Chapter 556

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
In mid March, at lunchtime, Meng Huo suddenly called Kaodao Xiangzi to the restaurant.

Kaoshima Xiangzi looked at him warily: "why do you suddenly think of inviting me to dinner?"

Meng Huo asked her because she was worried about her state. She was the only daughter of Takashima and his wife. She was also his preferred voice actor for the role of Ao Jiao. He had to take care of her both in emotion and reason. However, he estimated that if he worried about Takashima Xiangzi, she might turn around and leave angrily.

"Your father called me today to report his work." Fortunately, Meng Huo had been ready for a long time and said flatly: "I suddenly remembered that he had a baby daughter here, and then he wanted to invite you to dinner on the spur of the moment. Why? Don't you like it? If you don't like it, that's fine. "

He knows Kaoshima Xiangzi's temper well. The more you provoke her, the more she will do it against you.

"Please don't go back!" Sure enough, Kaoshima Xiangzi immediately took the bait. She sat down in front of Meng Huo. Meng Huo secretly smiles, then orders a meal, and deliberately provokes Kaoshima Xiangzi several times in the middle of the meal. The girl's reaction is as usual, and she is not frustrated by her failure.

Meng Huo was relieved. Although Alice had said that Kaoshima Xiangzi was unexpectedly strong before, Meng Huo was really worried that she would not be able to bear the blow and leave. Since taking her back last year, Kaoshima Xiangzi has been under great pressure. Other voice actors have a better foundation than her. She has been growing up in the curse of her tutor.

Debut is the dream of every voice actor, and Takashima Xiangzi is no exception. Her efforts can be proved on the stage, but what she has to face is the failure of debut, which is an unprecedented blow. She has been working hard with expectation for such a long time. When the audience is less than 100, the hope will turn into despair.

Because of this, Meng Huo is a little worried about her condition, but it seems that his worry is superfluous.

At the end of lunch, Kaoshima Xiangzi was the first to stand up.

"I'm going." She turned and wanted to leave, but before she left, she stopped for a moment: "and... That..." after muttering two words, "I won't say thank you!"

She said a word, and then quickly left. Meng Huo could see her red ears behind her. Kaoshima Xiangzi is not a fool. It's not clear at first, but after sitting down, he knows that Meng Huo is worried about her. This sentence "can't say thank you" actually means thank you.

Meng Huo didn't hate her dishonesty. The story of Kaoshima Xiangzi came to an end. After this lunch, from Alice's words, Meng Huo knew that the girl had completely perked up. Failure in the beginning doesn't mean failure forever. Just work harder later.

At the same time, the production of "five centimeters per second" is almost completed, and the voice actors of the sound excellence office have begun to scramble for the dubbing qualification.

Meng Huo has gradually let go of the practice of designating voice actors. In addition to some specific roles, he will specify the target, most of the dubbing are selected through negotiation between the office and the animation department, and he is the final check. In this way, we can cultivate a more comprehensive sound system and increase the fairness of sound.

This time's "five centimeters per second", Meng won a quota has not been designated. Qin Ya is in charge of the selection of sound actors. He is a few painters who are familiar with "five centimeters per second". Qin Ya is still in charge of this kind of activity for the first time. He has been very active for several days. If he has nothing to do, he just sits in the office and asks the sound actors to audition.

Most of the voice actors participated in the audition, but Shen Jie was absent, so she had to see a doctor.

"This is the last time I'll give you acupuncture. I've made an appointment at the hospital. You'll have a day off tomorrow and I'll accompany you the day after tomorrow." On the evening of March 20, Meng Huo took back the last needle in his hand. He said with a smile to Shen Jie, and then turned to look at Alice.

"No problem. I'll help her send an apology letter to her fans tomorrow, saying that you can't show up for a month." Alice nodded and said, "a month is enough, isn't it? If it's not enough, we'll issue an additional notice in a while. "

"That should be enough." Meng Huo said, he went back to look at Shen Jie's face, Shen Jie's face a little worried about gain and loss, he touched her head: "it's OK, it will be smooth, your parents will come?"

"Yes." Shen Jie nodded. It's impossible for her parents not to rush to such an important matter. In fact, not only her parents, but also Li Qin will come.

"Then have a good rest, Alice. Help to take Shen Jie back."

Meng Huo asks Alice to take Shen Jie out of his apartment. He looks at the back of the two and feels no less nervous than Shen Jie. On the surface, things look very smooth, but no one knows if there will be any accident without waiting for the report from the hospital.

21 On the 1st, Shen Jie's parents and Li Qin all came. Meng Huo accompanied them to a dinner. Of course, this matter didn't go out. On the 22nd, it's just dawn, and they haven't set out yet. Suddenly, there's a murmur on comic island. Heaven is not beautiful, which makes everyone feel bad in the morning."It's spring rain, a symbol of good luck."

