Chapter 707

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
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But skills are skills, not stories.

After reading the first two words of "the spirit of chess", the cartoon is of excellent quality and full skills. Every detail is the best choice. If it is a high mathematics or sketch examination paper, xingboxiang will undoubtedly give it a full score of 100.

However, if we really turn it into a test paper, Xing Boxiang believes that "the spirit of chess" is a Chinese test paper, and the answers to all the questions in front of it are more standard than textbooks. However, when it comes to the topic of writing a story, He Xi can't match the previous level of answers.

It's true that the story of "the spirit of chess" doesn't match its painting skills and skills. Of course, it doesn't mean that the story of "the spirit of chess" is boring. On the contrary, its story is interesting. However, this interesting story is very eclipsed by its almost perfect painting skills and techniques.

"Shouldn't teacher He Xi be good at creating stories?" Xingboxiang is very strange. In this new cartoon, He Xi has made great progress, but he doesn't show what he is good at. It's very strange and regrettable.

The popularity of "chess soul" is no longer a problem. It has done a good job in all aspects. It's normal that "weekly youth" will sell out. However, if the story can be more interesting and close to its performance in other aspects, the spirit of chess will surely go a step further and become not only a go game, but also a miracle of artistic caricature.

"Another word, I hope teacher He Xi will not go astray."

Xing Boxiang turns to the last page of the second story of "the spirit of chess" and opens the world of the third story. She hopes that He Xi can highlight the plot in this story and not be fascinated by "skills" and "painting style" - this is a very dangerous thing.

Cartoonist He Xi, if he starts to pursue skills and painting skills, of course, he will continue to be popular, but it will never last. If he loses his most important plot ability, the myth will come to an end.

Xing Boxiang was eager to know the answer. However, just after she opened the third sentence, a sound of "kowtow" came from the door.

"Headmaster, have all those documents been approved?" The director of Personnel Department of Yanjing University knocked on the door and walked to the office where he was doing the research. He still had several paper bags in his hand: "and this is the admission list of new teachers for next semester. I'll show you. If you..."

Xing Boxiang's time of watching comics was suddenly interrupted by her work. She could only put aside the content of the third sentence.

Ninghai, near six o'clock, the rain disappeared.

"..." Meng Huo looked at the sky with a speechless face. If there were not two people standing beside him, he even wanted to yell at the sky: "lying trough, when does it rain all the time, but it stops at this time, you're playing with me!"

Within a few hours, Phoenix company had already announced the broadcast, and did not prepare the equipment for the performance. However, now that the rain has stopped, the number of readers in front of the Phoenix building has been gathering more and more since ten minutes ago, which once again poses a risk to Meng Huo's plan!

Because there is no rain barrier, many nearby readers are excited to run to the Phoenix Square, the radio can no longer meet their expectations. It should be said that the radio could have satisfied them, but because the rain stopped, readers' expectations were higher - if possible, they would certainly prefer to listen to He Xi's playing on the spot.

Without the rain, the readers become more enthusiastic and excited, and there is no ticket requirement for this celebration. Naturally, everyone wants to fight: chaos has happened in Phoenix Square.

"What should we do now?" Alice looked at the scene downstairs, also a little headache: "we have sent a lot of security out, but as soon as we say to start later, we will not be able to stop the crowd!"

In front of the Phoenix building, readers are waiting closely around the gate. In order to get to the front, there have been some quarrels and pushing in the crowd. In the front line of readers, the situation is even more fierce, and some people even start fighting - fortunately, the Phoenix company's security stopped it.

These tourists are waiting for Phoenix company to announce the start of He Xi's "chess spirit" celebration. Each of them wants to stand in the front, so that they can rush to the building as soon as Phoenix company announces.

The celebration was entirely on foot, and Alice believed that as soon as it was announced, the scene would be out of control.

"Why are they so excited? Did you tell them that I can only play one song?" Meng Huo rubbed his brow and said, "if you don't say it, just say it again. I'll play a song, and... What do the police around do?"

The reason why tickets are not sold is that this celebration can not be regarded as a real celebration. It is better to regard it as a piano performance. Although Meng Huo thought about taking out several pieces of "the spirit of chess", he decided to play only one piece last week."Chess soul" has not yet announced animation, so it's unnecessary to show a few songs in advance. Just like when he and Shen Jie performed a song of "Detective Conan" on the stage, Meng Huo thinks that it's enough to express his sincerity to the readers with one song.

