Chapter 438

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Su Hua, a newly married Zhao ya, goes out to buy breakfast for her husband and his parents.

When she was walking in the street, she suddenly found a bookstore full of women. She went to a young girl curiously and asked, "what's the matter today? How can there be so many people?"

The girl looked back at her and said, "Teacher He Xi's new cartoon has come out."

Just this sentence, let Zhao Ya's heart suddenly a shock.

"Teacher He Xi has launched a new cartoon!" She was surprised to see the line of people: "Why are girls, girls comic?"

Zhao Ya can't believe it. She knows that He Xi rarely produces a girl's cartoon every year. She is also a cartoon fan. But she has been busy getting married a while ago, so now she doesn't know what He Xi has done.

"Yes, this time it's a girl cartoon!" The girl nodded: "it's called Dragon and tiger."

Her words surprised Zhao ya. "Dragon and tiger" - Teacher He Xi's girl cartoon, which can't be missed!

But she only had 30 yuan with her. Zhao Ya hesitated. Because she just got married, she wanted to leave a virtuous impression on her parents in law, so she came out early to buy breakfast. Breakfast for four is just 30 yuan, but if you buy a comic magazine, the rest will not be enough.

Zhao Ya sighs slightly. It seems that she can only buy breakfast first, and then come to buy magazines at some time. Not enough, she looked at the time. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law were still sleeping. Now she was in no hurry to go back.

"I'll take a look at the test first, and then I'll buy breakfast." Zhao Ya couldn't resist the temptation, and was in the trial reading team of the bookstore.

The trial reading team is not long, so the time is very fast. Most of the girls directly queue up to buy the weekly Gemini (month) without reading it. They have a high degree of trust in He Xi, so they don't need to try it any more.

The team soon turned to Zhao ya. Several people in front of her did not hesitate to buy after reading the sample. Zhao Ya felt like tickling. She wanted to know what kind of cartoon could be so attractive.

Open "Gemini weekly (month)", serial number one is "dragon and tiger", so there is no difficulty in turning.

Zhao Ya turned over the catalogue, the title of "dragon and tiger" came into her eyes, and then opened it, the first picture of the cartoon came out: This is a luxury room, from the layout of the room, it should be a luxury apartment. The apartment is very beautiful, and the bed in the middle is also very beautiful.

But next to this beautiful big bed, there are a lot of clothes scattered, these clothes

"It's worthy of Teacher He Xi. Even the messy clothes are painted so well!"

Zhao Ya secretly praised that the clothes on the ground were scattered, but they were all very delicate. You can see that they were very thoughtful. This simple picture is very natural to express a lot of content. First of all, this is a girl's room. The quilt is bulging. The girl should be sleeping. She's rich, and she won't take care of herself.

There are not many cartoonists who can show so many things in one picture, and it's not abrupt

But what makes Zhao Ya more concerned is that there is a narrator on this picture - "there is something in the world that no one has ever seen - it's very gentle and sweet."

What does the narrator mean? Zhao Ya's eyes continued to look down, and then the second picture surprised her, this picture is a boy's profile description. The boy's appearance can't be said to be excellent. On the contrary, he has a feeling of "fierce eyes". But just such a "fierce" boy, he's cooking around a scarf!?

It is too sharp contrast, let Zhao Ya Leng for several seconds. The boy looks like a bad boy, but it gives her a very gentle feeling strangely.

"Apron? No... this is the background... "

Zhao Ya found the reason, because the boy's background is a simple kitchen. The kitchen environment doesn't look rich at all, but every corner is clean - the background is the opposite of the first picture. The boy who is cooking with a scarf should be a bad boy anywhere, but his image has changed dramatically in this warm kitchen.

"This is a boy with fierce eyes, but good at home..."

In the two pictures, there is no introduction and the characters speak, but the two roles of men and women have been shown incisively and vividly.

One is a rich and slovenly young lady, and the other is a good boy with fierce eyes who can actually cook

"It's amazing!"

Zhao Ya was shocked, and there was a narrator on this picture. With the following pictures, the content of the whole narrator can be sorted out like this.——————

There is one thing in the world that no one has ever seen——

It's gentle and sweet.

If you can see it, everyone will want it!

Because of this, no one has seen it.

The world hides it so well that people can't get it easily

But one day, it will be discovered by someone——

Only those who can get it can see it.


"Is it love? Or fate? Or something else? "

Zhao Ya thinks that pangbai is too artistic and handsome! Although I don't know what the narrator said, its content must be about love. This is a love cartoon. The theme of dragon and tiger is announced on the first page. This theme can also attract all girls.

What's more surprising is that this narration may only have a black background in the hands of other cartoonists, and then the overture will be written on it.

But in He Xi's hand, the narration and the picture actually cooperate with each other as if they had a life. At the beginning, the narration is two completely different perspectives, and it changes between the two perspectives. The boy prepares the meal and puts it in the Bento. The girl gets up from the bed and sneezes. Then, in the last picture, when they go out of the house, they complete the narration of the narrator.

This narrator is like a living thing, it changes between the two perspectives of men and women, seems to become their inner monologue, and finally unified in the picture of two people going out.

"The narrator is for them. They are the main characters in this cartoon!" The first page of the cartoon directly tells Zhao Ya such information, without hesitation or arousing people's appetite -- He Xi shows his protagonist at the beginning of "dragon and tiger", and implies to every reader that this cartoon tells the love story of these two people.

Zhao Ya's heart thumped: "this is so interesting, so interesting!"

Her heart is crying, there is no more interesting beginning than this, two different protagonists, it is too much to look forward to the story between them!

And... This is the first page... Just a piece of pape