Chapter 471

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
If the ninth episode of "magic girl little circle" is a surprise to the audience, then the tenth episode is a shock! Shock from the plot!

This episode can be regarded as a chapter of recollection, which seems to have nothing to do with the main line, and it's not a recollection of the previous plot, but a recollection of her reincarnation experience centered on Zhuan student Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan's debut in this episode is beyond everyone's expectation. At the beginning of the animation, Xiao Yan is a timid girl.

She wears a braid and glasses, which is the opposite of the human design in the animation, but this is the most primitive posture of Xiaoyan.

The time cycle in the center of this episode is similar to the week setting in GALGAME. In the first week, Xiao Yan was suffering from heart disease, myopia, poor grades... In a word, she was a self abasement girl who had no merit at all. She fell into the enchantress's boundary and was saved by Xiao Yuan who had become a magic girl.

This week, there are only two magic girls in my eyes, Xiaoyuan and Xuejie. Xiaoyan longed to be a magic girl, but didn't have the courage to be a magic girl. Until the night of the magic girl, Xuejie and Xiaoyuan died one after another. Xiao Yan just made a wish to become a magic girl, hoping to save Xiao Yuan, and got the power of backtracking time. She used this strength to return to the transfer before, and began to meet Xiao Yuan for the second time.

Then in the second week, even with Xiaoyan, the three magic girls still couldn't defeat the night of the magic girl, and in this week, the truth of the magic girl was revealed. Xiao Yan, who survived, went back to the past again. In the third week, she broke through chubby's plot, but no one believed it

Then, countless reincarnations began. The result of each reincarnation of Xiaoyan is the same. No matter what she says, no one recognizes it. Even if she says it, it can't change anything.

Finally, Xiao Yan found that she had only one way to choose: relying on her own strength, she could defeat the night of the witch without turning Xiao Yuan into a magic girl. Only in this way could she save Xiao Yuan. For this reason, Xiao Yan changed her image, and her temperament became icy after many reincarnations. She became the familiar cold transfer student in the magic girl Xiao Yuan.

The content of this episode reveals at least half of the puzzle of animation. No one thought that Xiaoyan was such a person. She went from cowardice to strong, and kept wandering in the same period of time in order to protect Xiaoyuan.

"Reincarnation... No matter how many times, I still choose reincarnation, countless times of exploration, looking for the only exit. Looking for a way to save you from despair... Xiao Yuan, my only friend. For you... Even if I fall into the eternal labyrinth, I will not mind! "

Hearing the words representing Xiao Yan's heart, all the audience were shocked.

"I've never seen such a story before. I didn't expect that Xiao Yan was carrying such a heavy load all the time."

"Reincarnation so many times, if I had been crazy!"

As soon as the tenth episode of magic girl Xiao Yuan is broadcast, the story of Xiao Yan has shocked the eyes. A character who was considered to be a villain suddenly made a big reversal. Her popularity rose wildly, easily surpassing apricot and Shaye. Even the popularity of the leading character Xiaoyuan was far behind her.

"Goddess, Xiaoyan is the goddess! I thought she was a bad person at first. I was blind

"It's so touching. I have to say that in today's animation, if it can be said to be the female role of goddess, it must be Xiaoyan“

On the Internet, after watching the animation, people are full of emotion and chatting about the topic of Xiaoyan everywhere. In the following days, the word "Xiaoyan" has been a hot word in microblog. And in the forum of he Xizhi's house, that is even more exaggerated. With more than 10000 signatures from member organizations, the forum administrator has to open a special section of Xiaoyan, which is the first role section of magic girl Xiaoyuan!

"I'm so convinced!"

Many cartoonists and animators also spoke on the Internet, saying that they were shocked by this episode of animation: "Mr. He Xi is so skillful that one episode can completely change other people's views on the role, without prelude, you can praise whoever you want. Is that what ordinary people can do? It's amazing. I can't take it any more! "

From the broadcast to now, "magic girl Xiaoyuan" has been holding a lot of popular roles. At the beginning, it was the sudden change of Xuejie, which made Xuejie popular, followed by Qiubi, apricot and Shaye, and now Xiaoyan popular again! These characters are not noticed by many people before they become popular, but they will suddenly turn around and become popular at one stroke.

However, "magic girl Xiao Yuan" is a total of five girl characters. Now there is only one protagonist Xiao Yuan. If the following plot makes her popular once, then this animation is undoubtedly a masterpiece - so far, there has never been a work in which all the main characters can become popular in Huaxia!

