Chapter 449

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
The animation Meng Huo wants to see is not "magic girl Xiaoyuan". As its creation, he has watched this animation several times in the early days.

So what he wanted to see was "Flame Boy" of Zhongxia company. Unfortunately, other people in his family didn't want to see it. This afternoon, a large group of cartoonists, led by Mr. tomato, gathered at his home. They all asked to see "magic girl Xiaoyuan" broadcasted on CCTV. Even Li Qin didn't support Meng Huo's changing channel.

"If you don't watch your own animation, why should you watch others?"

Li Qin said so, then sat on the sofa and waited.

"Hey, hey... Teacher He Xi, you can recognize it!" "The ugly daughter-in-law also wants to see her father-in-law, but we are all your fans. No matter how embarrassed you are, you have to take it out to see... And cartoonist teacher He Xi is watching" flame youth "at home, which is not good for your image."

"When it comes to image... I don't want to be said by people like you."

Meng Huo took a look at the tomato teacher and couldn't help covering his forehead. To say that there is no image, now the most unimaginable is tomato. He is wearing a nanny suit and holding a baby in his arms. He changes diapers and coaxes the baby to sleep all afternoon, which is more proficient than Meng Huo's real nanny.

This baby is not long after the birth of Huameng teacher, but also the first child of tomato after their marriage. It is said that after the birth of the baby, tomato was ecstatic and turned into a housewife! He reduced the frequency of going to Tokyo to produce "Detective Conan" and usually stayed at home to take care of his children. When drawing cartoons, Mr. Huameng once reported to Meng Huo that tomato was more like her mother than she was.

Meng Huo didn't believe it before, but now he believes it - tomato is even more skillful than Huameng in bringing up children. Such as feeding, changing diapers and carrying children, tomato has been in charge this afternoon. Occasionally, when Huameng saw that he was tired and wanted to help, tomato would complain that her actions were too heavy

After watching Meng Huo's three outlooks for a whole afternoon, the other two men, Xi Wenlin, have been trying hard not to laugh, and Mach can't help it, I make complaints about it every once in a while.

"Not a bit of a man."

But his vomit can make complaints about tomatoes immediately, and his rebuttal is only one sentence: "rest assured, Mach, you will be like me after you become a father!"

mach Every time he was speechless, his wife was pregnant, and both men were over the age of starting a family. Children meant a lot to them.

But Meng Huo doesn't want to see such a harmonious scene that "he is a male cartoonist, but he wants to hold his child with a sweet face." he can't imagine what kind of disturbance these assistants will have when they come to his house to visit after he has a child. Mac's wife is strict. If she is willing to take care of the children, it's OK. If she is not willing to... Then Mac's behavior may be even more exaggerated than tomato's.

When it comes to animation, before the animation was broadcast, the only person who supported Meng Huo to watch "Flame Boy" was Xi Wenlin's son who had just finished school.

After hearing Meng Huo say that he wants to watch "flame youth", the little guy immediately jumped out and said: "I want to watch" flame youth ", my school friends all said that I want to watch this episode of animation when I go home today, and the newspaper also said that I will regret not watching" flame youth "today."

As soon as his words were finished, he was carried away by the angry Xi Wenlin.

Tong yanwuji and Xi Wenlin are very worried that Meng Huo cares, but Meng Huo doesn't mind. He is also very interested in today's "boy of fire". He is told by this child that he wants to know more about "boy of fire". The publicity of Zhongxia company is very good. It's hard to guarantee that there will be any surprise content in the animation.

Thinking of this, Meng Huo stood up: "I remember Ninghai TV station recently opened the network channel, I went to the computer to watch it."

"Ah, teacher He Xi..." a few comic assistants were surprised: "do you want to see" Flame Boy "so much?"

"That's not true, but I've seen" magic girl's little circle "many times. There's no need to watch it again... You don't have to care about me, just watch it here."

Meng Huo explained two sentences and then turned to the study.

He used the computer in his study to open the network, and then found the official website of Ninghai TV station. But before opening the live channel, he was attracted by the news on the official website.

——The sixth episode of "Flame Boy" is wonderful and can't be missed——

The title of the news is very simple, but the content is very interesting. The news praises the sixth episode of "Flame Boy" which has not yet been broadcast from many aspects, such as "three weeks in a row", "new OP and Ed" and "two big stars joining in". The author's writing is quite good. He said that it is the most anticipated animation today, If we don't watch it today, the audience will regret it.

