Chapter 381

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Meng Huo stayed in Tokyo for a few days and found nothing noteworthy.

So he got up and went back to Suhua, but coincidentally, when he just returned to comic Island, a media suddenly burst out surprising news.

"The 18-year-old robbed the bank and claimed to be inspired by Detective Conan!" In the East District of Yanjing, in a case of bank robbery just opened for trial, the criminal suddenly said in public that he was inspired by "Detective Conan" to rush to rob the bank. The reporters on the scene immediately wrote down the incident and then published it as a report.

"Detective Conan" is a hot detective animation, other media are trying to find relevant news, this case came out at the right time, it attracted the attention of many media.

For a time, news about Detective Conan and bank robbery spread wildly in Yanjing and Ninghai. Many reporters changed and fabricated the facts on the basis of other news without even going to Yanjing. They firmly linked the bank robbery with Detective Conan.

Meng Huo found out about it the first time. He asked Alice to investigate the specific situation. Alice spent half a day collecting the information, and then reported it to Meng Huo easily: "it doesn't matter. These are small news. The real situation is not as influential as the media said."

The bank robbery suspect's behavior and "Detective Conan" in any of the cases are not similar, his words are pure nothingness, the media's report is unable to withstand scrutiny. Although the incident spread in Yanjing and Ninghai, it did not affect the animation of Detective Conan.

Alice thinks she can ignore the news. The bank robbery is absolutely not big. No matter how arrogant the media is, it can't change the fact of the case itself. Phoenix doesn't care at all. Even in the event of a situation, they can get away with a statement.

"So simple?"

Meng Huo frowned slightly. Alice had a point, but he didn't think it was a coincidence.

"Pay attention, I'm afraid someone is deliberately targeting US."

He reminded Alice that Alice didn't think so. She didn't think Meng Huo was too thoughtful.

But two days later, another news appeared, similar to the bank robbery. But this is a murder case. When the suspect was speaking the crime, he said that he used the technique from "detective Conan". The news was exposed, and the media were more excited. The follow-up news of the last news was still there. This time, two news media were not only noticed in Yanjing and Ninghai, Suhua and Tokyo. Even on the Internet began to appear related reports.

"How could there be a second one!"

At this time, even Alice thought it was wrong.

"Detective Conan" serial for so many years, there has never been a case related to reality, this cartoon seems close to reality, but it is very difficult to imitate the above modus operandi. What's more, "Detective Conan" is a popular cartoon. Any stupid criminal dares to use the above techniques to commit a crime. Isn't it obvious that he is telling others who the murderer is?

It has not happened once in so many years, but twice in just three days. This kind of frequency is not normal.

"I'll go and investigate!" Alice went to the crime area by herself. During her investigation, the second episode of Detective Conan was broadcast, and the audience rating was not affected.

Two days later, Alice came back to comic Island, not looking very well.

"This murder is a bit like a crime in Detective Conan." She told Meng she about the case. In this case, the method of murder by the suspect is not related to detective Conan. But his hiding fingerprint skills are the same as that in the comic book.


Meng Huo was almost amused by this similarity. As long as a criminal with anti reconnaissance consciousness, there are some ways to hide his fingerprints. But hiding fingerprints is not very special. The simplest way to commit a crime with gloves is almost the common sense of criminals now. So it's not surprising that some of the fingerprints hidden in Detective Conan are the same as real crimes.

"This can't prove that he borrowed the technique of Detective Conan!" Meng Huo said.

"Of course, it's OK to call it a coincidence." Alice nodded, but her face was dignified: "but the problem is that reporters use the same method to hide their fingerprints, which can make reporters write a lot about it. We have no evidence to justify the criminal's lying, so they can drag the case to" Detective Conan "... In addition, Meng Huo, in my investigation, I found that the criminal owed more than 100000 yuan of usury before he was put into prison, and now he has paid it off."

Alice frowned and said, "maybe you're right. Someone's aiming at us on purpose."Meng Huo was stunned and asked for the details, but Alice shook her head. She also has no clue. She learned about usury through other channels, but the criminal's family said that it was not the case, and the usurer never borrowed money at all. Alice could not find any clues and evidence. She just suspected that other people had bought the criminal with money and lied.

