Chapter 457

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"What is teacher He Xi doing at home these two days?"

On the high-speed railway, Qin Ya asked while eating snacks.

"Well, rest, draw... And play some games." Meng Huo replied that he looked at Qin Ya in surprise. He often saw Qin Ya eating. This guy seemed to be a eater. Even when she usually goes to work, she brings snacks, but after eating so much, her figure is just right.

"The game? Can you play games, Mr. He Xi? "

Josie's eyes lit up. She was also a game fan.

"Ah, I'm not talking about computers and console games."

Meng Huo quickly explained that he had no time to play these games. The games he said were playing cards and chess with his assistants at home.

After returning home for two days, Meng Huo took a rest and exchanged cartoons with his assistants. But when everyone is tired, they will play some games together. These simple interactive games look boring, but playing together is especially enjoyable - cartoonists usually stay at home, and their entertainment is limited. Such activities can satisfy them.

Meng Huo is no exception. He is used to being alone. Playing games with other people occasionally is also a good rest.

"Well... I thought you were playing online games..."

Jose is a little disappointed. In this world, she hasn't been seriously hit by illness. Now she is still like a little housemaid, and games are one of her hobbies. She would like to play games with him, but in fact she is looking forward to another thing: "teacher, have you ever considered making online games?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hershey asked, she has been looking forward to Phoenix company to launch an online game works, such a game is much better than the text adventure game!

"No... I didn't think about it..."

But Meng Huo did not hesitate to deny that "pet elf" has networking function, but this is his limit. However, it's not right to say "no consideration". The right way to say it is "even if you think about it, it's no use". Meng Huo had thought about making online games before, and he wanted to move games like world of Warcraft here - but is that possible?

This kind of large-scale online game needs too much technology. Even if there is a story, it's useless. Meng Huo knows nothing about technology. Without a top-level game production team, he can't move here at all. So for games, Meng Huo thinks that he can make some text adventures, bullet screens, peer games, or pet elves, which are enough for his life.

"Don't think about it. It's better for our company to focus on comics."

He was disappointed, but ye Xiong nodded with satisfaction. He thought Meng Huo usually had too many ideas, and it was good for the development of Phoenix company to be frugal.

"There are not many things, but the essence... Mr. He Xi, you are in a good situation now, and the quality of comics has not declined." He picked up the weekly Gemini (month) and said, "this week's Dragon and tiger is very good. I expect the sales volume of this magazine will continue to rise."

"I didn't expect that the hero and heroine would be connected to each other in order to help each other fall in love... Mr. He Xi, you have a lot of courage!"

Seeing the magazine, Qin Ya's interest also rose. In the morning, she read the second sentence of dragon and tiger. She wanted to say too much about the content of this sentence.

The second sentence of "dragon and tiger" still keeps the high level of the previous sentence, so it's not necessary to say much on the screen, and it's also a real step forward in the plot. In particular, the foreshadowing of the first sentence has been revealed. The female master attacks the male master at night with a wooden knife. The male master escapes from death. After a conversation, they find that the other side likes their friends.

The woman likes the man's best friend, and the man likes the woman's best friend... So they decided to work together to help each other realize their love, and at the same time rely on each other to get further development opportunities with the person they secretly love

This scenario is really unexpected. It looks very interesting and simple, But no one in Huaxia has drawn such a cartoon, or we are subconsciously avoiding this situation. Because this kind of plot, no matter male readers or female readers, will not like it - clearly know that the two people in the cartoon are the main characters, but they like other people, which gives the readers a bad feeling.

However, Meng Huo's "dragon and tiger" won't make others uncomfortable. Although the two protagonists like others respectively, the cartoon gives people a little fresh feeling and makes people worry

Qin Ya wanted to know what skills Meng Huo used in painting, so she discussed with him on the high-speed railway.

At this time, on the other side of the earth, in the West forgotten by Meng Huo and others, Duke Anthony had just finished his breakfast.

China, the Great Eastern country, has already ushered in the sunset, but the sun in Britain has not yet risen for a few hours."Your Highness, this is today's newspaper."

After breakfast, Annie, the maid of honor, put a morning paper on the floor for Anthony. Anthony squinted and said, "is the sale of Ender's new cartoon down again?"

