Chapter 364

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
In April, the daily number of visitors to comic Island dropped to four or five thousand.

The number of people is much less, but they are barely able to maintain the funds for the operation of the facilities. Everyone in Phoenix company is relieved. What's more to celebrate is that other businesses have poured out confidence in the future of the comic island because of the success of the carnival. Several businesses have actively contacted Meng Huo, and the unstable factors on the comic island have been eliminated.

However, carnival is just a stimulant. It can't completely change the territory of comic island. In order to expand the business of comic island in a long and stable way, Phoenix company has to carry out a long process of publicity and promotion.

He Xi's new work is the best way to build popularity. In April, Meng Huo's plan is to sell Pokemon.

However, this does not mean that he has to do his best to focus on Pokemon. On the contrary, he has other important things to do. After the carnival, Phoenix company has several tasks to continue to deal with: first, four magazines have entered a critical period of business development, which requires a lot of promotion and channel laying; second, a number of new businesses have entered the comic island, The third is the second volume of "burning eyes of Shana" on sale, and the fourth is

All in all, there are a lot of urgent work to deal with. Meng Huo was busy for a few days to finish the work - or, in other words, to allocate it.

He handed over the magazine to Ye Xiong and others, the business of comic island to Zhou Qian, and the issue of the second volume of "burning eyes" to the editorial department of Ninghai. Alice integrated all the things of the new animation department and the sound actors, including the follow-up development of Xiachuan reality and long Xue, while he went back to his line and speeded up the completion of Pokemon.

There are enough assistants to let Meng Huo breathe a sigh of relief. After putting down these businesses, he goes to Jidong to discuss with Sakura animation about the animation of Detective Conan.

"Up to seed will end in May, but it's still too late to prepare for Detective Conan..."

On the plane, Meng Huo couldn't help sighing that if he hadn't been careless, he should have been able to prepare the animation of Detective Conan earlier.

However, when they arrived in Tokyo, after talking with Takashima and his wife, they said something that surprised Meng Huo: "Teacher He Xi," Detective Conan "may be released in May."

Meng Huo was surprised. He didn't understand what was going on until Gao Dao and his wife gave him a thick document. It turns out that more than ten days ago, Sakura animation had been secretly making the animation schedule for Detective Conan. This schedule was originally used to persuade Meng Huo, but after Meng Huo agreed to hand in Detective Conan, the schedule could be implemented directly.

The schedule gives full consideration to the difficulty of animation production of Detective Conan. Thanks to the support of the original cartoon, Detective Conan omits the most responsible story production and plot setting. The difficulty of animation can be greatly reduced. The production cycle can be reduced by half compared with that of "seed", and the construction starts in early April, The first episode will be in mid May.

"It can be done in more than a month, and it's very fast... But you have to take care of the production of" up to seed. " Meng Huo walked around the office, frowning slightly, and said, "are there not enough people?"

"There's pressure." Takashima nodded: "but the animation team are very active, they are willing to work overtime, and we also contacted several outsourcing companies to help..."

For Cherry Blossom company, it's the biggest blessing this year to get the animation production right of Detective Conan. Everyone in the company is very excited, More than 80% of the employees in the animation production department are excited like chicken blood, and even write down their certificates and are willing to give up all the holidays from April to May.

It's not surprising that "Detective Conan" is a hot cartoon, and it's a hot cartoon with no ending. If you can participate in animation, it's equivalent to having a stable job for decades - the "iron rice bowl" that all employees and painters dream of.

"Well, I'll ask Ninghai to send some people over."

Meng Huo nodded quickly. He stayed in Tokyo for a week, and had a very detailed discussion with the animation department on the famous detective Conan. After ensuring that the production route of the animation would follow his own idea, Meng Huo turned and flew back to Ninghai.

When he returned to Ninghai, the first thing he did was to transfer some of the staff from the animation department to Tokyo to help, including tomato and Xi Wenlin. They are the assistants of the cartoon "Detective Conan", and their understanding of the cartoon is second only to Meng Huo. With them, Meng Huo is more confident about the production of "Detective Conan".

In this regard, "Detective Conan" things come to an end for a while, the animation publicity work is also entrusted to cherry blossom company.

After finishing this, Meng Huo began to do the most important thing about Pokemon.

He took the high-speed railway to Yanjing, the capital of China. On this trip, he was invited by Longquan company to go to Longquan headquarters to discuss the publicity and pricing of Pokemon, with only three assistants.Yanjing, the biggest city in China, is worthy of the name. There are a lot of people getting off the train, and the station is full of people. It took Meng Huo a lot of time to find the people who picked him up, even though they were not far from the exit of the ticket gate - but Meng Huo was surprised to see the people who came to pick him up.

"Why did Mr. Li come in person?"

Li Longshan, who was wearing a suit, was standing in the middle of the transport staff. Seeing Meng Huo, he said with a smile, "Mr. He Xi is a distinguished guest. How dare we neglect him? By the way, this is also my guest..."

Li Longshan suddenly pointed to a middle-aged man beside him and said, "he is the development enterprise of win, Mr. Zhou Hu, regional manager of Datang company

"Nice to meet you, Mr. He Xi." Before Zhou Hu left, he warmly shook hands with Meng Huo and said, "our company attaches great importance to the market value of Pokemon, so please let us make do with your cooperation with Longquan this time."

Zhou Hu is very direct, just a word to explain the intention. Seeing that there was no malice on his face, Meng Huo readily agreed.

In the next two days, Meng Huo and two companies in Yanjing had a detailed discussion on the pocketeeper, and signed a contract. The final price of pocketeeper was set at 30 Huaxia coins - Phoenix company occupied 20, Longquan company occupied 10, and Datang company had another purpose.

Pokemon is promoted by three companies, but all the advertising and promotion expenses are paid by Longquan and Datang, and Phoenix company takes a big advantage