship between Meng Huo and Alice. After listening to Li Qin for several times, occasionally when she gets off work early, she will take the high-speed rail directly to Suhua.

Every time she comes back, she will occupy Meng Huo for one night, but Meng Huo is also happy that she comes back. Alice is physically inconvenient, and Shen Jie's coming back just solves some of his troubles.

But the chance of Shen Jie coming back is not big, because if Meng Huo really does not recognize the Meng family, how can he let his child be born here? So now, although he has not made a promise on the surface, he must have acquiesced to it in his heart.

This is good news. All the people in the group have let go of their worries. If they want to be quick, they will not be able to do so. In this case, they no longer have to exert pressure on the old lady.

Without those complaints, the old lady naturally had a better life. Besides, Alice and she had a good relationship. They chatted and read books together every day. This kind of life made the old lady happy.

In the middle of January, Meng Huo decided to return to Ninghai.

In the island studio, he told Qin ya what happened after she left. Qin Ya would lead the studio to work for another week to have a holiday, but he would not come back before the holiday.

"There are two weeks in the holiday. Let's have a good rest!" Meng Huo told everyone and gave them the year-end bonus in advance.

Qin Ya's year-end bonus is the most, but she can't see the money, she has decided that the goal of the holiday is to work hard to draw, completely "flower season" distance!

For Meng Huo, the only goal of this holiday is to have a rest with Alice and Shen Jie.

He said goodbye to Alice and went back to Ninghai. Shen Jie wanted him to live with her, but Meng Huo refused after much consideration. He went back to Jiayuan community and went to work with Mach and Wang yanmeng every day