Chapter 315

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Bai Lan is a high school girl, one of He Xi's fans.

No matter how good or bad He Xi's works are, she will collect one. The same is true for the release of "clannad". When she was at school in the morning, she was in a hurry to buy a collection bag.

In fact, she has no interest in text adventure games. She has never played the last game of He Xi. Bai Lan just likes the feeling that the room is full of He Xi's collections. This time, I bought "clannad" with the same idea, but I was very surprised to find that the comments on the Internet were one-sided, completely without the bloody and violence of the last game.

"Is it really that fun?"

Bai Lan's personality is more withdrawn. She spent a day in the forum with her mobile phone at school. Too many compliments made her curious. From other people's comments, she learned that "clannad" is an excellent love game, not as pornographic as other games of the same type, but also suitable for her as a girl.

"Try going home." Because tomorrow is a holiday, Bai Lan decides to go home and have a try.

After dinner at home in the evening, Bai Lan quickly locks herself in the room and asks her parents not to disturb her. She takes out the game box of the collection bag, which has more than 500 Chinese dollars on the Internet, but Bai Lan doesn't want to sell it. She has a good family and doesn't lack this money.

Open the collection bag, the content is also very rich, but what attracts Bai Lan most is the small mobile phone pendant.

"How lovely..."

This is an image of a girl's Pendant, the girl has brown shoulder length hair, small looks very cute. Bai Lan excitedly hangs it on her mobile phone and looks at it in front of her eyes. The more she looks at it, the more lovely it is. She makes a decision: "I want to see this person's story."

Although she didn't start playing "clannad", Bai Lan knows from the forum and chat room that there are many heroines to choose from in this game. The story of each heroine is very moving, and it will get twice the result with half the effort to establish the strategy goal.

"Who is the character?" Bai Lan took out the picture album in the box and just opened it. Unexpectedly, the first character was the girl: "yes, the name is Zhu? The character introduction is... A girl who is not good at words, introverted and has no independent opinions, and has no confidence in herself... "

After reading the introduction, Bai Lan turns over the introduction of several other heroines. They are either Emperor Wu, the monitor, or the talented girl. All the female characters are very powerful. But Zhu's introduction is very common, weak personality, no self-confidence - most girls are like this in reality.

"Just like me..." Bai Lan is also an introverted girl and has no friends. She had a good feeling for the woman owner and played the game. It was the first time that she played the game. It gave her a strange feeling to watch the story from a boy's perspective. There is no strategy on the forum of he Xizhi's home, but it's evening now. The strategy of characters has been basically sent out. As long as you want to find it, you can definitely see it in the chat room or other places

Bai Lan played while watching the strategy.

Zhu in the game is a timid and lonely girl. Bai Lan feels that she is too similar to her, and Zhu is more sympathetic. Originally, she was weak in character and poor in health. She even stayed in the first grade. Repetition is a terrible thing. She didn't know her classmates at school, and the familiar things became strange, which made her stand on the ramp in front of the school, hesitant and afraid of going to school.

Bai Lan was distressed: "Teacher He Xi's writing is too delicate..."

She felt sorry for Zhu's experience. She felt like she was in the middle of nowhere. This is from the game's perfect depiction of some details. He Xi shows the story incisively and vividly with details. This is Bai Lan's favorite place, but sometimes she also hates this - the delicate plot will make her sad.

Fortunately, Zhu and the protagonist meet, Bai Lan operation object is the protagonist, she desperately help Zhu, want to save this and his very similar girl.

Zhu's dream is to perform drama, timid she was lucky to get the help of the protagonist. The protagonist takes her to rebuild the drama club. They distribute leaflets everywhere, but they fail because they don't get permission from the school and the student union. Zhu wants to give up, but the protagonist under Bai Lan's control encourages her to cheer up again and again. They continue to work hard to rebuild the drama club. In the process, they also encounter all kinds of people and affairs.

Although the plot of "clannad" is mostly daily life, its picture and music description are very impressive. Bai Lan gradually indulges in it. She is used to the male perspective and has no sense of disobedience.

Then, the game smoothly entered Zhuxian, the reconstruction of the drama club was successful, and the story began to climax. The drama club is going to perform at the school festival. However, when everything goes well, Zhu suddenly learns about her parents' past.