In addition, the characters of "magic girl and little circle" are more and more popular. At the beginning, the student sister changed the trend of animation satisfaction, but it has not affected other affairs yet. The characters that became popular behind are very popular. Cupid is red, and Phoenix company began to sell its peripheral parts. Last week's apricot and Shaye, needless to say, the auction was boiling, and the number of tourists to comic island increased.In the tenth episode, Xiao Yan is even more exaggerated. In major cities, young people can be seen discussing this role everywhere. In several cartoon universities, this character has been quickly added to the students' drawing courses. Even the reporter found that 80% of the new comic magazines sold by Zhongxia company and Phoenix company have appeared the character of "black Chang Zhi".

All these characters have the temperament of Xiaoyan.

Moreover, the popularity of "little circle of the magic girl" is still rising geometrically. As soon as the ninth and tenth episodes come out, the audience no longer have doubts. They have completely believed that this is a masterpiece, and the next two episodes will be wonderful. And the result that this brings, let the TV station of each place suffer unbearably.

They are often able to receive a call from the audience asking if there is a replay of "little circle of the magic girl". Once the answer is no, the audience will angrily scold them - "even if there is no" little circle of the magic girl ", then what animation do you play?" Among them, Ninghai TV station is particularly miserable. The audience points to them and scolds them for not having "magic girl Xiaoyuan". What qualification is there to say that animation is the first.

Guo Le Tong's hair is white. He is angry and resentful of "Flame Boy". He hates that it can't defeat He Xi. He is angry that he can't change his camp now. In fact, the quality of "Flame Boy" has not declined, but in the shock of "magic girl circle", it has become insignificant in the hearts of the audience.

In Phoenix company, the change brought by magic girl is also quite obvious. On the day of the animation broadcast, the front desk received a lot of calls.

"Hello! XX company? En... You want to cooperate with us to develop the surrounding area of Xiaoyan. OK, I'll transfer you to the person in charge of this aspect later. Please discuss with them about specific matters... "

"Hello! Anniversary celebration? You want to find the voice actor of Xiaoyan to participate in the performance? OK, I'm sorry, I can't give you an answer here. I'll transfer you to Shengyou office. Please discuss with them about specific matters... "

"Hello? Well, when will Xiao Yan's pictorial go on sale? Sorry, Mr. He Xi is very busy. There is no news about the auction at the moment... "

As soon as the tenth episode of the animation comes out, it seems that the whole society is boiling with it. The atmosphere of the cartoon Island suddenly changes. Various posters of "magic girl's little circle" begin to appear on the streets. The number of tourists also increases again. The portraits of sound studio become the most popular scenic spot. At the same time, the, The surrounding sales of this animation also began to sell well.

There are still two episodes left in the animation, but the effect has been fully revealed. Dozens of TV stations call or send people to comic island to get the right to rebroadcast the magic girl. Even Ninghai TV station couldn't sit still. Guoletong visited twice a week, but Meng Huo didn't let go.

"There are still two weeks left. After this animation is finished, I will give you a fair chance to get the replay right."

He explained this to other TV stations, and then everyone understood that He Xi was full of confidence in the remaining two episodes of magic girl's little circle. In other people's eyes, animation is very popular now, but He Xi obviously doesn't think so. He thinks animation can be more popular!

Only in this way can he get more benefits after the animation is finished.

"It must be a masterpiece, right... The next two episodes will also be eye-catching!"

Many people are happy and worried. They are happy that they can see the value of this animation from He Xi's attitude. They are worried that when the animation is finished, others will know the value of this animation, and then the price will be even higher - TV stations with dissatisfied pockets will not be able to bid successfully.

Time has entered December, the tenth episode of "magic girl's little circle" has been released, and its ratio is as high as 88.7%, which has attracted the attention of all walks of life.

The Chinese TV industry has not been more than 80% satisfied for a long time. However, "magic girl Xiaoyuan" has broken through for two weeks in a row. If the latter two episodes can maintain this value, the animation will certainly bring a storm and even change the pattern of the Chinese TV industry.

"Is the age of animation coming?"

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the day of the 11th episode, there was a wave of discussion in the media, and the popularity of animation soared again! All animation lovers are excited. This is a golden month for the animation industry. Everyone is looking forward to the plot of the last two episodes of "magic girl's little circle", just like the whole China is shrouded in the momentum of its coming to an end!

At the time of this episode's broadcast, the ratings of all animations in the same period, including "Flame Boy", dropped by 30%.

"The magic girl's little circle" has come to the end with the trend of destroying the withered and decaying