Chapter 753

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Incredible! How could they make such a request! "

In the evening, on the way back, Alice was very angry. When Meng Huo came to "Qinglong" studio, Zhongxia company sent someone to put forward the proposal. Alice was very angry when she heard that the director of "clannad" was Meng Huo. Why didn't she publish it?

"And Meng Huo, how did you agree?" Alice is also puzzled about Meng Huo's decision. Zhongxia company obviously wants to reduce Meng Huo's influence in "clannad" in this way, but Meng Huo unexpectedly agrees.

"It's a little cleaner." Meng Huo light answer, do not release information can let him quiet animation, this let him very satisfied. But he could not be relieved to see Alice, and added: "don't worry, they dare not find someone to replace me. If they don't announce the director, they just let me expose it later. They can't hide it for a long time."

Of course, Zhongxia company does not dare to find someone to take the position of director for Meng Huo, otherwise Meng Huo will quit in a rage, and the animation of "clannad" will soon be ruined. And the two sides signed a contract, this kind of thing can not happen.

But Alice is not optimistic: "you look down on Zhongxia. If they want to hide it, it's really possible to hide it... Don't forget that there is a Zhongxia newspaper near Qinglong studio."

It's not just newspapers, but the eyes of the newspaper are all pervasive. The place chosen by the company is in their sphere of influence. On the surface, once the animation news of "clannad" is published, Qinglong studio will be watched by the media outside, and Meng Huo will not escape exposure.

But just like Phoenix can protect Jiayuan community, if Zhongxia company really wants to hide it. It is still possible for them to hide Meng Huo. In this way, after the "clannad" animation was broadcast, Zhongxia company took a big advantage.

"No, you misunderstand me. I don't mean they can't hide it..." Meng Huo shakes his head and laughs. He is eager for Zhongxia company to help him hide more firmly, but no matter how much he hides, Meng Huo doesn't worry that Zhongxia will take away his dominance: "you forget a key thing."

"What's the matter?" Alice was stunned.

"Good voice." Meng Huo replied: "the dubbing of" clannad "is basically copied from the game, but it can't be copied completely. The details of the animation plot will change. The voice actors of our company must participate in it. Anyone who has watched the animation will know that all the voice actors come from our company."

Meng Huo is fully responsible for the animation production of "clannad", and the voice actors and songs are the same team. The dubbing of the lack of animation, such as the dubbing of the hero, is also provided by Phoenix company.

Alice suddenly understood.

"I see..." she gave Meng Huo a white look: "you didn't say it earlier."

The reason is very simple, so far, the animation dubbing produced by Zhongxia company are all from star voice actors《 The sound quality and dubbing of "clannad" are all provided by Phoenix company. Once it is broadcast, it will be distinguished from other animations in midsummer. Any audience will feel that the animation has the style of Phoenix company.

Even if the director's name is not released, they will doubt whether the animation director is He Xi. The work is He Xi's work, the voice actor and dubbing are also He Xi's works. It's a question mark on the director's name. Isn't it an artificial cover up?

Therefore, Meng Huo is not worried at all. As long as he has the power to make "clannad" animation, Zhongxia company will not be able to hide his identity - at most, it's just a delay, but for Meng Huo, the delay can make him clean for a while.

Alice is also at ease. Meng Huo's animation technique is much higher than others, which gives them enough confidence.

"It's getting late. Shall we eat out today?" Alice looked at the time and then suggested to Meng Huo that it was evening when they left Qinglong studio. Meng Huo had no idea about eating out.

Alice took him to a high-end restaurant, which is located on the first floor of the building. Although it's expensive, it has a good mood, surrounded by some noble couples. Meng Huo didn't care much, but Alice seemed very happy and ordered a bottle of red wine.

"Do you like red wine? This name came from the West... "She recommended to Meng Huo that there was no such name as" red wine "in Huaxia before, and its origin was similar to that Meng Huo had heard in his last life.

The so-called thing is rare. In fact, it's the same everywhere. China's status in the world is far higher than that of western countries. However, we can see many Western things, even things like red wine. Their popularity in China even exceeds that of western countries.

Meng Huo felt strange at first, but later he found out the reason - it was a method of "historical plunder".Chinese people are not afraid of foreign culture, they are proud of their own cultural heritage, and they always welcome foreign things. Even in the past, some "good things" obtained from the West were very popular in China.

After the end of the war, Western businessmen saw through the Chinese people's idea of liking strange things, and brought countless goods and industries from the mainland.

This has led to the strange situation. Western products are often seen in the Chinese market. For example, Alice's favorite car, Porsche, is also from the West. However, with the development of these commodities up to now, in addition to the name, it can be said that they are already local things in China.

Even now 99% of red wine is produced in China, a country too vast to support the production of anything.

However, Meng Huo doesn't have a special interest in wine. He just tasted red wine. Alice drank a lot. The value of this bottle of red wine was more than 4000 yuan. She didn't want to waste it, so she drank three glasses unconsciously.

When she drinks the fourth cup, Meng Huo wants to stop her, but suddenly receives a call from Shen Jie.

"The rebellious Lu Lu Xiu will be on air tomorrow?" Shen Jie is looking forward to talking about the new animation on the phone. Meng Huo talks with her while eating. It doesn't take long for her to feel that she is empty and her mobile phone has been robbed by Alice.

"I said Shen Jie, I'm having dinner with him. Don't be a light bulb, will you?" Said Alice, a little discontented, to her cell phone.

But Shen Jie was not surprised at all. She had just heard Meng Huo talk about it. After hearing what Alice said, she replied with a smile: "it's OK not to be a light bulb. Can you tell me how Meng Huo's dubbing in rebellious Lu Lu Xiu is? He would never tell me

"Dubbing?" Alice was stunned. Then she looked at Meng Huo and said with a smile to her mobile phone, "you'll know it tomorrow. I'm sure you won't recognize Meng Huo."