It's a month to wait for the replay of "Flame Boy". For those who like this animation, it's really hard to miss it.However, this news has expanded the target of persuasion to all audiences, and even rated "boy of fire" as a masterpiece that can not be ignored. Any audience who missed it will regret it, including the audience of "magic girl's little circle". Although the news did not give a clear name, it implied that several other animations broadcast at the same time were not worth watching.

This makes Meng Huo a little concerned, the news is also reprinted with the logo, its source is Huaxia animation network. Huaxia animation network is a website of animation news information, which can be ranked in the top three in the animation news industry, and it also has the newspaper distribution under the cable.

"That's the newspaper that the child said just now..." Meng Huo thought of Xi Wenlin's son's words. He looked for it. Sure enough, this news is well-known. It has been reprinted on many websites and forums on the Internet, and it's very popular. It seems that someone is deliberately hyping it.

Judging from the audience's comments, several newspapers sold newspapers with this news during the day, and a large number of viewers saw the news in the newspapers.

"The Flame Boy" really awesome. Today, a lot of news has been published.

"Yes, the new song sounds great. I don't know if the animation can speak so well."

"Don't worry... It will be very good. Don't you see the newspaper saying that there are still surprises in the animation? Originally, I was going to watch "magic girl's little circle". Now I think it's better to watch "Flame Boy!"

"Me too, ha ha... Today my girlfriend wants to watch" magic girl's little circle ", but I decided to rob her! She is the brain powder of He Xi. She always looks down on the animation of other companies. I must brainwash her this time to let her know that there are other better people in the world besides He Xi! "

And on Weibo, this news has also brought great repercussions.

Most of the audience are interested in it, and there are many people who originally belong to the magic girl circle. These decisions changed the audience of TV station partly because they listened to two songs and planned to watch "flame youth". Some people still hesitated after listening to the songs. However, seeing the news and other people's lively comments, they also decided to watch "flame youth".

Zhongxia company's method is not bad. In one day, they raised the attention of "Flame Boy" to the highest point.

By the time the two animations were broadcast, except for he Xizhi's home and other individual forums, most of the audience of the websites were leaning to one side. Seeing the audience comments of these websites, Meng Huo even had a feeling of standing in the storm. It seemed that all the audience who originally belonged to magic girl Xiaoyuan had been pulled away.

"Oh, how serious the situation is!"

At this time, Qin Ya also saw the comments on the Internet. She opened her eyes in surprise, and then

Then she calmly picked up a chocolate and ate it.

"If you don't watch" Flame Boy ", you will regret it? Who wrote this news? The writing style is really good... "

Qin Ya thinks that news is really good. Although there are a lot of news highlights in "flame youth" today, they can be written well, and even mobilize the mood of the audience, so that people can change their original intention and choose to watch "flame youth" - it has to be said that the person who wrote the news is very professional, It's all novelist stuff.

But on the other hand, from a professional point of view, this news may not be made on the spot《 The news of "flame youth" just came out today, and then there was such high-quality and detailed news immediately, and it spread out in the network and real society before it was broadcast, which is obviously impossible!

When she thinks about it, she thinks that this news should have been written long ago, which is specially used to bewitch and induce the audience. Naturally, people who can do it all know who it is.

"They are really good at fighting in midsummer. There are so many tricks. It seems that they don't want to give teacher He Xi a chance at all..."

"If you don't watch" Flame Boy ", you will regret it, because the replay will wait for a month, which is nothing." While eating chocolate, Qin Ya sneered: "why don't you say" magic girl little circle ", the replay right of this animation hasn't been sold. If you don't see it today, the audience won't wait for one or two months."

Huaxia's copyright protection is strict, and there is almost no piracy. However, the replay right of "magic girl Xiaoyuan" has not been sold. If you miss this episode and want to watch it again in the future, you don't know how long it will take.

"Flame Boy, right? I'd like to see how good you are and which audience will regret it!"

Qin Ya finished eating the chocolate, then wiped her fingers with a paper towel and opened the live channel on Ninghai TV's official website.

At the same time, whether on the computer or on TV, many viewers are waiting in front of the screen, "Flame Boy" and "magic girl Xiao Yuan" broadcast at the same time, but most people choose Ninghai TV station