Chapter 582

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
In May, "YINGLAN university men's public relations department" was the third from the bottom.

"The remaining two words will be finished next week..." putting down his magazine, Dong Ding stood up from his office chair and went to the window. He rubbed his eyebrows and said: "the copyright has also been sold... That is to say, He Xi's new comic works are coming soon, plus his new animation works..."

He was a little upset, Although Phoenix company did not announce new things, but the introduction of comics and animation is almost inevitable. Animation naturally need not say much, the news has already been proved when Phoenix and two TV stations announced their cooperation, but it has not yet revealed what the new animation is.

He Xi has not launched a new comic book for a while. Now He Xi will definitely launch a new comic book in the face of the growth pressure of Zhongxia magazine. New comics and new animations, the weight of these two things in Dong Ding's heart, is no worse than the reform of Phoenix company.

"Knock, knock..." there was a knock on the door. Dong Ding turned around and said, "please come in."

Yang Liang came in with a happy face: "Mr. Dong, this is a golden opportunity. Why don't you do it?"

Dong Ding is not surprised at his words, light asked: "do you mean CCTV?"

"Yes, CCTV!" Yang Liang nodded: "CCTV should be very flustered now. If we throw out the olive branch, they will catch it!"

Phoenix Corporation cooperates with Tokyo TV station and Suhua TV station, which puts great pressure on CCTV. Yang Liang is sure that CCTV is more nervous than other TV stations now. CCTV will not be willing to give up the animation project. Now they have lost Phoenix company, the source of animation. If Zhongxia throws out an olive branch, CCTV has no reason not to accept it.

Yang Liang can't figure out why Dong Ding is so calm. If they cooperate with Ninghai TV station and CCTV, the advantages can't be greater. Phoenix company and those two TV stations are not their rivals at all!

"It's not that easy." But Dong Ding shook his head and refused, and gave Yang Liang a basin of cold water: "what we can think of, do you think Phoenix company won't?" He sighed: "plus CCTV certainly doesn't want to be below Ninghai TV station, they won't accept our invitation!"

"Why should CCTV be ranked below Ninghai TV station?" Yang Liang frowned: "don't we just give CCTV and Ninghai the same treatment? They won't have a problem, will they? "

"Is that possible?"

Dong Ding laughs that how can Zhongxia do this? Because they are close to Ninghai TV station and have convenient cooperation, they will naturally take more care of it. These two bowls of water are very difficult to balance. Even if it is even, Ninghai TV station will be uncomfortable. Yanjing and Ninghai are not far from each other. There is a big competition between the two TV stations!

It's impossible for Yang Liang to think about it.

"But anyway, we have to try..." he said reluctantly, "even if it's cheating, if CCTV agrees to us, then we will be invincible in animation."

Dong Ding pondered down, although the possibility that CCTV agrees is very small, but try also.

"OK, I'll send someone to persuade CCTV." He nodded.

Then, Zhongxia company sent representatives to make friends with CCTV, hoping to bring it to its own side.

"Our company has more than a dozen animation studios, and the number of animations being broadcast is also more than that of Phoenix company. We are fully capable of providing animations of two TV stations at the same time..." the content of cosplay of Zhongxia company is very attractive, but LV Xiang didn't make a decision easily.

"I'll think about it."

When he replied to the representative in this way, Lu Xiang knew that he had to choose carefully.

And in comics Island, Phoenix company also received this news very quickly.

"As you expected, Zhongxia company invited CCTV." Alice said with the report that she had more ears and eyes in Yanjing and CCTV, and Meng Huo had let her pay attention to it early. After getting the news, Alice was a little worried: "although CCTV is unlikely to agree, what if it does?"

In case CCTV and Ninghai TV station are on the side of Zhongxia, it will definitely be a disaster for Phoenix.

"Never mind, I'm ready." Meng Huo found a document in the pile of documents on the desk, and then handed it to Alice: "you see..."

Alice picked up the document and looked at it. There was another cooperation document on it. The content was that Phoenix wanted to cooperate with CCTV at the next level. The previous cooperation was to hold animation columns, but this cooperation was only used when Phoenix needed to let CCTV put up some advertisements during the animation broadcasting period, including new animation news, large-scale activities, etc

If CCTV agrees to this condition, they can enjoy the 10% discount of Phoenix's animation premiere right in the future."Get the premiere at 90 percent price..." Alice frowned. The purpose of this document is obviously to win over CCTV and prevent it from standing with Zhongxia. It's just a matter of lifting a finger. It's OK to insert one or two in the advertising time of animation, and the frequency is not high. CCTV certainly doesn't mind.

But is that good?

"Do you think CCTV will agree to this cooperation?"

Asked Alice.

"Certainly." Meng Huo had no doubt: "why don't they agree? If they don't give much and enjoy 90% preferential treatment, they will be silly if they don't agree“

"What about Suhua TV and Tokyo TV? Won't they be angry? "

Alice continued.

Meng Huo shook his head. He asked people to analyze 80% and 90% of the preferential treatment after several days. Suhua and Tokyo TV station reserved 10% of the privileges, which seems to be a small amount, but each animation will save hundreds of thousands to millions, and they won't care.

And CCTV is rich and ambitious, and will not care about the 10% difference. If they are really interested in an animation, they don't mind paying 10% more than Suhua and Tokyo TV. The core of the document is to tell CCTV that Phoenix has not turned it away.

This information is more important than money, but it's hard to convince CCTV by oral language alone. 90% of the quota can be fully convinced by CCTV.

"CCTV will agree to this cooperation." Meng Huo said, "if you ask people to send the documents to you, they will send someone over soon

Alice was a little worried, but she sent out the document at the first time and let LV Xiang get it that day. When he first looked at the documents, Lu Xiang even suspected that his eyes were dazed. He rubbed his eyes, and after he confirmed it again and again, he began to laugh.

"It's really... The road turns around..."

After laughing, Lu Xiang sat on the chair and laughed bitterly.

"Teacher He Xi is a good chess player..."

He saw that Phoenix knew from the beginning that CCTV could not accept their cooperation, so even the backup was ready. CCTV actually has no second choice now. They have to cooperate with Phoenix company to maximize the final benefit.

This cooperation is very shallow and will not offend Zhongxia company. Even the details of He Xi's cooperation document are so loose that CCTV can cooperate with Zhongxia company in the same way.

"That is to say, CCTV is not finished, but ushered in the best period?" Lu Xiang thought to himself that naturally, Zhongxia would not like to see three TV stations cooperate with Phoenix company, so the same cooperation between Zhongxia and CCTV would be very smooth. CCTV can take this opportunity to become a neutral TV station.

Lu Xiang took the document and looked at it again, hoping to kiss it.

A day later as like as two peas in a company, Dong Ding put on a document that was almost identical in content. Dong Ding laughed. "I love this guy. He has neutralized CCTV."

Yang Liang is very puzzled: "CCTV wants to be both right and left, what does it matter?"

"Because this document is obviously tailor-made for the three of us." Dong Ding said with a smile: "every line of this kind of formal document is very attentive, but this one from Phoenix company is also suitable for us and CCTV. He Xi deliberately let CCTV and our two families cooperate at the same time..."

"This..." Yang Liang stunned: "why?"

"Because CCTV is the best in the middle, but it's definitely the biggest loser in the end..." Dong Ding stood up and said, "you'll understand later. Now I'm going to Xiangjiang once. After the end of Yinglan University's male public relations department, our fight with Phoenix will officially begin!"