Chapter 939

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Xiachuan is really standing at the gate of a welfare home, staring at the gate.

"Is this where I perform today?"

She turned her head and asked. The staff behind her were removing all kinds of instruments from the truck. Natagawa Liangzi supervised them. After hearing her daughter's question, she replied with a smile: "yes, today we are going to perform for the public."

Public performance is a performance without any charge. Although this is not Xia Chuan's first public performance, she is a big star. Usually, even public performance will be arranged on a large stage. In recent years, she has hardly been to such a small place.

"Why here?" Xiachuan is really a little confused.

"It's the company's arrangement." Xiachuan Liangzi said with a smile: "this welfare home has been subsidized by Mr. He Xi. I think it's good for you to come to this kind of place occasionally."

"Brother's support?" "But isn't this Tokyo?" he said

She had long heard that Meng Huo had set up a charity fund to fund various welfare homes for children and poor places. However, the fund was not established long ago. How could it expand to Tokyo so quickly?

Xiachuan Liangzi explained with a smile to his daughter that Meng Huo's charity fund, after several years of development, can no longer be said to be his personal fund. He Xi's move has led many cartoonists, including animation companies, to cooperate. The fund has now become a special fund shared by the cartoon industry.

Because of the expansion of funding sources, the development speed of the fund has been growing. Tokyo is not a city with a special entrance. Coupled with the strong comic atmosphere here, the welfare homes here will naturally get support.

But after listening to his mother's explanation, Xiachuan still couldn't believe: "why do you want to help teacher He Xi?"

"Not help." "At the beginning, it was Mr. He Xi who led the cartoonists in our company to donate money. In order to take care of these cartoonists, Miss Alice changed the nature of the fund with the consent of Mr. He Xi," he replied

When the charity fund was still based on ho Xi, cartoonists and companies from other companies naturally would not be interested. But Alice gradually separated it in the past two years and set up a separate company, positioning it as a company used by the whole comic industry to support charity. That's different.

In fact, the current share structure of this fund is not that He Xi is the only one, but it has been divided into many shares. Even Zhongxia company has invested a lot in it, and it has become a charity company recognized by the cartoon industry.

Of course, the reason why everyone is enthusiastic is also related to the business of this company. Although it is known as charity, nearly half of the assistance of this charity company is devoted to training new cartoonists and painters.

The vigorous development of Huaxia comics has led to a serious shortage of painters in the whole industry, while the pace of reform in higher education institutions is still slow. In order to meet the greater demand in the future, charity companies provide comprehensive painting training for many physically disabled or poor children, so that they can at least become painters when they come out.

In fact, the whole comic industry has been looking for such a channel. He Xi's charity fund has just solved the burning thirst. Many companies have trained painters in different places through this fund, and now it has achieved initial results.

"The children in this welfare home may become painters in our company in a few years." "It's said that some people have been trained to work in the company," he said with a smile

There is a high demand for painters in all departments of Phoenix company, whether it is animation, comics, games, publicity or other related industries. Meng Huo has been one step ahead of other companies, and now he has got the new painters who began to cultivate in the past two years.

Natagawa has never thought about it at all, but in fact, she often sees a shortage of painters. Take her performance as an example. As an animation voice actor, she always needs some animation related posters and the layout of the venue. These should have been completed by her own team, but there are few painters in her team, So every time before the performance, we have to carry those things from the company.

Phoenix company has a special department to prepare performance posters for these voice actors. It is said that the number of people in this department is as high as 200, but in order to support so many voice actors, they have to work more than ten hours every day.

The demand for painters is not limited to comics and animation. All the activities and enterprises related to these two require a large number of painters. This is the reason for the shortage of painters.

But even so, Xiachuan is very worried: "brother, is this good? Isn't that limiting other people's choices? Will it be questioned... "

"What's the question?" "Not every child has to be a painter. They can choose whether to accept it or not, but there are still many people who accept it," he saidIn her opinion, the so-called charity is not without reason. It's good that the charity company established by Meng Huo can use half of the funds to support poverty alleviation, and there's nothing wrong with using the remaining half to train talents.

He does not deprive others of their right to choose, but gives them one more choice. Those children can choose to accept or not. If you accept it, you have a chance to gain a skill. If you don't accept it, you won't lose anything.

"But do we need so many painters?" "What if there are too many painters in the future?" he asked

It's not impossible. There may be a shortage of painters now, but the education of Chinese Comics is also popular. Maybe in 56 or 67 years, when the comics industry stabilizes, the painters will be saturated.

If you train too many painters, Phoenix can't absorb them. Isn't that harmful?

Xiachuan Liangzi patted his daughter and said, "what do you worry about? You can think of this. Are you afraid that teacher He Xi can't think of it?"

"If the needs of painters are almost met, the fund will become a real charity fund." She said with a smile that although one of the major purposes of the fund is to cultivate painters, as long as there are enough painters, this purpose will not exist.

At that time, the fund used to train painters will be put on supporting these children to learn other work skills, just like ordinary charitable funds. However, at this stage, it is meaningless to think about these things.

"All right, let's go, go in!"

Xiachuan Liangzi looked back and saw that the instruments needed for singing were almost moved, so he took his daughter's hand and walked toward the welfare home. In fact, their performance this time is not only a public performance, but also a message to the outside world: there is no problem with the relationship between Xiachuan real and Phoenix company.

