Chapter 691

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
After dinner, the players bid farewell to Meng Huo at the door of the restaurant.

After seeing Sakura's car disappear in the street, a chess player frowned and asked, "Teacher He Xi, we're just helping him with the guidance of go match. Is that ok?"

He felt that the return was too low.

Taketo shook his head: "he doesn't accept other thanks. What can we do? It doesn't matter. Let's help him draw the cartoon first. In the future, if the "spirit of chess" is successful, we will further thank him and never let others look down upon him! "

The chess players are also proud of them. They don't know about the Meng family, but they know that He Xi's new cartoon is something that many people can't get with a lot of money. He Xi has chosen to help the go industry. No matter how they look at it, they have taken advantage of it.

It's not a question of whether he Xi will accept it or not. It's also a question of the image of the whole go world. If he doesn't do anything, it will be too cold for outsiders. However, this stage is not urgent. It's enough for chess players to provide He Xi with guidance on the comic content.

But what they didn't expect was that the guidance meeting would arrive so soon. On the third day when Meng Huo came to Tokyo, he asked the chess players for help.

In fact, Meng Huo started to work on New Comics after the carnival. He also brought the original to Tokyo and asked Sakura company to set aside a place for drawing comics. Meng Huo made "mobile soldier as high as 00" during the day, but he took time to draw when he was free.

In the evening, he would draw new comics in the gap of drawing old comics, and he would not be stingy to use his psionic power. So on the third day in Tokyo, Meng Huo found that he was drawing the first match, which was a crucial match, and even the match that led to the subsequent plot of the whole cartoon.

"Well, please..."

While preparing for the match, Meng Huo suddenly found that he was in a bit of trouble. It seemed that he was a little too confident. He felt that he had no problem in drawing go comics, but he didn't pay attention to a detail - the age.

Although the first game of chess will not be very difficult, it is the first time that the Ancient Soul plays in this world. That is to say, his way of playing chess should retain the ancient style. However, Meng Huo, who does not know enough about go, is obviously unable to draw well.

"First draw according to the original work, let them have a look..."

Meng Huo thought so, and then drew the match of the original work, and called to inform Wuteng. Wu Teng came to visit Meng Huo in person that evening. Meng Huo didn't show him the other manuscripts, but just gave him the chess score of the match, intending to listen to his opinions.

"This, this is..." Wuteng was stunned when he saw the chess score. He specially brought a pair of glasses, and then looked at the chess score carefully: "the style of the chess score is very strange? How did you get it, Mr. He Xi? "

"I drew it casually."

Meng Huo said euphemistically that the history of the world is different, and he did not know whether the ancient chess skills described in the spirit of chess were different from the world. So it can only be said to draw casually, because the technique used in this chess score is probably fictional in the eyes of Wuteng.

He guessed this right. Wuteng thought that the style of one person in the chess score was quite strange. He thought about it several times and didn't find that there was such a style in history.

But it's just the style of playing chess. The playing methods and rules of go have not changed much since ancient times. Although the style of this chess score is a little strange, it is still a successful chess score, and the level is not simple

"Is this the guiding chess?"

Taketo asked cautiously.

"Well." Meng Huo nodded. The chess repertoire reflected the game played by two people with totally unequal strength. One of them was an ancient chess player. He didn't show all his strength on the chessboard, but dealt with another person in a way similar to guiding chess - that is, he let go of water.

"..." Wu Teng was dumb for a moment. He looked at the chess score and then looked up at Meng Huo. His eyes became very surprised. "What's the pity of this chess score?"

He doesn't believe that the style of chess score is different, but it doesn't hinder its level. On the chess score, the level of the loser is also quite high, which is close to the professional level, and the winner is needless to mention. He can't see the specific level after playing on the chessboard, but his chess skills are also professional after playing.

If Meng Huo's chess score comes from his hands, it means that he has the lowest level of professional chess skills. Is it possible?

Wu Teng doesn't believe it. He Xi said that he had never learned go before. No matter how talented he is, he can't reach the professional level in a week? This has never been seen in history. It can be seen that the source of the chess score is very problematic.

"The style is so strange. Maybe some folk expert gave it to him..."After thinking about it, Wuteng had to find an excuse. The experts are among the people. It seems that such a strange style of chess score should be inherited by the people. Maybe he Xi doesn't want to say it, but he can only explain it in this way.

