Chapter 291

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
All the people around Mo Ming are stars.

Although they were not big stars, they were soon recognized and cheered.


Xu Jing and his wife were also present in the audience of the distinguished guests. His face looked very bad.

"Honey, what's going on? Why do so many stars suddenly appear?"

The blonde asked strangely. She learned from her husband that it was a celebration led by Phoenix company. It cost millions to rent venues and facilities alone, and no extra artists were invited out.

"They are uninvited guests..." Xu Jing sighed: "this celebration seems to be regarded as a threat by some brokerage companies. There is a star concert near the cultural square. In recent days, a few stars suddenly said that they would go to the friendly performance, which attracted a lot of fans in the past, and the time is tonight, which reduced our attention..."

"Look at these reporters, Originally, there were more than 40 media to attend, but now there are only a dozen. "

Xu Jing pointed to the reporters carrying cameras and taking notes in front of the stage. At this time, the reporters had found that Mo Ming and others appeared and turned the camera to them.

"More than half of our media went to that concert?" The blonde exclaimed, "I didn't notice it at all."

"Of course you won't notice that their concerts are not very lively." Xu Jing shook his head and said with a sneer, "although I have pulled a lot of multimedia, I just got the news that the audience of that concert was less than 5000, which can be said to be a complete failure. The number of people here is more than ten times that of them..."

"So it's not good for these people to come here." He looked at Mo Ming and others indifferently, and wondered: "it's just a celebration. These people are so noisy during the day and tossing at night. Who is leading all this?"

He always felt that someone was deliberately targeting Phoenix company or He Xi, but Xu Jing had no idea who that person was.

"Are they trying to sabotage our show?" The woman was a little nervous: "what exactly do they want to do?"

"Just look at it."

Xu Jing looked at the past. The appearance of Mo Ming's group of people has now fully attracted people's attention. Especially the media and reporters in front of him are aiming at them for the first time. Just when he found Mo Ming and began to ask, other stars also began to accept reporters' interviews.

"Ah, we? We are the loyal fans of Teacher He Xi. We come here specially to support

"Yes, confiscate a cent, really, really..."

"Singing? As long as you want to hear it, of course, I'm very happy to sing a few songs here... Those voice actors are all new people, and if we can guide them, we will also feel happy. "

The words of these stars made the audience more excited, and many women took photos excitedly.

"Are they going to perform on stage, Moming?"

"Wocao, it's true or not. It's worth seeing so many stars today!"

"Teacher He Xi is a loser, but in this way, those voice actors don't have to perform, do they? I still think it would be wonderful for them to give the stage to Mo Ming! "

Hearing the comments around, Xu Jing's face could not be colder - it turned out that the idea of these stars was to occupy the nest! If they perform on the stage, the voice actors will be eclipsed, and the master of the stage will become these stars.

"It's a good abacus..."

On the one hand, Yang Liang also understood the idea of a group of people in Moming, and said: "Phoenix company is in a dilemma."

Stars give performances to Phoenix company for free, and they all come here voluntarily. Can Phoenix company drive them away? With the appearance of Mo Ming and others, the atmosphere of the whole hall has been mobilized, and the influence of the star effect in this guild hall has grown up. In fact, just one mo Ming is enough to make everyone boiling.

What would the audience think if Phoenix refused these requests? They will think that Phoenix will be disappointed if it gives up the best and takes the worst. Even so, the bigger problem is that if you refuse Mo Ming and others face to face, it will cause dissatisfaction among their fans. There are many star fans on the scene, which will definitely lead to riots.

"It's mean, but it works."

Yang Liang thinks that free performance seems to be very beneficial to Phoenix company, but in fact, the stars are not at a loss. The stage is full of tens of thousands of people. If it includes the live broadcast outside the guild hall and on the Internet, the audience will even exceed 200000. No star will feel that such a stage is too small.

It's also a rare opportunity to perform here."I see..." Yang Liang suddenly understood that, if including the webcast, in fact, the influence of the celebration is much greater than that of the scene. No wonder the entertainment industry will be so vigilant. There are no stars joining the 200000 stage, but the new career of voice actor is launched. It's strange that they don't take action!

However, the star suddenly killed, this move ordinary people can not do, their thick skin to such a degree, it is unexpected - what should Phoenix do?