Recently, there are many rumors about the truth of Xiachuan, and even many news that she will terminate her contract with Phoenix company. Even the family have heard about it, which makes Xiachuan Liangzi a little alert.

"Who's making a mystery?" She thinks that, but she doesn't have the idea of letting her daughter change her job. She is satisfied with her real achievements now. She doesn't want to see real leave Phoenix company, even if... That can make her a big star pursued by everyone.

Big star, now Xiachuan is a big star in terms of popularity, but her status is still not universally recognized.

This is because she is not a star in the traditional sense. Nearly half of her real popularity comes from animation dubbing, and only half of her stage performance. Many singers are sour that she is not a real singer, and many artists do not recognize her status.

The real big stars in China are not singers, but actors, whose status is more noble than singers. There is a saying in the entertainment circle that the top stars are the combination of actors and singers, the second rate are popular actors, and the popular singers are only the third rate.

Natagawa's real popularity can be compared with that of a first-class singer, but she is not recognized as a real singer. Many people say that her popularity comes from animation and Animation songs, not from herself. Therefore, she is regarded as a upstart in the entertainment industry - in fact, it's not just her, Shen Jie and long Xue.

"Sound actor is a new industry after all. It's impossible to be recognized in just a few years..." Alice sighed on the phone. It was Meng Huo who called her. He told Alice the truth of Xiachuan's true rumor, and then aroused her emotion.

Sound actor is just like cartoon, no - the rise of this industry is even shorter than cartoon, so the status of sound actor is still not in the eyes of many celebrities and experts.

This situation can't be changed immediately. It can only be proved by time. Just like comics, the speed of these two industries being accepted by the world has stunned other industries. Their popularity has come up. It's not a problem to enter the hall of elegance a few years later.

The problem is now

"I've thought that when the voice actors get better, there will be people digging, but I didn't expect it to be so fast." Alice said that what Xiachuan really faces is poaching. Although it's just a prelude, she can guess the follow-up development.

The people who are really interested in Xiachuan this time are not independent companies, but to Meng Huo's surprise, there are at least three companies spreading rumors - and these three companies are the top three of Huaxia star company.

If three companies do one thing at the same time, it won't be easy.

"They definitely think they can turn reality into a superstar!" Alice said: "it's the kind of national superstar that can make the whole country boiling. It's more crazy than any other superstar now."

Meng Huo didn't think of this: "can it be done?"

"Yes." Alice didn't hesitate: "there are two people in the world who can do it. Their popularity has reached the standard of first-line stars. Besides, they don't have the characteristics of other stars. Their personal qualities are excellent and their image is quite good.""Shen Jie... True?"

Meng Huo seems to have guessed the two men.


Alice nodded. The two super popular voice actors she and Meng Huo had cultivated had actually made history. For a long time, He Xi has been the standard of "cleanliness" for sound actors, and they are a group of "clean" stars in the hearts of fans.

"Clean" is very difficult to find in the entertainment industry. Although star companies always try to say how clean their artists are, the various impressions accumulated over the years actually do not make people really believe in the conduct of stars.

But the voice actor is an exception, in a short period of time, they are out of place with the entertainment industry, always can bring fans favor.

Among them, Shen Jie and Xiachuan Zhenzhen are the representatives. They have super popularity, and their own quality is also excellent. If they can further cultivate and shape, they have a good chance to create superstars that are popular all over the country.

"Maybe it's because of Shen Jie's transformation that they put their first eyes on xiachuanzhen." Alice explained, but what puzzled Meng Huo was, "what about Longxue? Why is it true? "

"Long Xue can't do it."

Alice shakes her head. The two most valuable voice actors of Phoenix company are Xia Chuanzhen and Shen Jie, because they are outstanding and young enough. Long Xue's age is a little longer, and there is less room for cultivation and promotion - but xiachuanzhen and Shen Jie are full of possibilities.

Two such young women now have such a huge popularity, how can we get the future?

Of course, what Alice didn't say is Meng Huo. He is the real super popular star. If he gives up being a cartoonist, there will be competition for the highest price - but that's obviously impossible.

So she didn't mention it either, just told Meng Huo that it would not end with Xiachuan Zhenzhen.

"Now that the truth has been noticed, and three companies are behind the scenes... In a short time, other voice actors will encounter a similar situation." Alice said, "we have to be prepared to stop job hopping."

At that time, the job hopping incident of male voice actors once made Phoenix company seem very passive. Alice didn't want the same thing to happen.

Meng Huo frowned: "we have improved a lot of treatment in recent years, but also increased restrictions, they will not easily change jobs, right?"

"Maybe..." Alice didn't agree with Meng Huo's words: "job hopping depends on whether the other party's offer is attractive or not. Suppose someone offers a medium voice actor in the company a reward to participate in the main role performance of popular TV series... I think he is likely to jump away."

She is just giving an example, but this is very likely to happen. The top three companies in Huaxia have made an idea to Xiachuan Zhenzhen at the same time, which proves that there is more than one person targeting at the voice actors now. They may want to dig out all the mainstays of the voice actors, and the conditions are certainly much better than when the male voice actors changed jobs.

If you leave Phoenix company, you can become an actor and singer, enjoy better remuneration, and your voice actor career can continue - many people will be excited.

This is the time to test the loyalty of voice actors to Phoenix