Chapter 510

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
When Xing Boxiang came back, the award ceremony continued.

Her face is very bad, but also with a little guilt, in fact, as long as we know that this is the sponsor deliberately causing trouble, she can not change anything. Although she has a certain identity, she has a low voice in the film and Television Festival. Even if she questioned in the past, she would be thankless. Even as Hu Mei said, she attracted a lot of coquettishness.

Fortunately, when she went back, Meng Huo asked. From his face, he could see that Xing Boxiang was in trouble, so he didn't talk about the reason why she left, which made Xing Boxiang very happy. However, the development of the award ceremony is very worrying. Until all the individual awards are awarded, there is no one who belongs to Meng Huo or other producers of Phoenix company.

The atmosphere in the hall became a little strange. Some small animation companies won the prize unexpectedly, which made these companies full of joy at the beginning, but a little uneasy at the end. Until the end of the individual award, this uneasiness rose to the level of the whole hall.

Zhongxia company also won many awards, but after the initial excitement, they were just as nervous as other companies.

"This award is obviously aimed at Mr. He Xi. Isn't the organizer even going to give a prize to Mr. He Xi?"

"That's too much. There's no authority. People won't believe what they say."

"Yes, it's a farce."

The reporters in the corner of the hall also chatted with each other. If this award ceremony does not belong to He Xi and Phoenix company, its significance will completely disappear. Although it's a good thing to win the prize, if He Xi doesn't win the prize, the more other companies get, the more difficult it will be to be recognized, and it will certainly be laughed at by animation readers.

He Xi can't do without an award, even one. Only when he wins the award can other animation companies and the media blow up the animation award to the outside world.

But will he win the prize? In the second half of the award ceremony, however, the collective award did not appear, which made everyone's heart in the hall rise. The winning representatives are very complicated. Before the award, they are afraid that Meng will win too many awards. At the end of the award ceremony, many people gathered their hands at the scene and begged their grandfathers to tell their grandmothers that they hoped the organizers would give the award to He Xi.

It seems that their prayers played a role. At the end of the collective award, the host on the stage suddenly looked happy and said aloud: "the animation that won and won the best character award is magic girl Xiaoyuan. The producer is phoenix's" island "studio. Congratulations to Phoenix, island and teacher He Xi!"

Read out the award, the host's face is very excited, he had been in the hall of the line of sight made all over the hair, and now finally see the Phoenix company award this moment. The host excitedly said three congratulations, which was the first time in the whole award process.

And not only the host, when he called out this sentence, the whole hall burst into violent applause. A few people stood up excitedly on the spot. The reporters clapped spontaneously. The photographers focused on the camp of Phoenix company. The tense atmosphere of the whole audience suddenly became active.

"At last

"Lying trough, I'm really scared out of a cold sweat. I really thought the organizer didn't plan to give teacher He Xi a prize."

"The best character award, this is good," magic girl circle "each role has launched a peripheral, get this award is well deserved!"

Everyone in the hall looked forward to Meng Huo's position, but at this time, Xing Boxiang's heart was nervous, and something might happen to the prize. Although the award is a good thing, it's too late. Now there are only three awards left to be awarded. Even if all the awards are given to Phoenix company, the meaning of deliberately targeting is very strong.

And this time, awards may be more excessive than no awards

"What's that, a stick and then a carrot?"

Sure enough, Xing Boxiang soon heard the voice of discontent. She looked back and saw that the representatives of Phoenix company sitting behind Meng Huo were all angry. This award ceremony, they hold a stomach fire, originally did not award, the anger may be so endure, they can leave calmly.

But now the situation is different. The organizers put pressure in front of them and finally threw out a carrot. This is not recognition, but further pressure. Everyone knows the saying "carrot and stick". The meaning expressed by the sponsor is very simple: it can make phoenix company not get any awards, and it can also give it one conveniently. The owners here are them, and Phoenix company has to listen to them.

This award is actually a "acceptance" award. If Phoenix company accepts it, it is tantamount to admitting the Animation Award in front of the representatives of the media and other animation companies, and He Xi's weakness can also show the authority of Huaxia film and Television Festival.Fight and press, and finally let He Xi admit defeat -- the organizer's practice is more than what xingboxiang guessed at the beginning.

