Chapter 554

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
In the afternoon, two waves of Phoenix company returned to comic island one after another.

Meng Huo and his party arrived 20 minutes later than ye Xiong. The plane was faster, but the airport was farther than the railway station. By the time Meng Huo and his party arrived, ye Xiong had already prepared lunch for them in the company restaurant of manga island. Of course, Qin Ya and them were all there.

In addition to reminiscing about the past, the lunch also discussed the work arrangement after work. It didn't end until the evening. However, after the show, three women followed Meng Huo to his apartment. Shen Jie was for acupuncture, while Alice and Qin Ya looked more like joining in the fun - at least Meng Huo thought so at first.

However, when he was giving Shen Jie acupuncture, Alice suddenly asked a word, let Meng Huo understand that she has a serious reason.

She said, "Shen Jie said that her legs are getting better soon. After you confirm, she can go to the hospital for treatment. How many weeks do you think she can get better? The three songs of her and the real are on fire during the Chinese New Year. I want to seize the opportunity to let the three of them fight while it's hot. Will it conflict with her recovery time? "

Alice's main purpose of coming to Menghuo's apartment is this. The popularity of "bird's poem", "summer shadow" and "blue sky" is high. She wants to seize this time to add another fire to their popularity.

"No way!" Meng Huo did not answer, Shen Jie first refused, she slightly frowned: "I don't sing" bird's poem ", sing will let fans down."

She felt that without Meng Huo's accompaniment, she would not be able to sing the poem of birds well, and Meng Huo obviously could not go on the stage to accompany her. Even if he is willing, Shen Jie will not agree. In the next few years, Phoenix will have a lot of business. At this time, Meng Huo will get out. I don't know how many people will feel angry.

However, Alice had expected this idea for a long time.

"I know what you're thinking about, and I've thought about it." She said with a smile: "this time is in a hurry. The stage I gave you didn't need a band to play the music directly, so Meng Huo's piano music will be broadcast on the spot. You just practice and cooperate in advance."

Shen Jie a Leng, she didn't think to have such method, but feasible?

She looked at Meng Huo. Meng Huo was needling her, nodded her head and said, "I don't mind, but my piano is made with your recording. You'd better practice it in advance."

"What about the time?" Shen Jie asked again, "when will I go to the hospital? Although you said that I don't need to be hospitalized, I can't say for sure."

"I asked the first people's Hospital of Suhua City, 80% of them do not need to be hospitalized, but they can make the final decision after careful examination, so you may still be hospitalized." Meng Huo frowns slightly. In this way, Shen Jie's illness may conflict with the performance. It's not only the problem of that scene, it may even be unable to show up for a month.

No wonder Alice will come to inquire about it. It's a big deal for artists not to show up for a month, not to mention the vacancy before Chinese New Year. Years later is the peak period of artists' performance. If Shen Jie is absent for this period of time, she will not appear for a long time in a row. This couple is still new, and her loss is very large. The most intuitive performance may be the reduction of appearance fee.

"Well, Shen Jie, you don't have to be here every day. Come here every two days." Meng Huo calculated the time, and then said, "so you have a buffer period of about one month. This month you will perform. At this time next month, you have to go to the hospital for examination."

Shen Jie looks at Alice.

"A month..." Alice nodded. "No problem. I'll try to arrange performances closer to you. I'll let others share my work. I'll give you a holiday after a month. But at the end of next month, Meng Huo... Should the movie "five centimeters per second" come out

"Not so fast." Meng Huo shook his head and said with a smile: "the film production is almost in progress, but the release schedule is arranged in mid April."

He took a look at Shen Jie. If the girl is lucky, she can walk to the cinema to see the film.

"All right, it's over!" At this time, Meng Huo finished the acupuncture on his hand. Alice came up to help Shen Jie, while Meng Huo picked up his things. He looked curiously at Qin ya, who was sitting in the living room, eating melon seeds while watching TV. He couldn't help saying, "are you here to watch TV?"

"Oh, no!" Qin Ya stopped her mouth, turned her head and said, "I want to see if you are ready for the new cartoon. It seems that it is gone." But Qin Ya was very curious about the relationship between the three people, so she followed them with a lively attitude. Unfortunately, they behaved normally and didn't make Qin ya feel any gossip.

She got up, stretched and said, "acupuncture is over, so it's time for us to go?"