"Then, is this chess score OK?"

Meng Huo saw that Wu Teng did not speak. He got a lump in his heart and asked.

"I want to hear the background of the two players in the match."

Wu Teng put down the chess score and said that Meng Huo told him that the two players were ancient and modern. Of course, according to the history of the world, he re selected the background of an ancient chess player.

"I see." Wu Teng understood, and then sighed: "I don't think so, teacher. Your setting is too rough. The identity and background of that ancient chess player are not rigorous at all, and it doesn't match the style of chess. How about we help to reset his identity?"

Chess players have a better understanding of the history of go, and they are no longer talking about how to shape the soul of an ancient chess player who belongs to this world.

Meng Huo thought about it and agreed that he was really inferior to these people in this aspect of information. After Wu Teng received his reply, he left immediately, and then went back to the Chess Academy to inform other players and began to take countermeasures.

In one night, players from all over China searched for suitable targets, and the next day, taketo handed over his backup to Meng Huo.

There are four candidates in total, which shows the high efficiency of these players. However, the first person recommended by Meng Huo is a big eye drop He was stunned, feeling unbelievable.

"Yes, it's a good idea." Wuteng replied: "this is the most powerful player in the history of Jidong District, and also a great master in the history of Chinese go..."

He explained to Meng Huo that this person, this strategy, is actually the strategy that Meng Huo heard in his last life. However, because of the different history of go, his way of playing chess is different from his previous life, but his achievements are greater than his previous life.

Because he is also a master in the Chinese go industry, and his chess score and style are well preserved, so it's not difficult to draw.

Meng Huo's heart is very complicated. Listening to Wu Teng's words, he is really complicated. Wuteng introduced benyinfang xiuce to him because he was the most outstanding chess player born in Jidong district. However, Wuteng was not recommended by people from Jidong district because he was also Chinese.

From ancient times to the present, the extreme east of the world has only been defined as the south of the Yangtze River or the Suhua area. Therefore, in their eyes, benyinfang xiuce's status is the same as that of the players in other regions, and there is no purpose to recommend him.

China has a vast territory and abundant resources. Every time Meng Huo opens a new comic book, readers will not have any comments on whether it is named after the name of the Far East region, the name of the local region, or the strange name of the Far East, Xixia, and a few other regions.

Because they are all Chinese, they don't care about surnames and first names. However, Meng Huo is still a little hard to let go. Maybe the memory of the past has been haunting him. He always has some bad feelings in his heart.

"I'm so stupid..."

Meng Huo patted his head. He knew that there was no need for his bad feelings. If he wanted to integrate into the world, he could not mind these things. It's not fair to others, and he did it before.

"No problem. It's him."

So he calmed down and made a decision. Originally, the ancient soul in the spirit of chess was a part of him... Meng Huo decided to accept this character and move the one in the original.

"As a result, Zuo Wei or Zuo Wei..."

Meng Huo smiles bitterly in his heart. The role of Zuo Wei in the spirit of chess is still Zuo Wei, but other roles still have to change. The background of Xiaoguang and Xiaoliang should be in China, not because of his selfishness, but because it is a necessary thing.

In order to surpass the original work, qihun can't confine its region to the extreme East, which will make readers feel too stingy. It has to have a broader stage - its stage is the whole China.

With such a huge stage, Meng Huo has the confidence to depict the world of his "chess soul" more massively and moving. A regional go world, even if the whole continent is as shocking, even if the Chinese go is in decline, its size is incomparable.

Last life's "chess soul" is very successful, but the world it depicts is too small. There are only a few chess players in the Far East, and there are only a few chess halls. Now Meng Huo wants to expand the world view of comics, with more chess players, more chess halls and more fierce competition

This comic book has unlimited possibilities - maybe it can really compete with Detective Conan.

Meng Huo suddenly found that "the spirit of chess" may become the most changed new cartoon under his command. He has this possibility. Of course, how to expand his world outlook while maintaining the charm and success of the original story is also a big challenge.However, he was tired of playing with nothing challenging.

"I can surpass myself with this comic book --"

Meng Huo thought so, and his fighting spirit suddenly burst into flames