Chapter 762

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
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Although we have made preparations in advance, the repercussions brought by the animation news of "clannad" have exceeded Meng Huo's expectation.

In the morning, the phone call at home was not discussed, and the response of the media was expected. However, a more important problem soon appeared - the fans of "clannad" were enraged by the animation news!

Soon after receiving the phone call, Alice rushed to the animation department and reported a news to Meng Huo.

"A group of fans of" clannad "are gathering at Zhongxia company?"

Meng Huo was very surprised when he heard the news. After careful inquiry, he knew that Alice's information came from "He Xi's Pro guard". She was no longer a member of the pro guard, but the news was still the same. The accuracy of the news of fans gathering from Pro guards is naturally very high.

"Why! What are they going to do? "

"Protest." Alice frowned slightly, but didn't worry too much: "these fans didn't agree with the production of" clannad "by Zhongxia company, so they protested in the past. They thought that Zhongxia company used some illegal means to take" clannad "from you."

Meng Huo's face was stunned: "why, I have made a statement!"

"It's no use for you to make a statement. It's a part of excited readers. The means can be excuses. They may not want to give" clannad "to Zhongxia company." Alice said with a smile: "who told them not to announce the director? Zhongxia may be in a hurry now, but you are really trusted..."

Ninghai, outside the Phoenix building, hundreds of radical fans and journalists with protest signs suddenly appeared in the morning.

"Go away, midsummer. Clannad doesn't belong to you!"“ Don't ruin our masterpiece“ We don't watch any of them except teacher He Xi's clannad“ Despicable person, give "clannad" back to teacher He Xi! "

Seeing the crowd gathered, Yang Liang's face was not so bad when he looked up and down the Zhongxia building.

"Why are these readers unreasonable? Mr. Dong, will someone agitate them behind their back? " He turned around and asked. Dong dingzheng sat on the sofa reading the newspaper. Without looking back, he calmly said, "He Xi has promised this. He won't do anything illegal, so no one encourages these readers?"

"So what's going on?" Also in the office, Jiang Tianshi, who was drinking tea with his legs crossed, became curious: "what are they arguing about? Didn't they do research for clannad in advance? Some of the readers of this work are our readers, right

If Zhongxia company wants to launch He Xi's cartoon, it will certainly take some risks. The most obvious thing is the risk of readers' identification, so Zhongxia company also chose "clannad" after careful discussion, because its comics have been serialized in Zhongxia for a long time.

Comics are serialized in Zhongxia company. Except for gamers, new fans of "clannad" will come from the readers of comics. That is to say, before the animation production, Zhongxia company already had a lot of audience of "clannad", which should not cause disturbance.

Dong Ding frowned. In fact, the disturbance surprised him.

"There's only one reason." He sighed: "it seems that there is a big gap between the animation audience and He Xi in their trust in our company. They just don't want us to make" clannad "...."

Yang Liang and Jiang Tianshi were stunned at the same time, and then fell into silence.

Trust - the reason is that He Xi is the best animation maker in China. He is almost unmatched. Even angels can't surpass him. If they are loyal fans of "clannad" and the author is the most powerful animator, they naturally don't want to see it taken away by others.

In front of these fans, the animation news of "clannad" is absolutely good news, but it is a smear to the work produced by Zhongxia company, which is no better than that made by He Xi himself.

"So I said there was no need to hide the fact that He Xi was the director." Dong Ding glances at Yang Liang and conceals that He Xi's identity as a director is Yang Liang's idea. It's not in Dong Ding's and Meng Huo's initial decision. Dong Ding doesn't stop it because he knows it's meaningless.

Today's scene proves this. It is easy to cause riots if He Xi is not a director.

"We are not in a hurry..." Yang Liang was not reconciled and said: "there are not many people protesting. As long as we pacify them a little, we can pacify the past. Many people believe in the quality of the cartoon" clannad ". They will recognize our company!"Dong Ding nodded: "I hope so!"

Yang Liang's starting point is to limit He Xi's influence on "clannad". Whether it is successful or not, this starting point is beneficial to Zhongxia company, and it is also beneficial to delay for a period of time. Shareholders also agree that He Xi should not be allowed to emerge. Dong Ding is also not good at saying that it is "impossible".

So he gave Yang Liang a neutral answer and continued to leave the matter to him.

"I'll arrange it right away." Yang Liang was authorized to deal with the fans immediately.

Jiang Tianshi watched Yang Liang leave curiously, then turned to Dong Ding: "can he succeed?"

"I don't know." Dong Ding shakes his head. If Yang Liang does better, there is a little chance of success, but the chance is very small: "whether he can do it or not, a little stir is not a bad thing for clannad, and it can also increase its attention."

Jiang Tianshi laughed: "does it still need attention《 Clannad is a brand in itself. "

"But in a word." The young master of the Jiang family turned his teacup: "if you leave the studio of clannad to our angels, I don't think many people will object."

As long as the gap is not particularly obvious, those fans will not stir up at all. One of the reasons for their trouble is that it is not He Xi or angel who makes this animation, but other animation studios.

Other animation studios will naturally make a lot of people uneasy, but if it is an angel, Jiang Tianshi is confident to suppress this uneasiness.

"Well, why don't you go and discuss with Mr. He Xi? Give us a part of this animation, too? "

Jiang Tianshi said slowly.

Dong Ding frowned: "impossible. Your focus is not here. Didn't you say that at the last shareholders' meeting? The most important thing for angels now is to keep the popularity of "Flame Boy" and "detective Shylock", and then look for an animation comparable to "Chong thing elf" and "Detective Conan!"

"But can't you find it?" Jiang Tianshi said flatly: "this kind of animation can't be found so easily. If we could find it, we would have found it for a long time. There is still no suitable choice for several months. Doesn't it mean there is no hope?"

"Instead of this, let's get involved in clannad and beat him through He Xi's animation! Even if we lose, it will be a few months, and we can continue to look for new animation in these months. "

Dong Ding's eyes suddenly became solemn. When he looked at Jiang Tianshi, he seemed to feel something: "I don't understand how you beat He Xi through He Xi's animation. Who said that?"

Jiang Tianshi was a little surprised, and then laughed: "I didn't say a few words, you can see that this is not what I said... It's really inferior to you foxes."

He nodded and admitted, "I didn't say that. It's my brother's advice."

Dong Ding narrowed his eyes: "young master?"

"Yes, he told me when he came home the other day." Jiang Tianshi put down his glass and said, "he doesn't pay much attention to Zhongxia at ordinary times, but he knows our situation very well. It is he who suggested that angels draw" clannad. "


Dong Ding asked, while the rapid rotation of the brain. This is not a good sign. It's just a good suggestion. But if the young master is interested in Zhongxia company, no one can resist him.

Among the shares of Zhongxia company, Jiang family has the most. Once Jiang Tianen attends the shareholders' meeting, his decision goes beyond Dong Ding's.

"My brother seems to have played clannad. He said three words to me." Jiang Tianshi slowly stretched out his finger: "first, the animation of" clannad "can be ordinary animation, or it can be a very special long animation. If you make a long one, its influence may be comparable to that of" Detective Conan. "

"Second, we can use this work to compete with He Xi and have a chance to beat him in animation."

"Third, He Xi will accept the participation of angels in the production of clannad."( It's a good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Focus on the Chinese official account (WeChat add friends add official account - enter qdread), join in! Everyone has a prize, now pay close attention to qdread WeChat official account!