At first, she thought that the organizers were just suppressing He Xi, but now it seems that this is not the case. The purpose of the organizers is to win over He Xi, let him Xi realize their ability through the suppression of awards, and finally give awards for He Xi to accept. Once accepted, it actually means that He Xi has admitted the award.

He Xi admitted that other people in the animation industry could not oppose it, and the Huaxia Film Festival could immediately establish its authority.

"They are too confident..."

Xing Boxiang sighs in his heart that the Huaxia Film Festival is sure to be confident that Meng Huo will accept this award. It's obvious that other people will accept it - Meng Huo accepted the award, and the attitude of the organizer will change. No one doesn't like the guy who will cooperate with him. Even if it's unpleasant this time, it won't be a problem for Meng Huo to win the award in the future.

After this battle, Meng Huo will be recognized by the organizer. He can get benefits by lowering his head without direct loss. If you don't accept it, the contradiction between Phoenix company and Huaxia Film Festival can't be simply settled, it will bring long-term influence to Menghuo and Phoenix company.

Anyone who can weigh the pros and cons will know what choice to make, especially the enterprise managers with Meng Huo's status. They should know when to bow down. However, the organizers of Huaxia film and Television Festival are too confident. Perhaps they have heard more slander from elites from all walks of life and seen more low voice from film and television companies. They have forgotten two things: He Xi is just an adult boy.

People in this age group are in a vigorous stage both physically and mentally. They have the courage to challenge authority, struggle and do not know fatigue. No matter how low-key He Xi is, he can't change the fact that he is in the bravest age in his life.

"Let's go..." sure enough, before Xing Boxiang waited long, she saw Meng Huo stand up. His face was calm, but his eyes were sharp: "we don't accept this award!"

The representatives of Phoenix company all stood up.

"We really don't have to accept this award." Alice laughed, and she looked very happy: "Animation Awards don't have to be judged here..."

This is the second thing that the organizers forget: authoritative awards in the animation industry can be established without outsiders. The industry itself is mature enough to set up such an organization. She looked at Meng Huo. Meng Huo didn't change his face because of Alice's words. It seemed that he thought the same as her.

However, Meng Huo's action after he got up surprised him. Instead of leaving immediately, he turned to Zhongxia company.

He went up to Jiang Tianshi and said, "this is a farce. If you admit it, I'll admit defeat. If you don't admit it, I'd like to invite Zhongxia company to do something with us. "

Jiang Tianshi was stunned. He knew what Meng Huo was implying. If he admits this award, it will be that "Flame Boy" has won, but after that, Phoenix company will do it independently - deny the Animation Award of Huaxia film and Television Festival, establish a new authoritative award in the animation industry, and it will be led by Phoenix company

Of course, this will face the fury of the film festival, and the risk is also great. So Meng Huo came to ask Jiang Tianshi that if Zhongxia company is willing to cooperate with Phoenix company, they will be invincible - the animation industry in the future will be in the hands of their two companies.

"This, this... Terrible idea!"

Xing Boxiang was surprised. Meng's invitation was unexpected. She didn't expect such an invitation at all. And not only she, but everyone else, including Alice, was surprised. Zhongxia company has gained the most in this award, and they are the enemy of Phoenix company. In such a short time, no one thought that they could cooperate with them.

But Meng Huo thought of it and sent out a very tempting invitation. On the surface, as the winner of this award ceremony, Zhongxia company should not give up these awards. However, if it cooperates with Phoenix company and takes charge of the judging authority of the future animation industry, the long-term harvest will only be greater.

The animation of the two companies accounts for 80% of the market. Once they join hands and deny the Huaxia film and Television Festival, or even refuse to let their own animation run here in the future, the film and Television Festival will have to play with other small animation companies!

"It's terrible. It's too damn terrible!"

Everyone in the hall was stunned. The staff who stood on one side of the stage to observe the situation almost urinated, and the smarter staff immediately ran out. Once Zhongxia company nods, there will be no chance for the festival to hold Animation Awards.

"Hard, hard!"

Xingboxiang's heart was pounding. This turning point was really wonderful and fierce enough! A moment ago, He Xi was in a bad position. In the twinkling of an eye, the organizer should have come to cry.But... Will Zhongxia agree