Chapter 446

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Shen Jie wears a floral skirt.

After Meng Huo took out the needle, he looked at her and asked, "do you want me to take off my skirt?"

Shen Jie quickly waved: "no need."

With a reddish face, she bent down to grasp the skirt and pulled it up, revealing her pale legs.

Shen Jie pressed the skirt on her thigh with her hand, then turned her head and looked at Meng Huo: "is that ok?"

"No way."

Although Meng Meng wanted to say so, he wanted to tease Jie Shen, but in case Jie Shen was angry, he could not handle it. Her fist was as awesome as before.


So Meng Huo nodded and squatted down to look at her calf.

Shen Jie pressed her skirt tightly with her hands, and her thighs closed tightly - her face turned red, and Meng Huo was very nervous. But Shen Jie doesn't mind being seen by Meng Huo. What she cares about is her own dress.

Unfortunately, Meng Huo didn't feel the girl's heart. His eyes were fixed on Shen Jie's shin, and then he drew with his hands, slowly recalling the location of acupoints from the book.

Once in the state, Meng Huo's look will become very focused. The image of the human body in his brain and the image of Shen Jie's calf are combined together. Where there are acupoints, what kind of acupuncture force should be used, and what angle should be used to stimulate, are gradually reflected in his mind, and become more and more clear.

He didn't move for five minutes, and Shen Jie became more nervous.

"Meng Huo, why don't you move..."

As soon as she finished, Meng Huo answered.

"Don't talk, I'm almost ready..."

Shen Jie stops. She stares at Meng Huo strangely. She doesn't know if it's an illusion. She seems to find something mysterious in his eyes. But before she had a good look, Meng Huo had already started to use acupuncture. There were many kinds of acupuncture techniques, some drugs and some fire. But Meng Huo had nothing to prepare for this technique. He picked up the needle and stabbed it directly.

The first shot is as fast as lightning


Shen Jie let out a light cry, and then froze. Although it was very slight, just now when the needle went down, she did seem to have the feeling of being punctured.

"Do you feel it‘

Meng Huo heard the cry and asked immediately.

"Well, the moment I was just stabbed..."

Shen Jie honest answer, she was surprised to see the needle on the leg, good magic, this thing actually really useful. Before the doctor also said acupuncture will not be effective, why to Meng Huo hand to play a role?

"And now? Do you still feel it now? "

Meng Huo did not let go. He twirled the needle gently and asked again.

"No more." Shen Jie felt it for a while, then shook her head and replied, "just the moment I stabbed it, I felt it, and then I didn't feel it."

Meng Huo was disappointed. Sure enough, things were not so simple. He just used a lot of thought to transfer the psionic power to the needle, but it disappeared in an instant, and he couldn't maintain it for a few seconds.

Since the psionic power can exercise, it should also be able to cure Shen Jie's leg injury, but the premise is that Meng Huo should be able to manipulate the psionic power to move her meridians in Shen Jie's leg. It's very difficult. It can't be done overnight or even in a lifetime.

If he can control a stream of energy to swim in other people's bodies, Meng Huo feels that he is not a normal person, and even he should go to practice martial arts - he can definitely become a martial arts expert.

Unfortunately, the mysterious energy of psionic power seems to be a byproduct of soul crossing. Meng Huo has tried to use it before, but it can only exist in his body and can't appear outside for long.

In fact, strictly speaking, in the past, his method of use was different from acupuncture. In painting and problem-solving activities, the place where the psionic power was applied was only Meng Huo's hand. It didn't really leak out.

In order to cure Shen Jie's illness, Meng Huo has done enough research. He finds that he may not be able to control the psionic power in other people's body all his life. He has little hope to cure Shen Jie by himself.

This once made Meng Huo feel uncomfortable, but things were not as bad as he thought. He had a second move. Learning acupuncture is the evolution of this move. Although he can't control the psionic power, Meng Huo can release it.

He put the psionic power into the needle, and then stabbed Shen Jie's leg with a very fast speed. Before the psionic power disappeared, he could make an impact on her acupoints. Shen Jie's reaction just now has proved that this is feasible.As long as Meng Huo continues to study acupuncture, he can impact different acupoints through acupuncture, so that Shen Jie's leg consciousness can be restored. He has asked several professors in the Medical College of Yanjing University about Shen Jie's condition. As long as his leg consciousness shows signs of recovery, it is not a problem with the current medical technology, It can even be cured quickly.

This means that Meng Huo only needs to stimulate Shen Jie to recover a little consciousness, and the rest of the work can be handed over to the hospital. He didn't know how much stimulation it would take to achieve this goal, but Meng Huo felt that according to the current frequency, it should take less than a year, and the rest of the hospital treatment would also take less than a few months.

Anyway, Shen Jie's leg should be cured in two years. As for the consumption of psionic power, single acupuncture is very low - Meng Huo treated Shen Jie for nearly an hour that night, and he felt that his psionic power could be fully recovered after a sleep, which is not even as much as the consumption of his serious paintings.

Meng Huo seldom paints with his psionic power once in half a year now. Most of his psionic power is overflowing, and almost all of it is used to wash his body. This also leads to that Meng Huo can keep healthy without exercising.

After acupuncture, Shen Jie leaves.

She was pushed out of the apartment by the waiting nurse. Meng Huo sent her out, thought about it, and then sent out an invitation: "I'm going back to Ninghai in a few days. Do you have time to go back with me? My mother would love to see you. "

Shen Jie is very surprised. Since she graduated from high school, her contact with Ninghai has been broken. That city is not her home, nor the place where she works and lives - Meng Huo invited her to go home with him. Although he did not express his ideas clearly, it has implied that his mentality is the same as when he was in Yanjing hospital.

Shen Jie is a little shaken in her heart. It's impossible to say that she is not happy. This is the happiest time for her. She had never dreamed that Meng Huo would be so gentle to herself. He did a lot for her, but that's why

"Forget it. We'll talk about it later."

Shen Jie refuses. She feels that she can't accept the treatment now, which is unfair to her and others