And because it's a song, he didn't ask the company to arrange tickets. These readers have already spent their tickets by car. If they have to be forced to buy tickets, Meng Huo will only play one song, it's too unkind.

"We've already said that, and we're still shouting..." Alice gave a wry smile and pointed to a female employee standing at the door with a megaphone. Although she can't hear what the female employee is saying, she is arranged by Alice - the female employee is just appeasing readers and reminding them that there is only one song today.

However, it seems to have little effect. The situation in the crowded reader group has not changed because of appeasement.

"As for the police." Alice shook her head. "They're still on their way to assembly."

Today's situation is too dramatic. Originally, the surrounding police stations had inquired about the situation two days ago and planned to arrange some people to come here today. As a result, it rained suddenly at noon today, and there was no sign of stopping. At more than 4 p.m., the police called and said that the arrangement had been cancelled.

Who would have thought that now, near six o'clock, the rain suddenly stopped? Now the police are also in a hurry to gather, and more than a dozen people have come to help, but the speed of the large army is slower than that of the readers.


Meng Huo looked down in silence. He roughly counted the number of people, but he couldn't count them. The square is full of people, which should be more than 3000 by volume. Private cars have to block the street.

"No, there are too many people. Once we can't handle it properly, conflicts will come out." On the other side of Meng Huo, ye Xiong also looks worried. His eyes look at the dense crowd, and he also sees many reporters in it, which is even more troublesome.

With the presence of reporters, any problem may be magnified by them, which is not good for Phoenix company.

"No way." Meng Huo sighed, turned to Alice and said, "go and carry the piano out. Put it in the middle of the square. I'll play outside."

Alice was stunned: "stop broadcasting? But we have already announced... "

"Broadcast as usual, you do it like this..." Meng Huo explained that the broadcast can't break its promise, but it should be broadcast. The readers in the square will be appeased by him and dissuaded by Meng Huo, and they will be obedient.

He wants Alice to spread out the stereo in the square, so that readers who are far away can feel that they have heard his piano on the spot and don't have to try to squeeze into Phoenix company.

"Maybe this method can..." Alice nodded and thought she could try it. "But now the time is in a hurry. It's a labor test to move out the piano and audio equipment. We don't have time to set up a stage for you. Is that ok?"

"... of course there are problems." Meng Huo frowned. He needed a high stage so that he could be seen by everyone when he played. Without this stage, the peripheral readers can't see him, and will certainly continue to think about pushing forward. The situation will not improve: "the stage you prepared... Is it difficult to set it up?"

"Stage? It's not difficult... What we prepared is a simple stage. It's one meter high and small in area. It's very easy to assemble. " Alice shook her head and said, "but it's going to take a lot of hands to get the assembled boxes out. There are so many boxes that it's going to take several hours for four people to work together."

"It's easy to move the boxes out, put them in place, cover them with a carpet, and the stage is finished."

"You mean there's a shortage of hands?" Meng Huo picked an eyebrow: "but if you have a lot of hands, aren't there a lot in front of you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there's no..." Alice didn't believe it, but suddenly she was stunned. Her eyes widened slightly, and then she pointed to the readers below: "you don't mean these readers, do you?"

Meng Huo nodded, he said is the reader. These readers want to see him playing outside, so it shouldn't be difficult for them to help carry the boxes. Thousands of people, even if it is one tenth of the participation rate, each of them can make a contribution and move the box out quickly in a few minutes.

Alice's eyes brightened. "Good idea!"

She had a surprise look at Meng Huo. This is a good way. Most of the readers here are loyal fans. In order to listen to the song, there must be many people who are willing to help, and even regard it as an honor. And they moved the boxes to the square and put them away, and Alice could lay the stage in a short time.

"I'll arrange it right away." Alice turned excitedly and walked quickly to the elevator.

"By the way... Be careful, don't let them break the piano and stereo!" Meng Huo called a reminder behind her back, but Alice didn't look back. She waved her hand and said, "I know that I won't let them do important work, and I'll watch the piano moving."( The novel "big cartoon" will have more fresh content on the official wechat platform. At the same time, there will be a 100% lucky draw for you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it.