"I asked a friend from the bank to check the account, and there was no clue. It was probably a cash transaction."

Alice smiles bitterly. She is Miss Xu, a graduate of Yanjing University, and has been in the entertainment industry for several years. She has a lot of contacts, but she still can't find the clues behind the news. It's almost impossible to find him.

This is a premeditated and organized set up.

"I don't know who's setting us up, but it's too bad!" Alice sighed: "once or twice is OK, but if it goes on, if this kind of news appears many times, whether true or false, the audience rating of Detective Conan will be greatly affected. What's worse, if the TV station is forced to stop broadcasting, it will be in trouble."

If Detective Conan is connected with real cases for many times, it is likely to be regarded as an animation that has a vicious impact on society, with unpredictable consequences.

Thinking that the news would continue, Meng Huo's face could not help but chill: "the reputation of Detective Conan has been damaged. Who can get the most benefit?"

"CCTV Animation, of course..." Alice was stunned, then frowned: "you mean CCTV Animation? It's impossible... How can CCTV do such a thing? "

"In any case, go and investigate!" Meng Huo said: "there is also a focus on the recent cases. If there is a technique similar to" Detective Conan ", pay attention in advance, maybe you can catch the action of the backstage agents."

Alice nodded, but she was worried that the case pool of Detective Conan was too large. As long as others deliberately found fault with it, it was very easy to find cases related to it. It was very difficult for Phoenix company to wait and see.

The development of things is the same as what she worried about. Although Phoenix company strengthened its vigilance, a few days later, another case appeared, which was linked with Detective Conan. Moreover, this case is extraordinary. It is totally different from the previous two cases. It is a massacre that people all over the country are concerned about. It has even been emphatically reported in the legal column of CCTV and other TV stations.

The reason why this case attracts people's attention is the identity of the deceased, who is a famous Chinese entrepreneur. He is worth billions, but in April this year, the whole family of entrepreneurs was killed by their subordinates.

This subordinate's wife was an employee of the enterprise more than ten years ago. She was obscene by the entrepreneur because of her beauty. No one thought that this woman was loyal and jumped from the balcony of the company in order to keep her chastity. After the incident, the entrepreneur found a scapegoat and went to jail, and he himself was at large.

The woman's husband was worried and angry. He changed his name and worked hard in the enterprise for more than ten years. Then in April this year, he took advantage of the entrepreneur's birthday and family reunion to enter the enterprise with a gun, creating a tragedy that shocked the whole country.

"It seems that he is still a man with ambition..." Meng Huo wanted to boast about this man's ambition, but now the criminal turned to detective Conan. He didn't think it was a man's way.

"And then! What does this case have to do with Conan? The case happened in April this year, when the animation had not come out yet! Moreover, I don't remember painting such an idiot like this when I took a gun and rushed in to kill people without covering my face

If "Detective Conan" criminals are so aboveboard murder, then there is no reason.

Alice agrees: "the case itself has nothing in common with Detective Conan."

She was very helpless, said: "but the prisoner claimed that he had a family to raise, so he didn't make up his mind to do it after he bought the gun. Until April this year, when he saw the animated news of Detective Conan on the street, he thought that even the villains in the animation would have retribution. If he didn't take revenge on his wife, how could he face her? So he... "

The news this time is that the criminal aroused a long-term hatred in his heart because he saw the news of "Detective Conan", and created a tragedy in a crisp way

"..." Meng Huo was speechless. This time, the reason made him feel like he was shot lying down.

If such reasons are OK, how can Phoenix company prevent others from framing Detective Conan? There is no place to start!

However, even such absurd reasons can become "truth" when they break out and are processed by the media and journalists. A few days later, along with the first two news reports, "Detective Conan" began to catch fire again, with negative news reports flying everywhere, and the concept of some audiences gradually changed.After the broadcast of the third episode of the animation, the audience rating, which should have been in the rising period, has dropped by four percentage points. Whether this is just the beginning of a decline, and whether there will be more vicious news behind, Meng Huo doesn't know... But he is a little angry