Chapter 246

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Good morning."

In the morning, at the gate of the Phoenix company, long Xue and Ji Lianhui meet. After greeting, they walk into the Phoenix building side by side.

"Sister Ji, have you seen teacher He Xi's the pirate king?"

Long Xue asked. The two female artists have been working in Phoenix company for several months. In addition to weekly pet elf, they also participated in the dubbing of fatestaynight. Now they are very familiar with the company.

"Yes, I think it's great. The sales volume is good, but there is less media coverage."

Ji Lianhui and long Xue walk into the elevator together and start to chat.

"The media are also very helpless. I heard a familiar reporter say that they are going to be played crazy by teacher He Xi. They don't want to smoke their faces any more, so they don't write... I'm so happy."

"But there's a lot of talk about the pirate king everywhere. It's the same whether there's a report or not."

"Yes, yes!"

LV Xueshen has the same feeling. Many of her friends are discussing "the pirate king". This cartoon has no audience restriction. A few days ago, LV Xue tried to bring it to her father, but she didn't expect that the old people would enjoy it.

"Recently, Zhongxia company has begun to be silent. They don't publicize new cartoonists or comment on the pirate king. Sister Ji, you say... They won't be scared by teacher He Xi, will they?"

Ji Lianhui smiles at the words.

"If I were them, I would be speechless now."

Zhongxia company spent a lot of money to publicize "weekly boutique" in order to set up a model of comic magazine boutique in China. As a result, just one month later, Phoenix company's "Xi" was born, which made the "weekly boutique" go down the drain, including Li Xin. Zhongxia's efforts fell short.

"They are really unlucky. If they want to offend anyone, they have to offend teacher He Xi."

Long Xue shakes her head and sighs. She is not familiar with the sales of comics, but she knows He Xi is good at comics. It's hard for Zhongxia company to deal with him where he is good at.

You know, He Xi also did two other things - animation and games, and did not fail! Long Xue participated in their production, so she knew how powerful He Xi was.

"Pet elf", the animation is known as the first animation in China. The audience rating of CCTV's two animations is not as good as that of it. Moreover, it makes the audience of Ninghai TV station increase day by day. Even those who are good singers have benefited. Recently, they can get the chance to interview with TV station.

Long Xue relies on this animation. Although she is not famous, her life is much better than that of a few months ago.

Another work of He Xi, fatestaynight, is very small, but its influence is unimaginable to ordinary people. There is a whirlwind of text adventure in the whole game industry. Not only cartoonists, but also voice actors are invited by many game companies.

With "pet elf" and "fatestaynight" and other dubbing opportunities outside, long Xue's income has become abundant.

She heard that Phoenix company is planning to build a separate sound excellence office, and long Xue has decided to join. She believes that the sound excellence industry will have greater development.

After animation and games, all sound actors are very happy with their original choice, and they are convinced. He can do so well in animation and games. Zhongxia is just killing himself to deal with his best cartoon.

With this idea in mind, long Xue and Ji Lianhui walk into the backstage where the animation department prepares for the sound actors.

Other voice actors have arrived. There are men and women. They are having a lively conversation. As soon as long Xue listens to it, the topic they are talking about is the pirate king.

"It's almost working. Why don't you stop talking so loud that you're not afraid of breaking your voice?"

Ji Lianhui went to one side, put the bag into the cabinet and asked with a smile.

Her words got a female voice actor's reply: "well, sister Ji, we're talking about the master of the pirate king, the road flying... That kind of hot-blooded man is really good. Do you like sister Ji, too?"

"No Ji Lianhui locked the cupboard, walked over and said with a smile, "I prefer Conan."


Others are curious. Conan is a primary school student.

"Because Conan is smart." Ji Lianhui pointed to her head and replied, "I like smart boys."

"If you want to say that, I prefer the expensive tree in five centimeters per second - it gives me a very real feeling, just like the boy next door."

Another voice actor expressed his idea, and other voice actors began to disagree."Then I like the hero in Inuyasha. His ears are hairy. I really want to touch them."

"What about the protagonist of the pirate king? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Well, I also like the protagonist of the dream eater. He is very dedicated to his feelings. "

"The protagonist of" YINGLAN university male public relations department "is also good..."

"At the end of the day, everyone likes different characters!"

A group of women began to laugh. Male voice actors also talked about their favorite female roles. There was a lot of noise backstage. Long Xue put a salute on the cupboard, feeling that teacher He Xi's works are very attractive, as if everyone's preferences are included.

After she put the salute away, she turned to join the topic with a smile: "in fact, everyone likes the same."

They looked at her.

Long Xue stretched out a finger and said, "we all like teacher He Xi!"

The whole backstage was quiet for two seconds, and then there was a burst of laughter. However, the laughter didn't last long. All of a sudden, everyone covered their mouths. They looked at the door and came in with less singing.

"What's the matter with you?"

She stopped and looked at a group of people with their mouths covered in surprise.

"Shen, Shen Jie..." long Xue took the lead in recovering. She wiped her cold sweat: "you didn't hear what I said just now, did you?"

Teacher He Xi is the death of this girl. Last time a female voice actress joked that she liked teacher He Xi. As a result, Shen Jie "accidentally" broke an iron bar on the spot, so that everyone was afraid to talk about this topic in front of her.

"What did you say?" Shen Jie strange crooked head, but she did not explore, instead pulling long Xue, said excitedly to her: "snow elder sister, you quickly look at my SMS!"

She takes out her mobile phone and shows it to long Xue. It's a text message chatting with Meng Huo.

Long Xue looks at it curiously. She finds that Shen Jie sends good night to Meng Huo every night. There are lots of text messages, but only yesterday did Meng Huo reply.

"Don't send it again. Good night."

See this message, long Xue's eyes immediately full of sympathy, she thinks Shen Jie is very poor, He Xi teacher so cold is not too cruel.

"He said good night to me, this is the first time..." however, Shen Jie was very excited. She didn't seem to notice long Xue's sympathetic eyes, and her face was full of joy.

"Sister Xue, do you know the meaning of good night? Wanan is "I love you, I love you." I expect him to reply to me like this every day. Ah... He finally said this sentence to me... "

Shen Jie holds up her cell phone like a baby.

Long Xue's heart is a little complicated. Her idea suddenly changes and she begins to sympathize with He Xi