Chapter 613

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
On Sunday, as soon as Alice got up, she saw a text message on her cell phone.

The text message is sent by Xu Jing's secretary. The content is very simple. It means that on behalf of Xu Jing and He Xi, they will inform all the senior managers who attended the video conference yesterday, so that they can enjoy the holiday and don't have to think about "detective Shylock" -- all business of Phoenix company is the same.

"What does that mean?"

Alice was stunned. Of course she understood the meaning of the text message, but what she didn't understand was what the company meant by sending it. She called her family and asked what Xu Jing was doing. Could it be said that Phoenix ignored the story of detective Shylock?

"Literally." Xu Jing calmly answered on the phone: "yesterday Dong Ding had a video conversation with Meng Huo, and then Meng Huo decided not to interfere with the animation of" detective Shylock. "

"No way! How could he have made such a ridiculous decision Alice didn't believe it. She started to walk to the Phoenix building. On the way, she kept talking with Xu Jing: "isn't Dong Ding the president of Zhongxia company? How did he get in touch with Meng Huo? Do you know what they talked about? "

Xu Jing said with a smile: "of course, I know that the video address Dong Ding got from me covers a wide range of topics, including the whole comic industry. Of course, the most important thing is the new competition mode of the two companies, which is the main reason why Meng Huo changed his mind."

"New competition model?"

"Yes, in fact, since Dong Ding took office, they had this tacit understanding... Phoenix company and Zhongxia company have maintained a competitive relationship for many years, but in the past, we had a very unhappy and backward competition mode." Xu Jing said with some emotion: "after their conversation yesterday, this model is gone forever. Our future competition will be based on the concept of" not hindering the rise of the comic industry. "

It's very abstract, but the meaning is very simple. Nowadays, Huaxia comics are booming, but only Phoenix and Zhongxia companies are leading the way. The actions of the two companies guide the whole comic industry. In the past, the two companies fought openly and secretly and pulled each other back. This kind of competition is a serious waste of resources, reducing the speed of the comic industry, which could have developed better.

Dong Ding hopes to establish a new type of competitive relationship, which will inevitably lead to conflicts. However, the two companies will try their best to avoid the practice of "pulling back" and "benefiting themselves at the expense of others" from now on, so as to reduce the losses of both sides to a low point, and seek common development in a aboveboard and even mutual help mode.

"I think it's a good thing. It's hard for us to win midsummer if we compete in a way of backwardness and intrigue." Xu Jing said with a smile: "if we use proper means, I believe it will be of great benefit to our long-term stable development... I think it's worthwhile to exchange" detective Shylock "for this benefit."

Phoenix company has fallen into a disadvantage in the matter of detective Shylock. Even if it goes to block it, it is difficult to change the overall situation. In this case, it is better to let it go in exchange for a long-term fair and stable situation.

Alice was a little upset. After hearing this, she understood in her heart: Xu Jing said that long-term fairness is more important than short-term interests. This idea should be in line with the psychology of most people in Phoenix company. There is a kind of fanatical belief in Phoenix company. Everyone thinks that as long as they don't play tricks, they will win every battle with He Xi.

There's nothing wrong with that, and Alice agrees. But she knows Meng Huo better. She knows that he will never be afraid of small means. This fairness can lure others, but it is not something that can change Meng Huo's mind.

"Don't make excuses, tell me the real reason!" Alice said impatiently, "Meng Huo won't be afraid of challenges. There are other reasons why he changes his mind."


There was a silence across the microphone. After a long time, Xu Jing sighed: "others believe it, but you don't believe it. Why do you treat that boy..."


Alice gave a cold cry.

Xu Jing stopped immediately. He said dimly: "as you said, fairness is not the reason. Moreover, Meng Huo also questioned the appearance of" detective Shylock "which has a trace of fairness... If you want to change your mind for a false word, Meng Huo is too real."

"Detective Shylock seems to have robbed the popularity of Detective Conan, but on the other hand, it can also be said to be helping... With the popularity of Detective Conan, detective Shylock will develop better and more popular animations will be good for the whole Chinese animation industry... And Dong Ding means that they rely on this approach to speed up their development, The purpose is not to snatch - if Detective Conan is finished and there is no replacement work, its popularity in half a year will be wasted. "

"And he also made a promise that if we don't hinder" detective Shylock, "detective Shylock" can stop broadcasting in half a year as long as we want, to make way for "Detective Conan."Alice was shocked. Dong Ding made such a promise! Then he is not a bad man indeed! If it's Shylock who has robbed the popularity of Detective Conan. In half a year's time, Shylock's animation will also cultivate a new group of animation audiences. If it stops broadcasting and Detective Conan is released again, then things will turn around.

