Chapter 815

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Meng Huo is ashamed. Since Shen Jie's incident, he hasn't felt this for a long time.

He was so careful of Alice that he took Alice's kindness as his own, which was too much. Meng Huo couldn't be relieved. He wanted to apologize to Alice, but suddenly saying it would only make Alice confused.

"Why did you think of inviting me to dinner?"

The next evening, Alice was invited into Meng Huo's apartment. Meng Huo could not tell her her shame. If Alice knew that Meng Huo had misunderstood herself so much, she would not be happy. Therefore, Meng Huo put things in his heart and expressed them with actions.

He thought for a long time, and finally decided to cook himself and invite Alice to dinner.

For Alice's surprise, Meng Huo had enough excuses: "anyway, you usually go out to eat. It's better to solve it here. I occasionally cook by myself. There's no difference between one person's food and two people's food."

Alice can't cook. Meng Huo knows that. She has to go out to eat every day since she moved here, which is not very convenient“ What do you mean by that? " Alice was very surprised. Then she asked with a smile, "will I be free to eat and drink with you in the future?"

She just asked this with a sense of humor, but to her surprise, Meng Huo nodded.

"As long as I have time, you can come and eat."

In order to ease his guilt, he made a very big concession and allowed Alice to eat with him. Shen Jie would be very dissatisfied. But in fact, the effect of this sentence is not as great as it seems, because Meng Huo has little time to cook.

He doesn't have breakfast and lunch in his apartment on weekdays, and he works in the evening. It's a miracle that he can prepare his own dinner in his apartment two days a week. And take two days as an example, Alice can't just come back in these two days.

That is to say, even if Meng is allowed to come here to rub her food, four or five times a month is the limit.

However, even though she knew all these things, Meng Huo's words still shocked Alice. She stood in the living room in a daze and couldn't understand why Meng Huo suddenly became so friendly.

"Sit down and I'll call you when I'm ready." Meng Huo put on his apron and went to the kitchen.

Alice thought back, and couldn't help thinking, "let me help you."

"No, their meal is very simple. You can't help me if you come here." But Meng Huo refused. Although Alice can fight, her speed is not as fast as Meng Huo: "later, Tokyo TV station will broadcast the second film of" mobile soldier up to 00 ". You watch TV first!"

Meng Huo refused Alice's offer and went into the kitchen alone.

Alice watched him leave, but her head still couldn't turn. Meng Huo's attitude changed a lot today, but she didn't know why, so she had no choice but to pour herself a glass of water, and then turned on the TV to watch.

Today is the first day of the second movie "mobile soldier up to 00" on Monday. Although Alice is not particularly keen on this animation, she is also very concerned about the broadcast of this episode, especially the dubbing she likes.

However, when the TV was turned on, what Tokyo TV was broadcasting was not animation, but a routine animation program. The people who participated in the program were very interesting. It was Qin Ya and his party who left yesterday.

"This program is usually invited to voice actors, right?"

Alice drank water and thought that this program was co filmed with Phoenix company. In fact, it's not only this program, but also Suhua TV station has similar interviews. The two programs mainly invite voice actors from Phoenix company to attend, who will sing and tell some behind the scenes stories of dubbing, as well as interact with the audience.

But with the passage of time, the two programs invite more diverse objects, cartoonists, painters, animation writers and even the audience, some senior critics and so on... And the broadcasting frequency of the programs is also higher and higher. Originally, the two TV stations broadcast once or twice a week, now they broadcast four times a week.

Less than a year can grow to this point, which proves that Phoenix animation development this year is quite successful.

"After the end of the movie, next year's animation will usher in a boom..." Alice thought at the same time, "after the end of the movie, Detective Conan will return in the first half of next year, and about half a year after the end of the movie, it will also be on the premiere channel of Tokyo or Suhua TV station.

Next year, the main animation of Phoenix company will realize the transfer of TV stations, and the two cooperative TV stations and corresponding programs will benefit from it.

Meng Huo's plan is in progress. In fact, a small incident happened during this period《 Detective Conan was originally expected to air after the end of the first movie, but in a meeting a few months ago, Phoenix decided to continue to launch the second movie.There are two factors in this. One is that it is good for two consecutive films of "mobile soldier up to 00". In Meng Huo's vision, there will be a theater version of "mobile soldier up to 00" in the future. If the second film is not broadcast, the subsequent film and theater version will become quite troublesome.

There are too many works buried by Meng Huo. Let alone the fact that a large number of comics have not yet been animated, "magic girl Xiaoyuan" also has a theater version plan. So far, there is no news about its production. The top management of Phoenix company was in a hurry. They argued all over for these things. At last, everyone formed a consensus that when Meng Huo made an animation, he should try his best to finish it. Don't delay it.

It's easy to make an animation, but it's too far away to maximize the value after making all the things in an animation, which worries Phoenix.

This is one reason. We all want to finish the animation one by one. Another reason is that the ratings of the two TV stations are better than they expected at the beginning. At the beginning, everyone thought that "Detective Conan" couldn't be delayed for too long. After too long, the animation audience would be robbed by Zhongxia company. However, it seems that it's OK to delay any longer.

"Zhongxia is not as powerful as we think..."

Many people in Phoenix company have such an idea that detective Conan was robbed of a lot of audience by detective Shylock, which made people tremble for a time. As a result, Zhongxia didn't get the absolute upper hand in half a year.

Of course, Alice knows very well that the reason for this is not that Zhongxia is weak, but that Meng Huo has been very attentive in the past six months. The number of animations he has launched exceeds that of any previous year, and the quality is also very high - it's strange that Zhongxia can take advantage of it