"Yes... Less than 20 percent."

Annie bent down and said respectfully: "the pirate king is still the number one. It is said that Mr. Ender has returned to the United States."

"Escaped?" Anthony put down the newspaper, shook his head and said with a smile, "I thought he could hold on a little longer..."

Annie bowed her head and insisted? How to insist?

Since He Xi's pirate king landed a few years ago, the cartoon has swept across Europe like a whirlwind, and a number of fans have appeared in North America. Ender, who was once known as the first cartoonist in the west, has almost no power of resistance, and lost his authority in just four months.

In the following years, Ender produced a lot of works, but without exception, he was defeated by the pirate king. It is also understandable that he will return to the United States in a disheartened way.

"Your Highness, as soon as Ender left, the initiative of Europe's comics has been in your hands..." Annie bent over and asked, "with your support, the pirate king is amazing and everyone knows that our market has gradually matured... Now is it time to invite Mr. He Xi to China?"

Up to now, they have only released the English version of He Xi's the pirate king, but Anthony has not translated other works of He Xi. Not only that, Anthony will also help He Xi to do some advertising in the first two years, but in the recent year, he didn't care

On the contrary, He Xi didn't catch fire. Many readers have no idea who the author of the pirate king is. Some readers will know He Xi's name from the signature of the cartoon, but they are also unfamiliar with He Xi - so unfamiliar that they don't even know where he is from.

Anthony didn't hide it, but he didn't publicize it. As a result, only a few people know He Xi and know that this cartoonist is a hot cartoon genius in China.

"What's the matter, your highness?"

Annie has been unable to understand the reasons. Anthony highly praises He Xi. The more English versions of He Xi's works come out, the more powerful He Xi should be here - and now

"No, He Xi won't come here." Anthony said: "Annie, I got the secret newspaper a long time ago. There is no deadlock between him and the Meng family."

Annie was stunned and then understood.

Anthony has never given up inviting He Xi, but since He Xi's relationship with the Meng family has not been strained, that means he is likely to return to the Meng family - if so, He Xi will never come to England. If he doesn't come to England, Anthony will never realize his wild hope. He Xi will be in front of him as a Chinese. Like ender, he doesn't belong to this land.

"I can't give the European market to someone who doesn't belong to it!" Anthony sighed: "although he Xi is good, he can only act as a trailblazer. After he drives Ender away, his role will not be great..."

"But without He Xi, where can we find a new one..."

"Isn't it? Now, in addition to the pirate king, there is another work that beats Ender... "Anthony looks at Annie and smiles:" that cartoonist is also a wonderful guy. "

"The rose dynasty?"

"Yes... The bloody Dynasty..."

Anthony nodded, "the rose Dynasty", this is a mysterious cartoonist's work that suddenly appeared a year ago. Because the content is too bloody and dark, it is also called "the bloody Dynasty".

This cartoon was contributed to a cartoon company under Anthony's control. At the beginning, he noticed it. Its plot was so wonderful that it was suffocating. But because of the bloody and dark content, Anthony didn't like it at the beginning - until now, it has become the second best-selling cartoon in Europe.

A bloody and dark cartoon is doomed to be unpopular, but it has sold well enough to keep up with the pace of the pirate king, and the talent of this behind the scenes cartoonist is unparalleled in the world.

"Your Highness... Do you want to woo that cartoonist?" Annie was shocked and said, "that's not good. That cartoonist must not reuse it."

She's heard of the cartoonist, but that's not a good person《 The author of "the rose Dynasty" has threatened the comic company to increase the price for many times because of the best-selling comic books. At the same time, there are many rumors that he used the comic books to trick female fans into having sex... If such a cartoonist of bad character is reused, it will bring future trouble!

Annie must not let such a man step into her master's side.

Anthony saw through her thoughts and shook his head. "Annie, you look down on me... Go and get my coat. Let's meet the cartoonist today.""Your Highness!" Annie was a little angry: "I don't care if you don't see that kind of person!"

"If it's that man, it's true..." Anthony turned back and said with a smile, "but the person I want to see is not him, but He Xi, your new master... who can replace him