Zhu's father used to work in the drama company, and his mother was a teacher. They had a very bright future. But because Zhu's health is not good, in order to take care of Zhu, they give up their dream and come to the town to open a bakery. Kindhearted Zhu was hit hard when she learned about it. On the stage, she thought of her parents and couldn't play any more."It's my fault, I let my father and mother give up their dreams... And now, I sacrifice their dreams to realize my dreams... Such things... I can't do."

On the stage, Zhu shed tears, and then at this time, Zhu's father suddenly appeared on the high stage, he cried out: "Zhu - are you a fool! A child's dream is a parent's dream! Why not do it yourself! Our dream is that you can realize your dream!! We didn't give up our dream, but put our dream on you

"This is the so-called parent! This is the so-called family love! So, we have been waiting for this day since that day, while baking bread

This is a very passionate confession, coupled with the surging music, it makes Bai Lan feel tears in an instant. Zhu has always loved drama. From the beginning of the reconstruction of the drama department, she and the protagonist have been working hard to overcome many obstacles. She finally stood on the stage, but she could not forgive herself because of her love for her parents. Her father's confession that "children's dream is parents' dream" hit the center of Bai Lan's weakest heart, which made her cry.

"This is the family, this is the parents..."

Bai Lan suddenly finds out how great her parents are. She recalls the care of her parents from childhood to adulthood. She can't help crying more and more. Although Zhu in the game perks up again and the drama performance ends slowly, the scene of the confession is recalled in Bai Lan's mind again and again, especially with music. The plot is very touching.

"Family", the theme of clannad, is really worthy of the name.

"Why can teacher He Xi always write such touching stories and songs?"

Bai Lan wiped her red eyes. She loves and hates He Xi. The game goes on, the school festival is over, the protagonist and Zhu confess, and they become lovers. Zhu became mature and strong, and everything became warm and calm. But before long, the disease appeared again in Zhu's body. She was admitted to the hospital and could no longer go to school, so she had to repeat her grade.

But the protagonist's steps could not stop. He graduated. On the day of graduation, Zhu came out of the hospital to see her. The protagonist confides to her the sadness of not being able to spend the campus life with her. He wants to repeat his grade, but Zhu refuses. Zhu says that even if she is the only one left in school next year, she will have the courage to face such a life.

"This time, she won't stop on the way, she will go on

No matter how far you go, no matter where you go

Even the continuous ramp

We need two people to climb together. "

As the last few lines fade away, the story of Zhuxian is over. It's 2 a.m. when Bai Lan plays the game, but she doesn't feel sleepy.

"What a touching story..." Bai Lan said, her eyes were still a little red, but her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled: "but why is it such an ending?"

The end of the game is positive, Zhu has become mature, Bai Lan believes that even when Zhu repeats, he can be strong enough to live on campus. And the personality of the protagonist has changed a lot, he will find a job, and then when Zhu graduated, he should be together - a very perfect ending. It's right to say that it's the right ending, but Bai Lan thinks it's not right.

She learned from some online reviews that other people's endings were very good, foreshadowing will be very clear, but this line is very strange. After the memorial ceremony, Zhu fell ill again and then repeated her grade. It doesn't seem like the end of the story. Many things have not been explained clearly. What's the matter with Zhu's body, whether she will be ill in the future, and what will happen to her and the protagonist? All these have no results!

Bai Lan can't sleep. She opens the chat group of He Xi's fans to see if anyone can ask.

As soon as the chat group opened, unexpectedly, there was a very lively chat inside. Bai Lan saw that because of the holiday, many people were staying up late to play games, and some people talked about Zhuxian.

"You all think Zhuxian is strange. I've got the latest news. The ending of Zhuxian is definitely not the real ending! There is a big God in other groups. Yenching animation newspaper interviewed Mr. He Xi last night. Mr. He Xi said that the main line of the game is Zhu line, and there are other contents behind the Xueyuan chapter. However, to open this main line, we need to collect eight Guangyu, and the specific content of the news will be published in tomorrow's Huaxia animation daily, which is absolutely right. "

"True or false, besides the current plot, what else?"

"I knew that Guangyu is not simple, but there are too many eight. Let's study the collection method of these eight Guangyu!"