Chapter 869

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
After leaving the club, the blonde girl looked back in the street. After making sure no one was following her, she stepped into a black car by the side of the road.

Then the car started, and inside sat a tall blonde girl. She looked at the girl who took off her glasses and asked, "are you nervous?"

"Well, miss..." the girl pulled out a round metal particle from her ear and said, "I was scared to death just now. Fortunately, they didn't catch me. Why didn't miss play chess with teacher He Xi herself?"

"I'm older than I signed up for." The girl replied coldly: "and if I appear in front of him, he will recognize me..."

"Recognize you?" The girl looked at the girl in doubt: "Miss, haven't you ever lived in China before?"

The girl has never been to China in the future. Naturally, she has never met with He Xi. But even so, she had no doubt that when she stood in front of the cartoonist, he would recognize her immediately - because she was very similar to her sister.

They are half brothers, but there is no big difference in their looks. When the girl first sees a picture of her sister, she can understand that it is her sister in a flash. Similarly, when Meng Huo sees her face similar to Alice, he can also understand who she is.

Maybe he won't know the girl's name is Lisa, she is Anthony's adopted daughter, but he will definitely know that she is Alice's sister.

"He can recognize me even if he hasn't been to China." Lisa said coldly, but she didn't want to talk too much about this topic. Instead, she looked at the glasses on the girl's hand: "with such a hidden technique, do they really find that you are under my control?"

Girl nodded: "must be found, He Xi teacher playing chess to half of the time, look suddenly cold down, let me nervous to death."

Lisa recalled the chess game just now. He Xi's style of playing chess was quite gentle and steady at the beginning, but in the middle, his style of playing chess suddenly became fierce, and the placement of chess pieces was not soft. He forced himself to a desperate situation. The change of this situation should be to find that the girl was cheating.

"Can't you beat him?" Lisa's eyes flashed a piece of unhappiness. Before she played chess, she was confident. I didn't expect that He Xi would be so strong.

"Miss, miss!" The girl pulled her cape and asked curiously, "did you really lose that game just now? Or do you deliberately let him Xi, just like when playing games with Mary, you always deliberately let me... "

The girl's name is Mary. She is a little servant that Antony got for Lisa and the little daughter of another English baron. Although she is very young, she is intelligent. In Mary's heart, Lisa is the most powerful person. She doesn't believe she will lose to He Xi.

But Lisa did not have the idea of sophistry at this time.

"I just lost." Wearing Mary's hair, she said that this girl is as lovely as a girl. Lisa, who is not good at getting along with others, likes Mary very much: "I can show mercy to other people, but I can't pity her..."

"Why? Because he's your enemy? "

"Yes, because he is my enemy." Lisa mouth with a faint smile: "no one will be merciful to the enemy, and he is more powerful than me, he did not learn chess much longer than me, but chess is much higher than me."

Unlike He Xi's ignorance of Lisa, Lisa knows everything about He Xi, even better than Chinese journalists. Through Anthony's innumerable intelligence, Lisa clearly understands that He Xi's time to learn chess was not long before the series of chess soul. In fact, her time to learn chess was also before the series of chess soul.

Her reason for learning chess is not that she was influenced by the spirit of chess, but that she wanted to make a comparison with He Xi in this way. Lisa originally thought that it would take many years to know whether she would win or lose, but she got the result ahead of time in this trip to the extreme East.

"Then..." Mary seemed to see the result, and her face became a little depressed: "Miss, will you never touch chess again?"

Lisa nodded: "I can't win anything. I don't need it."

The time of learning chess is almost the same, but Lisa saw that He Xi is far better than her in this game. She thinks she is smart, but she is still much worse than He Xi. It can be predicted that even if she continues to learn chess, she will not be able to surpass He Xi - after all, she is not a real genius in go.

"What a pity!" Mary felt that it was a pity that Lisa would give up when she had learned go for such a long time: "Miss, why do you always compare with him? He Xi has never done anything bad to you! "

"Yes..." the girl stopped because Lisa suddenly said something unexpected.

"He got what I wanted most. Maybe he didn't know how important it was to me, but he just took what should have belonged to me." Lisa picked up Mary, put her on her lap, and slowly said, "what I have now should not belong to me. I'm like a beggar, picking up what he doesn't want."The girl sat on Lisa's lap, shook her head and said, "Mary can't understand."

"You'll understand when you grow up..." Lisa's eyes flashed with a sadness. Many people in Britain think that she is a lucky person. She is shining with Ho Xi's light today, but few people understand that it is Lisa who hates ho Xi most.

This is a very complex emotion. In fact, before she became Antony's adopted daughter, when she was still imprisoned by her father, she actually liked He Xi very much. He Xi's comics are all she relies on. Through his works, she learns to draw and gets food.

But after she left that place and moved into the long castle, she was praised by the public, but she was more and more jealous of Ho Xi - because she found that it was not her own thing, but what He Xi didn't want.

But she doesn't need charity, she doesn't need noble status, she just wants to get what belongs to her.

However, she soon found out that the only thing that could belong to her in the world except the "father" was her sister who was related by blood, a kind, gentle and beautiful sister.

If she knew that she had her own existence, Lisa would be sure that her sister would love her very much and that she would be happy. But when she found this sister, she also found that her unique sister put all her thoughts on He Xi