However, before she set out, Alice suddenly used such a sentence to dispel the depression in other people's hearts.

"So it is." Meng Huo held up his umbrella: "then let's go!"

A total of three cars left manga island. The first car sat several bodyguards and brokers, the middle one sat Shen Jie and her parents, and the last one was Meng Huo, Alice and Li Qin.

It's not far from the hospital. I usually take a bus for half an hour, but it's raining today. For safety's sake, all three cars drive slowly. Meng Huo originally intended to let Shen Jie receive treatment in Yanjing's Hospital, but there said it was unnecessary. There was no problem with Suhua. The hospital in this city was no worse than Yanjing's, and if Shen Jie's leg really recovered, she could be cured in Suhua.

At 9:30 in the morning, it took nearly 50 minutes for Meng Huo to see the big words on the top of the building "the first people's Hospital of Suhua city" through the window. The two cars in front of him had already driven in. Just as Meng Huo was about to drive in, Alice suddenly received a phone call.

"Wait!" After answering the phone again, her face suddenly changed and she stopped the driver: "don't drive in, there are many reporters inside!"

"Reporter?" The driver quickly shifted direction, and Meng Huo was surprised: "how can there be a reporter?"

When he made an appointment with the hospital, he especially told us not to divulge the information. Why did a reporter still know about it.

"I think it should be the reason for the letter of apology." Alice sighed: "although she didn't say why, Shen Jie couldn't show up for a month. These reporters must have thought that it was related to her illness." Shen Jie's most prominent problem is her illness. When she says she can't show up, other reporters will think of her legs. The first people's Hospital of Suhua city is the best hospital in Suhua. It's normal for journalists to choose to wait here.

"Shen Jie, they have been found. Meng Huo, you can't go now." Alice asked the driver to find a place to stop, then took out her umbrella and said, "those reporters didn't know you would come, so they won't come out to look for you. If you go now, it will lead to scandal."

"I'll deal with Shen Jie's accident, so don't go." When Alice got out of the car with an umbrella, Li Qin took out her umbrella and said, "I'll go and have a look, too."

"No, sister Qin, don't go either!" Alice quickly stopped her: "although you know very few people, but it may just happen that someone knows you, that's more trouble."

Li Qin is Meng Huo's mother. If she accompanies Shen Jie to see a doctor and is found, it may be more troublesome than Meng Huo being found in a hospital. By that time, newspapers all over the world will surely write that Meng Huo and Shen Jie have made an engagement, otherwise, how can her mother accompany Shen Jie to see a doctor.

Now Shen Jie and Meng Huo can't have an affair. Meng Huo's female fans can drown Shen Jie by spitting.

"I'll go, Meng Huo. You can go back. I'll call you if you have something to do." Alice waved away, but after she left, Meng Huo asked the driver to stop the car. He was worried about Shen Jie's condition and decided to wait here for Alice's phone report. He couldn't go back so fast.

Li Qin also approved this practice. They sat in the car chatting while waiting. After waiting for about half an hour, Meng Huo's mobile phone rang.

"Alice's phone!" Li Qin quickly asked. After looking at the caller ID on her mobile phone, Meng Huo nodded: "well, it's her."

He was a little nervous. He just felt that the weight of the mobile phone had never been so heavy, but he still took it to his ear and connected it.


"Meng Huo, let me tell you a piece of bad news. Shen Jie's leg injury is not as good as you expected." Alice's words just made Meng Huo's face pale, but her tone changed, and she suddenly said, "she can't recover in manga island. The final recovery needs to be done in the hospital. The doctor said that she needs to stay in hospital for two weeks before she can observe the situation and decide whether she can recover from the hospital."

Meng Huo's face brightened up: "are you serious?"

It's only two weeks since she was hospitalized. Although it's not as good as Meng Huo's expectation that she doesn't need to be hospitalized, this is Shen Jie's answer that she can recover from her leg injury!

"Why am I lying to you?" Alice said with a smile on the other side of the microphone: "Shen Jie can get down in a month. Your acupuncture is amazing. Doctors are full of praise... OK, I have to go to help her with some hospitalization procedures. I won't take up the phone, otherwise Shen Jie will be angry."

She said and suddenly hung up the phone.

"Xiao Huo, what's the matter with Shen Jie?"

Li Qin asked nervously. Meng Huo was about to answer, but his mobile phone rang again. When he saw the caller ID, this time it was Shen Jie's phone."I'll talk to Shen Jie first, then I'll call you and ask her to report to you."

Meng Huo got through to his cell phone