"Chairman, what shall we do?" At this time, the comic editor in chief Ye Xiong came to Xu Jing's side and said cautiously, "Teacher He Xi has gone home for dinner, but he hasn't arrived at the scene yet. How do we deal with this situation?"

When Xu Jing looked at the audience, the readers were obviously very excited. All eyes were fixed on a group of people of Mo Ming. At this time, he had no choice: "let them play, these stars are here, it's unreasonable not to let them play... You let LV Xue chat with them first, delay the program, wait for Meng Huo to come... He should be coming soon."

Ye Xiong nodded.

"I see."

He left the audience to find Jose and politely invited a group of stars to the stage.

The mood in the guild hall became hotter. Xu Jing's wife looked at the boiling crowd and worried: "is this OK? I think everyone is more excited! "

"No problem." Xu Jing replied: "now Meng Huo... That boy should be able to solve this problem."

A year ago, he would have been nervous, but today, a year later, Xu Jing has many expectations for Meng Huo.

At this time, the voice actors who are preparing backstage are in a panic.

"When Mo Ming came on stage, the company let those stars also go up. How did they show up? What should we do?"

"Those bastards must have come to grab the stage. What a shame!"

"The stage prepared for us by teacher He Xi has been robbed... We have to wait until this day. Are we going to give up again?"

What's happening now is a nightmare for these voice actors. Most of them are unknown artists who have been in the entertainment industry. They have managed to find a new way. Tonight's stage is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they may not have a second chance. Everyone has made every effort to prepare for a few months, I didn't expect to be interrupted before I appeared

This cruel situation makes some vulnerable women can't help crying. Even some people who have experienced big storms can't help feeling dejected at this time.

"No problem!" At this time, there is only one Crisp voice full of vitality. The voice actors turn their heads and look at their new partner, masakawa from the Far East.

"The elder brother of the president said that this is a stage for us. He will not let those people take it away for sure!" Xiachuan real clenched his fist, said with firm eyes: "as long as we wait for my brother to come, we can come out!"

This girl is the youngest child among the voice actors. However, at this time, she is the most determined person. Long Xue, standing on one side, looks surprised. She looks at Xiachuan Zhenzhen and then laughs: "yes, don't be discouraged. Teacher He Xi hasn't come yet. We should believe him!"

"Teacher He Xi..."

"That's right, we still have teachers to cherish!"

"Teacher He Xi's words will not disappoint us!"

Other sound actor Leng a moment later, began to comfort themselves and cheer up, the confusion of the background slowly subsided. Long Xue walks to Xiachuan Zhenzhen with a smile, touches her head and praises her: "I thought you and Shen Jie were different types of people. I didn't expect that you would do something similar to her..."

It's a pity that Xuelong Shen Jie is not present. If Shen Jie is present, she will certainly raise her morale to the highest level. Maybe she will run out and punch those stars, Just get rid of them.

"Shen Jie? Who is Shen Jie... "

Xiachuan asked curiously. Long Xue was waiting to answer. Suddenly, a voice actor exclaimed in surprise: "Teacher He Xi is here!"

"What, teacher He Xi is here!"

Other sound actor's line of sight suddenly turned past.

On the stage, LV Xue has a hard time chatting with the stars. She wants to open up the topic, but these stars are also very sophisticated. How can they lead the topic to the performance? The secret meaning is to force Phoenix company to accept their stage performance earlier. After a long time, one person directly launched the attack.

"In other words, it's not too early now. Why hasn't the program started yet? I think the audience are impatient. How about let me sing a song first? "

The star came straight to the point. As soon as he spoke, many people in the audience called out yes. The star laughed and then stood up: "it seems that everyone agrees, so I'm more respectful than obedient. Who is in charge of the stage work? Can you play some music for me? Just use my famous song... ""Sorry, we don't have that song!"

Suddenly, a voice came in. Meng Huo, wearing a suit, walked out from the backstage with a microphone.

The whole audience was silent, and then there was a huge cheering: "what a pity! It's teacher He Xi! "

"Teacher He Xi appears!"

"Camera, aim!"

In the audience, rows of readers stood up excitedly, and the cameras and spotlights quickly aimed at the past.

"Good evening..."

Meng Huo walked in the light, he showed a gentle smile to Mo Ming and others: "welcome to my stage."