Chapter 542

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Just after ten o'clock in the evening, Su Hua's old lady of the Meng family was sleepy. Li Qin took her to rest, while Meng Huo went to the study.

Not long after turning on the computer, he got a call from Alice.

"Happy New Year!" Alice said hello on the phone. She didn't say anything about Dong Ding, and Meng Huo didn't care. After chatting with her for a few minutes, she hung up the phone and then turned her attention to the computer. His attention was attracted by the players' activities of "air" game all night.

"Air" has been attacked by the first group of players, which did not exceed his expectation. However, he was surprised by the release of some spoiler content: "is this the end of" air "

The ending in the game spoiler is a happy ending, and the ending is so real that Meng Huo, as a screenwriter, doubts whether he has written the wrong play. In fact, the spoiler seems to have no problem on the surface, and it's hard to believe it or not.

"Wait, I have to think about it." Meng Huo began to search the memory in his head to see if the ending of the game made by Phoenix company is really the same as that of the spoiler.

In Meng Huo's eyes, the ending of "air" should be half sad and half happy. The sad thing is that the heroine is still dead, while the hero is still a crow and has not changed back into a human being. The good news is that the curse and sadness are broken, Guanling dies in happiness, and the hero also opens his wings and flies to the sky, which is the end of a full dream.

However, Meng Huo thinks that the ending of his production should be the same as that of the original work. Memory can't deceive him, but in the online spoiler... The ending is nine points the same, one point different. But this difference can't be said to be contrary to the content of the game. In fact, it should be a fantasy for players to supplement themselves

But even the fantasy of this point can make the game have a strange meaning, which surprised Meng Huo. After the accident, he considered whether to give an explanation. But in the end, he did not do so, but shook his head: "there is no problem with the game itself, what kind of vision they use to see it is free, let it go with the flow..."

A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets.

This is a popular Western saying Meng Huo heard in his last life. In fact, the game ending of online spoiler can't be said to be a lie or a fabrication. But there is a plot at the end of "air". There is something specious in that plot itself. It is not surprising that some people have the idea that it is a happy ending.

Even in Meng Huo's last life, in fact, some people have doubts about the final outcome of air. Meng Huo thinks it's better to keep silent. Whether the ending is right or wrong, the players who have played the game have their own judgment, which should not be given to him to answer - in fact, he does not know.

Just like the rebellious Lu Lu Xiu, which he liked very much in his previous life, he thought Lu Lu Xiu was dead in the end, but after reading an official novel, he found that he was not dead. However, some people say that the ending of the novel can't be the same as that of the animation, so he has no idea whether Lulu Xiu is dead or not.

"Air" strategy began at 11 o'clock, online is still gathering more players to participate, Meng Huo looked at a few, think there will be no accident. So he turned off the computer, then took out his mobile phone and went to the window to call Shen Jie - he had enough topics to talk to her.

And near 11 o'clock, all over China are interested in "air" players can't sit still.

"Time is coming. After listening to this song, it's time for me to play games." Ninghai, Yu Feihang was drowsy watching TV, but his wife's words immediately made him wake up: "listen to what, this song is so ugly, you hurry to play games!"

He can't help but say that he is not interested in the program of the Spring Festival Gala. He is eager for his wife to go to the study early so that he can play games secretly.

"Why are you more anxious than me?" His wife gave him a strange look, but she looked up at the clock. At 10:48, it's really time to get online and join others. Moreover, the song on TV is really ordinary - compared with it, the game activity seems to be more interesting.

"Well, I went to... These snack bags..." the wife got up and hesitated to look at the snack bags on the table.

"You ate so much." Yu Feihang had a headache when he looked at the packing bag: "OK, you go. I'll clean up these things."

"It's up to you." Wife a smile, and then picked up a packet of red dates and peanuts, turned to the study walked past.

After she left, Yu Feihang immediately picked up the remote control, quietly increased the sound of the TV, and then carefully went to the bedroom. Without being found, he took out his notebook and went back to the living room.

"Ha ha, the most dangerous place is the safest place."Yu Feihang turns on the computer. In the living room, he can turn on the small voice to play games with the help of the TV sound. And the view of the living room is good. The study is in the corner. As soon as the door of the study is opened, he can see the light and hide his notebook before his wife comes out.

"Air... Air... Can finally play."

Connected to WiFi in the living room, Yu Feihang first searched the Internet and downloaded the game strategy. But to participate in this game activity, there is also a premise that there must be two branches of the archive, without these two branches of the archive, he can only one strategy.

However, it's very difficult to find the archive of the branch line. You must sign up and join the activity group. You can't get it in the group until eleven o'clock.

"If you add a group, will your wife find out? If she sees you... Well, you should be careful."

Yu Feihang thinks that giving up the branch line in this game activity is to enjoy the main line more quickly, but after they play the main line, they all have to take a new branch line. Everyone's "air" game box is bought with real gold and silver. The price is enough to buy several comic magazines. No one wants to waste it.

And there was another reason for his hesitation. He was worried that if he first attacked the main line, the essence of the game would be known, and then the charm of the branch line would be insufficient. Yu Feihang found a lot of people with the same idea in the forum, who did not participate in the 11 o'clock activity, but also opened a chat room with the introduction game.

"Come on, I'm still a strategy, not a race with her."

Yu Feihang made a decision and happily joined a strategy group. Although "air" is a stand-alone game, it's more interesting for players to see others' feelings, especially for those new players who play He Xi game for the first time, and their crying looks must be interesting... Yu Feihang made a decision and joined a strategy group happily