Chapter 499

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Li Qin fell down in the morning. She went out to buy vegetables with Hua Meng and others, and then fell down suddenly when she walked into the yard.

Fortunately, several of them didn't go far at that time. When they heard the sound, they immediately turned back and saw Li Qin, who fell on the ground and groaned in pain. This scene startled them. Several people called the ambulance in a panic and informed Meng Huo at the first time.

Meng Huo was so confused when he received the news that he didn't want to attend the opening of Xiangjiang Film Festival. He immediately rushed to the railway station.

The ticket was ordered with Alice's help. After hearing the news, she wanted to go back to Ninghai with Meng Huo to see the situation. Meng Huo thought about it and agreed. He didn't know what happened to Li Qin. Alice's knowledge of Ninghai and her network surpassed him. In case Li Qin's condition was serious, Alice's treatment would be better than him.

On the way, Huameng teacher called to tell the follow-up situation.

They have sent Li Qin to the hospital for examination, and found out the cause of her sudden fall is a stone. Stone is a common disease, many people have appeared, but most of them may not know they have stones - until the onset of stone attack.

The pain of this attack is even more than cutting the flesh. After the attack, Li Qin fell to the ground directly.

Fortunately, Huameng teachers are in time. Otherwise, if Li Qin had an attack at home and was not found, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Meng Huo was also frightened in a cold sweat, but after he and Alice returned to Ninghai, Li Qin's physical condition was basically stable. When Meng Huo came into the hospital, Li Qin was in the process of transfusion. Her face was pale. Meng Huo had never seen her face so white, and her lips looked very dry and weak.

"Ma!" Meng Huo ran over and asked nervously, "what's the matter now?"

"Much better..." Li Qin showed a reluctant smile. After she was sent to the hospital for emergency diagnosis, she was sent here for infusion. The main purpose of infusion was to relieve the pain, but until the pain disappeared, she still had enough pain for more than an hour.

This experience makes Li Qin feel like she's back when she gave birth when she was young.

"Sister Qin, I'll change your clothes after losing this bottle of drip." There are a lot of people looking after Li Qin in the hospital. Mac's wife also bought a new underwear. Li Qin sweated too much, her clothes were wet and her body was dehydrated. After that, she had to give fluids here for a few hours.

Meng Huo talks to Li Qin. Li Qin always gives a warm response, but now she is just like waking up from a serious illness. She is powerless to talk to others.

When Alice saw this, she didn't disturb Li Qin any more. She turned to Huameng and asked about the details.

"The doctor said first infusion and medicine on the line, sister Qin's stone is not much, also not big." Huameng teacher explained: "it's mainly that you need to pay more attention to drink more water, exercise more, and don't catch a cold. Generally, it won't attack... Sister Qin said that she got up in the middle of the night to drink water last night. Maybe she caught a cold. She felt strange from then on, but she didn't care much about it. She didn't attack until early today."

Stone is a very complex disease, small stones have little effect on people, as long as you pay more attention to it, it may not happen for several years or even ten years.

Meng Huo studied medicine for a while. He got up to listen to Hua Meng's explanation. Because Li Qin's stone is small, the attack may be very low, so the hospital suggested infusion and medication. In fact, this is basically the meaning of "no treatment". The attitude of Chinese medical circles towards this disease is very similar. When you are young, you need not treat it, but when you are raised.

Now the main methods of treating this disease are extracorporeal lithotripsy and laser surgery, both of which are not simple, and the smaller the more troublesome, of course, can not do well. More importantly, the recurrence of stones is very high. If you have an operation for small stones, new ones may appear in the future, which is of little significance.

Instead of relying on surgery, it is better for patients to pay more attention to their usual habits. As long as they do not attack, stones can be completely ignored. The hospital's advice to Li Qin is the same, but if they insist, the hospital will certainly be willing to help with the operation.

"Mom, do you want an operation?" Meng Huo turned to Li Qin and asked.

Of course, Li Qin immediately shook his head: "no, I'll pay more attention in the future."

Of course, she would refuse. Anyone would be afraid to hear the word operation.

Meng Huo looked at the medical list, which was very detailed. He saw that there was no need for surgery at this stage. In a few years, he would see if the stones had increased, and it would not be too late to decide whether to do surgery or not - but anyway, Meng Huo was really scared this time.

Although his face was calm, the moment he heard that Li Qin had an accident in the morning, he recalled the events of his last life. He clearly vowed to make Li Qin happy, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen. Meng Huo thought it was his miscalculation. No matter what... He couldn't let Li Qin stay in Ninghai alone.In the afternoon, the group returned to Jiayuan community. On the way, Li Qin, who looked a little better, asked Meng Huo anxiously.

"Xiao Huo, aren't you going to attend the opening ceremony of the film festival today? Do they get angry when you run home like this? "

"It doesn't matter. I'm not a big deal. It's the same whether I join or not."

Meng Huo said with a smile that he was a little bit sorry. When the film and Television Festival opened tonight, the organizers asked him to participate in several important activities as a representative of the cartoon industry. Although he has called to apologize in the morning, it is impossible for them to say that they will not be angry if they break the other party's program arrangement.

The impact can be very big or very small... Big enough to affect the award of "magic girl little circle", small enough to be a few complaints. Meng Huo doesn't know the exact degree because he doesn't know anything about Huaxia Film Festival. Alice might know something. Although she didn't say it, Meng Huo felt that the situation might be worse than she thought.

However, no matter how bad the situation is, it is not as good as Li Qin... Meng Huo is not going to attend today's opening ceremony. He is going to spend a night with Li Qin at home. A little bit only relieves the pain, and Li Qin is likely to relapse tonight. If she is OK, Meng Huo will have enough time to attend the award ceremony when she goes to Xiangjiang tomorrow.

"Alice..." sitting in the car, Meng Huo thought about it, and then said, "don't go home tonight, just sleep in my house."

He and Alice act in the same way. Li Qin can take care of her at night when she gets sick. If she doesn't get sick, she can save the time of meeting tomorrow and go to Xiangjiang together.


Alice agreed