Chapter 825

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"How slow!"

1 On the evening of June 24, Meng Huo sat in the car, reading a book while waiting for Shen Jie. Today is the day for them to go to Meng's house together. But he waited for nearly an hour, but Shen Jie still didn't come out of the office.

"What's the situation?" He can't bear it any more. He takes out his mobile phone to ask Shen Jie, but he doesn't expect that the phone hasn't been dialed yet, but the mobile phone receives a call from another person.

"True? Why is she calling? " The caller ID is xiachuanzhen. Meng Huo is a little curious. Before he speaks, an excited cry comes from the opposite side: "brother, I'm home!"

Because of the long journey, natagawa didn't return to manga island in time to report. The office allowed her to go home directly.

"I know." Meng Huo said with a smile: "Congratulations, have a good rest at home for half a month!"

"How can I have a rest? I have to go to Tokyo for dubbing during the Chinese New Year." Xiachuan issued a real complaint, but still said: "but thank you brother, if not for you, I don't even have this holiday."

The most important reason for her calling Meng Huo is to thank her for this. In fact, at the beginning, Shengyou office proposed not to give Shengyou holidays. This year, the business of the office has increased significantly. Although it is close to the end of the new year, this period is also very suitable for Shengyou to be active.

However, this proposal was independently rejected by Meng Huo. Although it is good for Phoenix to be more active, he wants to give them a holiday. Of course, this holiday is also a selective holiday. The voice actors who need to dub animation still have to find time to record in different places, but this job is not troublesome.

Compared with having to run around during the Chinese new year, natagawa is satisfied with the current holiday - she can take a rest as usual.

"... ok... Well... Goodbye." After chatting with Xia Chuanzhen for a while, Meng Huo hangs up the phone. At this time, he follows the window to see Shen Jie running over with a bag.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just now the agent pulled me to say a lot of things!" After getting on the bus, Shen Jie apologized to Meng Huo and said, "I want to live alone for the Chinese New Year. She is not at ease. She keeps telling me like a Mammy."

Meng Huo said with a smile, "didn't you tell her you would be with me?"

"How can we say that..." Shen Jiebai gives Meng Huo a look. No matter how intimate she is, she can't tell the agent about it.

"All right." Meng Huo laughed, then told the driver: "drive."

The car then drove Meng Huo and Shen Jie to Meng's house. Meng Huo didn't use the car Alice gave him. How dare he drive that car in front of Shen Jie? If it is found to be Alice's car, Shen Jie will smash it immediately.

"Has aunt Qin arrived yet?" On the way, Shen Jie asked excitedly.

"Well." Meng Huo nodded: "she went back from Qingcheng county and lived for several days... But you really won't go back to Qingcheng this year? I heard from my mother that your parents didn't seem to know that you would be with me all the time? "

He was very strange. After Li Qin came back from Qingcheng, he told him that Shen Jie's parents didn't know that Shen Jie would be with their mother and son.

Of course, this is not absolute. To be exact, Shen Jie cheated her parents with half a lie. She explained to her parents that she still had a lot of work during the holiday, so she couldn't go home, but they didn't have to worry about her loneliness. Shen Jie would go to Meng Huo's home for the new year when she was at rest.

Shen Jie's reason is not a complete lie. She does have to go to the office for dubbing during the holiday. But other jobs are gone. It's an excuse that I can't go home. I spend 99% of my time with Meng Huo.

"You know..." Shen Jie's face was a little embarrassed, but she still shook her head and said, "I don't want to go back. It was a nightmare to go back last year."

She can remember the experience of last year. When she comes home, she always feels like an animal in the zoo. Countless people visit her every day and are surrounded everywhere she goes. That kind of life is more tiring than work, which not only makes her uneasy, but also makes her parents feel very restrained.

And it was last year. This year, Shen Jie became more famous. When she went home, she still got it!?

"But you haven't seen your parents for a long time, have you?" Meng Huo frowned and said, "don't go to see them, OK?"

"I met them last month..." Shen Jie was a little discontented: "and I had asked them to come to Ninghai for the new year, and I would accompany them again, but they didn't want to come here. They also said that it was OK for them to be together, and they didn't care about me at all..."

Meng Huo understands Shen Jie's parents a little. They are the same kind of people as Li Qin. In fact, if Meng Huo's father was still alive and lived in Qingcheng, Li Qin might not follow Meng Huo. Now she can only rely on Meng Huo alone, so she will accompany Meng Huo wherever she goes.However, it's a big mistake to say that Shen Jie's parents don't care about Shen Jie. Their care for Shen Jie was seen by Meng Huo a few years ago. Now, Meng Huo guesses that they say so because they know more or less what Shen Jie wants to do.

Perhaps the parents knew their daughter's plan well, so they turned a blind eye and deliberately refused to accept Shen Jie's invitation, so that she and Meng Huo could cultivate their feelings together. Of course, it's just Meng Huo's guess. Now that it's over, he won't go into it too deeply. Anyway, Shen Jie is very happy to be around during this holiday.

When they came to Meng's house, it was already dark. To their surprise, Li Qin was waiting at the door.

"Aunt Qin, why are you standing here? How cold it is After getting out of the car, Shen Jie quickly went to hold her arm. It's winter. The wind here is cold and strong. Seeing Li Qin's pale face, it should be a long time to stand here.

"I didn't see you all the time. I'm afraid that something might happen to you." Li Qin said with a smile to Shen Jie, and then turned to stare at Meng Huo: "how did it get so late?"


"Suddenly there was a delay in work."

Shen Jie is about to say that it's her reason that delays her time, but Meng Huo plays down the matter to herself. Shen Jie looks back in surprise and shows a happy expression.

"You child..." Li Qin angrily looked at Meng Huo, and then looked at Shen Jie's look. She didn't know what happened, and immediately put her anger at the two people's late arrival behind her.

"Well, don't stay here. Come in. Your grandmother is getting impatient."

Li Qin pulls Shen Jie around and walks into the room. Meng Huo takes out some of his things from the car and goes in with them