Chapter 435

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Alice wanted to know what Meng Huo meant, but Meng Huo didn't tell her.

"Here's the spoiler, and you won't look surprised."

He laughed and then asked, "how's Shen Jie doing?"

Shen Jie has been on the road for some time. In the past two weeks, the focus of her work has shifted to voice actors, while "secretary" has become the job of making soy sauce.

Meng Huo hasn't seen Shen Jie for nearly five days, but after asking Alice, he learns that Shen Jie's condition is pretty good. Now that Shen Jie has her own agent and other support, Meng Huo has arranged enough bodyguards for her. Alice is no longer in charge of her, but takes her away like a bird.

"After half a year's rectification, the staff arrangement and business of the office have been stable..." after Alice reported Shen Jie's business, she said her question again: "now that I have time, do you want to be your assistant?"

She used to work as Meng Huo's full-time assistant, but since she came to manga Island, with the reorganization of business and personnel, Alice feels that her position is more and more close to that of Ye Xiong. Now she is known as the head of the sound quality department, not Meng Huo's assistant.

Meng Huo gathered a lot of people around him, and the new structure of Phoenix company gradually stabilized. But because of this, Alice was a little uneasy. She doesn't care about power at all. In fact, she just wants to be closer to Meng Huo.

"Will I be left behind by him, and can only be an ordinary department head in the future?" Alice thought so, but she didn't show her mind on her face. She stared at Meng Huo's face and secretly hoped that he would say what she expected.

"No more..."

However, Meng Huo gave the opposite answer after thinking. With the help of his secretary and Zhou Qian, there is no shortage of manpower.

"Just take care of the sound studio."

His words let Alice down. After lunch, they separated in the restaurant.

Meng Huo meets Qin Ya on the way back to the animation department. Qin Ya seems to have witnessed the scene of Alice and Meng Huo having dinner together. She shows a joking smile: "Mr. He Xi, you are really harmful!"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing..." Qin Ya walked beside Meng Huo, her eyes turned, and suddenly asked, "how old is Miss Alice this year?"

"Alice... She's about 28 years old..."

Meng Huo frowned slightly. Qin Ya mentioned that time passed quickly. When she first appeared, Alice was 25 years old, but she was 25 years old. Now she is 28 years old.

"28 years old..." Qin Ya stopped and looked surprised: "teacher, didn't you cheat me? I can't see it at all

"Me too." Meng Huo smile, he can never forget, the traces of time in his eyes more clearly than ordinary people.

Shen Jie has changed the most in recent years. Alice's appearance is almost the same as that of a few years ago, and her skin is well maintained. She is quite self disciplined in her life. Meng Huo believes that she can live a long life.

"It's incredible that she is 28 years old..."

Back in the animation department, Qin Ya still couldn't believe it. She always thought that Alice was about her age.

"OK, hurry to work... If you are envious, you can learn how to maintain it with her in the future."

Meng Huo drives Qin ya to work.

11 On June 13, the eighth episode of "little circle of the magic girl" was broadcast. The content of this episode tends to be dark and reveals the second truth of the magic girl at the end.

The previous content said that a heroine prayed for a miracle in order to help the boy in secret love cure his illness, but the consequences of this miracle exceeded people's expectations - the boy didn't know the reason for his cure, he was with another girl, and this girl was another friend of Xiaoyuan.

Wishing cured the sweetheart, but the sweetheart was robbed by friends, and she also became a body without soul - the girl who became a magic girl fell into despair, lost herself, began not to care about her own injury, attacked the magic girl by self mutilation, and even had a quarrel with Xiao Yuan.

At the end of the eighth episode, the girl turns into a new witch because of despair.

"In this world, people call growing women girls. So... You who will eventually become a witch should be called a magic girl! "

In Qiubi's words, the biggest dark curtain of "magic girl Xiaoyuan" has been opened. It turns out that the magic girl is the girl before she became a magic girl. And the witch they have been eliminating is actually evolved from the previous magic girl. People who become magic girls have to bear as many curses as they cause and save.This truth is more amazing than the truth of the last soul gem!

"It's amazing... This play is a masterpiece already!"

After watching this episode, everyone trembles with excitement. The world outlook of the magic girl is finally revealed, and it is more amazing and shocking than all the media and experts predict! This episode once again subverts the overall atmosphere of the animation, revealing many mysteries and the main line. It's unexpected that the magic girl and the magic girl have such a wonderful connection.

"The magic girl is the predecessor of the magic girl. I've never seen such an obvious hint!" The media were shocked, and many reporters couldn't help thinking about the brick knocking themselves to death: "witch, magic girl, lying trough! The truth is hidden in the animation from the beginning

The truth of "magic girl little circle" has always been hinted. Looking back, not only reporters, but even the audience are stupid. There is such an obvious hint from the name, but until it is revealed, no one guesses it right!

"Teacher He Xi is so wonderful!"

"No wonder he is the founder of magic girl. He Xi's level of playing magic girl is different from other cartoonists!"

On the Internet, some comic readers can't help laughing at other cartoonists with the theme of magic girl. You can see what you've achieved after playing for so many years. How can people be scared to death at the first move. But cartoonists can only smile bitterly. He Xi is a legend in the comic world. How can he compare with him?

In this way, "magic girl small circle" after the eighth episode broadcast, all the people who pay attention to it can't help clapping! However, the world view of this animation has been opened, and the fog has almost disappeared. In the remaining episodes, is He Xi able to win the flame boy?

The media began to speculate, but many contributors didn't know how to choose the results. They focused on November 14, when He Xi's new work was launched.

This day's cartoon sales can provide them with a reference