"Well, it's all right." Meng Huo nodded. Alice pushed Shen Jie over and said with a smile, "let's go. Have a good rest tonight. We have to start work tomorrow."Qin Ya went to the porch, but after a few steps, she came back. Then she picked up the magazine she had dropped from her desk and asked curiously, "Teacher He Xi, do you really don't know the author of this magazine?" Meng Huo has a black line on his face. At the dinner table in the afternoon, Qin Ya and He Xi have asked him questions about this magazine many times. Why is it not over yet.

"I really don't know him. If I do, I'll congratulate him." Meng Huo sighed that the reason why Qin Ya asked this question was that at the end of the magazine He Xi's fourth year, the editor attached a paragraph of thanks to He Xi, which made people suspect that he and He Xi knew each other.

"It's a pity that people have decided to name their daughter Guanling. You don't know him." Qin Ya has some regrets. The editor of this book is very interesting. It is said that his wife, who didn't want to have children, played air during the Spring Festival and the next night took the initiative to say that she wanted to have children.

Although life will be hard, the editor is very happy. He sold his car and decided to save money for his children. Moreover, if it's a daughter, the couple have decided to name it Guanling.

In fact, it is also for this reason that He Xi Si Nian is on sale so fast. The editor began to sort out the story of He Xi after the year, and planned to launch a special magazine. However, he didn't finish it completely, but he happened to meet the announcement of Phoenix company. He Xi became very popular as a young rich man, and the magazine came out in a hurry.

"Although the magazine was not on sale when I wrote this thank-you note." Finally, the editor said, "but even though this magazine is not on sale, the publishing house offered to print it. It will sell well. I have this premonition - thank you, Mr. He Xi!"

In order to thank He Xi, the editor specially left a letter at the back. It's a matter of course that "He Xi Si Nian" is out of stock as soon as it's on sale. The editor can get a lot of money, so he doesn't have to worry about the children's expenses in a short time. Qin Ya estimates that he's having a good time!

"But I didn't expect that teacher He Xi would launch a personal magazine in this way." After leaving the apartment, Qin Ya couldn't help asking, "isn't that editor breaking the law? Will teacher He Xi sue him? "

"No, Meng Huo is not that kind of person." Shen Jie shook her head and said, "people have told this story. Meng Huo won't care about it."

Alice followed with a smile and said, "besides, it's not a personal magazine. Didn't you say that the content of that magazine is a collection of reports from the past to the present? There's nothing wrong with that. It's just a howling head with a name. All the pictures used are pictures reported before... We can't sue him either. "

Alice thinks that the editor is quite clever. This magazine is a collection of old news catering to the trend. It doesn't have much substance, not even invasion of privacy.

Get out of the building.

"I have to go this way." Qin Ya said goodbye to them, and then put the magazine on Shen Jie's leg in the wheelchair: "I've read this magazine. I've given it to you."

She waved her hand and then turned away. Alice pushes Shen Jie to the office. The Commercial Street on comic island is not fully open. It's a bit cold and quiet, but some small white spots appear at the end of the branches of cherry trees, which are bigger than a year ago.

"This cover... I miss..."

Shen Jie looks at the cover of the magazine, which shows Meng Huo playing the piano in the cherry blossom forest. At that time, they were 16 years old, and Shen Jie clearly remembered the scenes of that trip.

"It was you who bought me the ticket." Shen Jie looked back at Alice and said with a smile, "I haven't said thank you yet. I have to thank you for giving me a journey I'll never forget."

Alice was stunned and then said with a smile, "don't thank you so early. I won't give you such a chance again."

"If you don't give it, I can catch it myself." Shen Jie turned her head, looked at Meng Huo on the cover of the magazine, and said: "speaking... Compared with Meng Huo in the photo, he was more handsome at that time."

"Don't tempt me. I'm more and more regretting that I was so stupid." Alice said regretfully, "let's have a look again. Let me think of a way to make Meng Huo perform again one day."

"I don't have a chance. What I want to see is not an ordinary performance. As long as I want to listen to the piano, Meng Huo will certainly agree with us, but the feeling is different from that at that time." Shen Jie shook his head: "we all have jobs now, and he should not have that kind of interest."

"Who said, I'm older than you!" Alice knocked on Shen Jie's head and said, "no matter what age you are, if you have the heart, you can travel with him again one day."

Alice thinks that at least honeymoon is indispensable. She just doesn't know who the woman with Meng Huo is