"In half a year, we will have more benefits?" Alice thought to herself, isn't this the dowry for Detective Conan!

"No wonder Meng Huo will agree..."

Alice was relieved. Dong Ding and Meng Huo had a video conference. There must be a video. As long as he said this, he couldn't go back. This temptation is really strong, for half a year later's "Detective Conan", now let "detective Shylock" rampant a little irrelevant.

"The right decision..."

Just as Alice was relaxing, Xu Jing raised her heart with another sentence.

"But Meng Huo refused."

So Xu Jing said, Alice almost hit the wall.

"No!? He refused

She almost fainted, refusing to mean that "Sherlock" does not have to stop broadcasting in half a year, and Phoenix does not hinder it - what happened? No one would be so stupid, would he?


"What is he thinking?"

However, Xu Jing didn't answer this question immediately, but said with a smile: "Meng Huo and Dong Ding talked for four hours, but I don't know how to talk about it, but they seem to see eye to eye - and they have reached an oral agreement. If you want to know what the agreement is, go to Meng Huo and ask for it."

Alice frowned, "can't you tell me?"

Xu Jing refused: "this matter is very important. Now all I know is me, Meng Huo and Dong Ding. I have no right to tell you."

Then he hung up the phone. Alice looked at the phone for a long time. She couldn't help but wonder and went on to Meng Huo's apartment. Without much thought, she rang the doorbell. After waiting for a long time, she saw Meng Huo in his pajamas to open the door

Alice is a little sorry. She woke up Meng Huo's dream the day before yesterday, but she didn't notice it today: Meng Huo talked with Dong Ding for four hours yesterday, obviously delaying the work of drawing cartoons with his assistants. Today, he naturally has to go to bed later and get up later.

However, after getting up, Meng Huo let her in just like last time. He went to wash first, while Alice found some bread and milk in the refrigerator and heated them. When Meng Huo finished washing and came out without tiredness, she had already put breakfast in place.

"What can I do for you today“

Meng Huo asked, eating bread.

"Did you and Dong Ding meet yesterday?"

Alice opened the conversation.

"Well, that's a good man. He's not bad." Meng Huo said with a smile: "I thought this kind of businessman was mercenary, but I didn't expect that he was very human... And he was not arrogant. You can't imagine that he gave up his position to me at the beginning of the conversation."

Drop your body—— Alice really can't imagine that scene.

"Why did Dong Ding put down his position and talk to you?"

"Because he felt confident in my work." Thinking of this, Meng Huo's heart is a bit complicated. In his conversation with Dong Ding yesterday, he found that Dong Ding didn't have the slightest sign of looking down on him. He even proposed that even if "detective Shylock" completely robbed the audience of "Detective Conan", Phoenix company would not be in a desperate situation. It only took time to make up for it.

That's true. If Shylock is really so powerful, Meng Huo can consider airing out the noisy works of the pirate king and death. These are big killers. Meng Huo doesn't believe that someone in the world can resist them.

But he didn't expect an enemy to believe him so much - it's strange that the president of Zhongxia company has more confidence in He Xi than anyone else. This once made Meng Huo feel wary: he is not afraid of being looked down upon by others, he is afraid that others will always treat you as a boss, and then he plans to deal with it.

However, this sense of vigilance is gone now. After half a day's conversation, Meng Huo has got great benefits that he never thought of.

"My father said that you and Dong Ding discussed an agreement. What agreement“ Asked Alice.

Meng Huo was stunned, then shook his head: "your father's mouth is really not firm. Dong Ding and I have found a consensus, but it is not so much an agreement as a possibility."

"Possibility? What's the possibility"..." Meng Huo showed a light smile: "you will know in three years."

He doesn't want to divulge this matter, even Alice can't do it - Phoenix and Zhongxia will have a close competition for three years. In three years' time, if one company can get the absolute upper hand in all the major businesses such as comics, animation, sound actors, movies and peripherals, there will be no need for another company to exist.

With the help of this agreement, Zhongxia company can annex Phoenix, and vice versa.

In fact, if Zhongxia fails to defeat Phoenix in three years, the existing shareholders will retreat - it is possible that it will be annexed by Phoenix